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Argosy University

  • Argosy University Reviews

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    Ranking: #79
    Non-Profit: Yes
    Country: USA
    Accreditation: Argosy University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, California, 94501,

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Argosy University Reviews:

Degree Has Helped Me

DBA - October 6, 2019
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I finished in 2015, well before all of the financial issues occurred that caused the shutdown this year. I felt like the program for the DBA was as rigorous and good as I would have received at a public university (I felt the poorest education I received was at the public one where I received my BS, BTW). I do think the school was pretty expensive, and really had no problems except for a couple of instances. First, an instructor in one class hinted that I committed plagiarism (I taught as a consultant for many years at the grad level, plus work for the government, so doing something underhanded is not even a consideration) and talked down to me and many other students. He was a total jerk. I also had some difficulty getting timely reviews from my dissertation chair, but other than that he and the rest of the committee was easy to work with. Other than that, the instructors were great and I had cutting-edge education that has helped me progress in my career way beyond my undergrad or master's ever did. It is a pity that the school wound up getting the shaft from the Department of Education instead of the department working with them to clear up the serious financial problems, but look who is running it and I'm not surprised.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Great on line experience!

Psych - May 25, 2017
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I earned my Masters degree in Human Services. I found all of the courses and instructors interesting and they helped me learn a lot.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Worst school ever

MSM - January 4, 2017
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I don't know where to start. I went to Argosy in Atlanta Georgia after living in Minnesota where the school system was awesome. Argosy in Georgia was the worst. I tell you from enrolling as a student and trying to work for them. They fire me at their school saying I couldn't file folders in alphabetical order. Next had classes where I couldn't get any professors online to respond to me. I reached out to them and counselors and no one reached out or communicated back. I failed two classes because I couldn't get help online they kicked me out and said my time was up. So I wasted money and time trying to learn. When I tried to reapply they had the nerve to tell me they would start me all over in their MBA program but won't allow me to finish what I originally enroll for. I say run for the hills if you can. They put so much fear in me but I'm overcoming it and I'm about to get back in grad school and graduate with my masters in management. Argosy killed my dreams for 3 years, made my life a living hell and will never recommend anyone to step a foot on their campus in Atlanta GA. I don't know how other campuses are but the dean, president, whoever else they have here was horrible. They are greedy for your money and that's it. If you live in Atlanta Ga do not wasted your money or time.

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12 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Doctoral Organizational Leadership Candidate

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - January 4, 2017
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I am a doctoral candidate in the College of Business at Argosy Online. I started the program in 01/2014 and will be final defending in the next week or so. Even though I am right at the finish line, I still have some very serious concerns about the institution. One is they are not student centered. Meaning that the University puts their needs before the students, an example if you make it to dissertation, you have to hold them accountable for TIMELY feedback and support. The blocks currently are 15 week, but they have changed them to 7.5 week blocks now - and that is going to be a disaster for students, because feedback is not timely in any area. The IRB process cost students many unnecessary weeks, and I believe it is on purpose to force students into extension courses that cost $3,000 each. If you do not meet the deliverables for a block - you must be enrolled in an extension. Most of the time it is not the student that is the problem - but the school and the committee, either not communicating, disappearing, or taking over 2 to 3 weeks to respond to your submitted work. The financial aid process needs a complete overhaul - nothing is timely there either. You have to fight the entire time through this program to hold THEM accountable for what THEY are supposed to be doing to assist YOU in graduating from the program. At times, it seems like they want the students to fail or at least pay for courses over and over through extensions to increase their revenue. Even though I am at the finish line - I am still holding my breath - because I do not trust the University at all. Until I have a conferred degree on my transcript and and one in my hand along with the degree - I will not rest easy. I was able to attend this University as an employee benefit when I worked for an EDMC school, that is why I took advantage of it - but could I recommend this school to others...................I could not due to their lack of transparency and serious lack of a student centered focus. The entire dissertation process has been an absolute nightmare and it should not have been this way - but due to the lack of organization on the part of the University and their lack of attention to Professor obligations at their school and others, the students get shafted. If you do pick Argosy, just be prepared for a bunch of crap, because you will have to deal with it each and every day.

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13 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Earned my degree!

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - December 27, 2016
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I worked diligently and earned my degree. I am now a full professor and proud of my academic accomplishments. Argosy is expensive, but provided me with a quality education that supported my career goals.

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2 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Organizational Leadership Doctorate and Argosy University Issues

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - November 18, 2016
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I am currently at Argosy Online working on the Ed.D degree in Organizational Leadership. The course work was not a challenge for me - but the real challenge is trying to keep this school from stealing from you. What do I mean? Well, when ou make it to the dissertation block - they all of a sudden have a increased response time and waste a lot of time in your 15 week block in an effort to cause the students to go through extensions. If you appeal, they try to find every reason to not refund your money when it is the institution and its faculty that are the problem. It is an absolute nightmare of lies, disorganization and lack of responsibility on the part of Argosy. I am currently writing chapter 4 and 5 and hope to final defend in December 2016. However, I don't know because I don't trust them at all. I cannot recommend this school to anyone - and if you do enroll, you are doing so at your own risk. I plan on filing a formal complaint with the department of education once I finish. The current program chair of Argosy COBM is a Dr. Mancini and he is ineffective in his role and not helpful at all when issues are presented to him about what is going on in the College of Business and Management. I have never been so disappointed in an institution that should be student centered - but they are organizational centered with the prime objective of getting as much money out of you as possible by using inefficient faculty and poor operational procedures - all designed to e a disadvantage for the student. I WILL SAY IT AGAIN - I WILL NOT AND CANNOT RECOMMEND ARGOSY TO ANY PROSPECTIVE STUDENT! It will be the worst and most costly decision you will ever make if you enroll.

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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Dont waste your time or your money

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - November 18, 2016
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Argosy in Tampa is in a beautiful building in Tampa, good location. Teachers are terrible, generic posting and no real engagement. Required to do two gull weekend days of residency regardless if you have 2 or 22 people in class no real education going on here. I had one professor that told us about how Crown Royal and a cigar was the highlight of his day and how he could wait to get home to his. The big kicker here is how they use veterans using their GI Bill, they will re certify you for an entire year of these expensive non learning courses then overcharge you for "digital " books you never use, h and with all these campuses they have no internal bursar so any bill you do incur (although using %100 Gi Bill you shouldn't) they send it directly to a credit collection agency. I got a call from a collection agency before I got a bill from argosy. Dont do it!

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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Wish I never

Psych - June 13, 2016
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I'm being given that don't pertain to my field, I wish I never did this already up $ 33.0000 it's crazy I can't wait to get away from this school if you 50 plus years and slow learner like me think twice

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful


Ed.D Organizational Leadership - January 12, 2016
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I had a good experience at Argosy while completing by classwork but when I was working on my Proposal for my Dissertation it became a nightmare. I was assigned to a Chairperson who did not know what she was doing and that was for over a year. Then they reassigned me and the committee kept jerking me around with change after change after one could agree. With a 3.83 average I had thought I would do it simply. After two years of this and then getting to the point of Defending my Proposal the school called me and told me I had too many credits and had to drop out...I was devastated and my family was appalled. A month later they called me again and reported that I could return to school. Can you even imagine what I told them....Bad experience, really bad!! Do not even consider Argosy U as you will most likely end up disappointed as I did.

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20 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Wouldn't let A level w/Masters Clinical Psy continue to Doctorate

Doctor of Psychology - November 28, 2015
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Our daughter entered Argosy at Honolulu and was told that she could complete the program's leading to Doctor of Clinical Psychology. Upon completion or her Masters in Clinical Psychology and application to enter the Doctorate studies and having paid $65,000 to complete the Masters she was told that she had insufficient experience to enter the Doctoate program. Why was she told that she could complete all studies for the Doctorate then rejected when she applied? Now she has a $65,000 burden hanging around her neck.

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15 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Health Service Management

Masters of Science in Health Service Management - July 14, 2015
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I graduated and wanted to attend graduation for my Master Degree but due to lack of communication I never got to walk the stage. I completed it in 2 years actually ahead of schedule because I doubled up on classes once. The curriculum is great and you actually have a lot of work to do. I had several small papers due a week and there were no short cuts on doing them. After I graduated in 2013 I relocated to Southern California and have been looking for employment every since I've gotten here. I wish they would help more in that process. I also agree it is very expensive as well but once I find a good job then it will be worth it and I'm trying to stay optimistic.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

non-licensure for ALL online programs

MA of Forensic Psychology - July 3, 2015
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As an older student, I am going to be truthful here; I had one very bad experience with an instructor who would not communicate in a timely manner for a project, this caused delays and then I could not finish it on time and she would not give me more time even though it was in her discretion to do so, right in the middle of me travelling to see my son graduate from basic training in the Army. For this failed class, I tried to file a complaint on the instructor, which I had a right to, but process seemed too rigorous so I opted to not file a complaint. I continued and I have 3 more classes. I just found out that my program is a non licensure program which I assumed there was some other option to do forensic counseling because all the class examples involve counselling. Yet in this state, you must be licensed to do counseling. So I asked for a call from my advisor which took 2 weeks, which he called and I found out that any licensure programs in this state, must have as on-campus for the program. So, all this course/class work on counselling and I can never use it! I totally misunderstood the details of what Masters level psychologists can do. I got it now. I'll finish my program and go to a licensure program elsewhere. So now add some more money and time to the $60,000 I owe to the student loans I have already.

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12 of 16 people found the following review helpful

For profit and definitely not for the people

Education - July 2, 2015
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If you're looking for an institution that cares more about meeting it's student quotas than student success, Argosy University, Chicago is the place for you! I have never seen a place where the admissions team only cares about how many students they enroll. The Director has basically brain washed the top officials to believe that she is for the students. For example, there were times when admissions representatives would go to her because they knew that a student wasn't ready for the fast paced class in the undergrad program. Joanna would tell representatives to enroll the students anyway. The Director of student services is never available. I remember one rep talking about her disabled student that urinated on herself in class because the handicapped restrooms were locked. Wow, who are you guys really for? Students with disabilities are only cash commodities who are enrolled to meet those quotas. It's a shame that so many people are lied to and taken for granted. The turnover rate in admissions is ridiculous...and that's because people work there and realize that they don't care about students only about getting them through the first couple of weeks of class, or census as they call it, so that Argosy can get paid. After that, it's the hell with the student. If you are considering any argosy at any location...think twice. Your degree won't mean anything in the real world. As a matter of fact, start at a community college and take many of the general classes that you need. You will save a ton of money and more than likely will work with an institution that really cares. Run fast...oh, and be on the lookout for a book about proprietory institutions AKA the ripoff scammers!

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Ed.D - Education Leadership

Educational Leadership - May 22, 2015
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I started my (Ed.D)Education Leadership program back in January, 2007. Eversince, everthing and every experience at Argosy University, Santa Ana, California has been an awesome lifetime gift of God. I love every member of faculty, staff, and supporting body of university. However, after three years of my rigorous studies, I had completed my all courses. I took comprehensive exam but unintentionally and unknowingly I run it through "TurnItIn" and that's where my all hardship became to halult and invain. AUOC accused me of "plagiarism" which I never intended but a stupid mistake. I honestly informed Argosy Board bebore handing over my all Comps' papers, but very disappointed as they never gave me another chance. What a shame, I'm under so much education loans' debits and I need a fair consideration to complete my dissertation blocks and earn my Ed.D degree. I'll appreciate if i can be given a chance to complete my Ed.D without any prejudice preconditions from AUOC, California, USA. I got DBA degree online from UK, and left California with all heart breakings. I'm now a well respected prominent Professor of Business Administration in China, and love every thing I teach and facilitate my business grad and under-grad students.

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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful

So far, so good.

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - December 8, 2014
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I am currently enrolled in the online Counseling Psychology program. I have completed all of my course work and have passed the comp exams. I had resolved two serious incidents with this school. They even worked with me to erase the tuition of two courses. Thus far, my dissertation chair has been supportive. I am pleased with the education that I am receiving at Argosy. I do find the faculty responsive and interested in providing their students with a quality education. I did find the weekly posting of assignments and making two comments to the works submitted by my colleagues very annoying. I find not having CACREP accreditation very disappointing. However, I would recommend the online Counseling Program to anyone who enjoys working independently. That potential student should have a wide range of counseling experiences on master's degree level.

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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful

MACC or Clinical Psychology Program at Argosy University

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - November 13, 2014
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This is for Atlanta only, so let me make that clear from the outset. I am attending the program now, only because state laws increased the requirement from 48 hours to 60 hours which means 4 more classes and about $10,000 plus books ($500). That being said, here is my breakdown of the materials, teachers, the institution itself, support and overall value. Materials: Marginal at best. Most teachers copy a boiler plate syllabus, often you will even see another teacher's name on there by mistake, and it is not often correct. The syllabus ALWAYS requires you to buy one more book then you will ever need and chances are if there is a main textbook, the other 2-3 books are just a total waste of your money - do not buy them! A waste of space, money and time. Teachers: Wow, this runs the gamut but here goes. The large majority are DOCTORS, but hold the phone. Again, doctoral degrees are largely EDD's and not PhD's in the MACC programs. And if you look even closer, those with PhD's are not licensed psychologists. You can get a PhD from anywhere but if I am in a licensing program....I want you to be a licensed therapist, not a teacher. Student Teachers: Yes, some PhD's are tired from their day jobs so they pass the buck off and make the students teach. Some might argue, "This is how you learn!" B.S. If I am teaching a chapter or 9 chapters, you had better be paying me. I do not pay $2200.00 per class to teach it, but at Argosy Atlanta I have been in 3 of 12 required courses where this is now commonplace. They mask it by making it a group project or requiring a PPT presentation, but you are still doing the teacher's work while she does some assessments she should have been doing at the office. The Institution (PHYSICAL LOCATION and AMENITIES): Deplorable. There are 4 floors inside an office building and you would not even know it was a school unless you asked. A few signs adorn a garage when driving on a highway, a mini sign (like Kinko's with 8 other companies included) outside and a few badges inside. It is not the ARGOSY bldg, they lease the space. The STUDENT LOUNGE you ask? Well that is located on the 4th floor and consists of one couch, 3 tables, a soda machine and two vending machines (often at least 1 is out of order). Embarrassing. It is not your customary graduate lounge and there is only one lounge. IT: The IT department is on the 3rd floor and rents you video cameras on CD ROMS that are from 1992. Again, it is an embarrassment. The guys there are nice but they are mostly there to help inept teachers learn how to lower their screens for a PPT presentation or get sound. Otherwise, nothing. TECHNOLOGY: Wow, you have 3 computer rooms, although there are plenty of computers I will say, with about 2 printers per room. On a busy day, you might have 10 students per room but NEVER will there be more students than computers. The computers are relatively new (2-3 years old), but since it takes 30 screens to actually get to work, meaning password upon entry screen, upon password, etc. THEN, YES another THEN, the school just instituted a PRINT SCREEN wherein it will charge you if it deems that your work is not school related. This is new as of 2013-2014, so if you are trying to print out a large document and the computer deems it not ARgosy related, there is a screen that bills your account for the printing. Yup, like a KINKO'S!!! Are you kidding? This school gets $2200 per student, per class, per semester and has the gall to charge by the page? FEEL: Once on the floors, there are flatscreens that direct you to classes and show some promise of technology but it feels like a rent-a-school. For all the dough this school takes in, they nickel and dime every student and you almost get the feel that Corey and half the other textbook writers are getting a kickback for their books that haven't been updated since Freud was psychoanalyzing. SUPPORT: All MACC and Clinical Psychology students have an assigned advisor but nearly half have never seen or heard from them. If and when you do get their office hours, it might be once a semester or once a year. FACULTY: Almost all female, almost all African American. Of the full time, on campus professors, this flops a bit to be about 70/30 Caucasian which is fine, no racism going on from the school, but that leads me to the admission process. ADMISSIONS: Argosy does not require a GRE. They require an application, GPA and an interview. The interview is basically to see if your check will clear, nothing more. Never seen anyone turned away from the school once they get to the "interview." The reason I say this is because you fill out paperwork asking if you will be needing financial aid, how much, etc. AID: I have heard nightmares. While I am a pay as you go student, there are many who are not, probably 90%. Of those, nearly 100% admit to late payments, delays in payments, and typical red tape that goes on but far worse than most schools who have it together. GRADUATION: You have to finish classes, comps, practicum and internship before "aaplyuing" for graduation. From there, they "grade audit" you to ensure you have taken all the courses but this can take weeks, even months. DIPLOMA MILL: Well, not exactly. What do you get for all your hard work over 2-3 years, plus 10 months of interning when graduation comes around? NOTHING. I graduated from one of the largest schools in the entire country and when graduation was over, my name was on a diploma, correctly, with my degree and ready for framing. AFTER GRADUATION, the school takes 4-12 weeks to mail your diploma. Yes, I have seen people who "walked" in December get a degree in May. MAY! Why does it take so long? Terribly understaffed where needed, poorly staffed where not needed. OVERALL: The only reason you go to Argosy or any CACREP accredited program is to pass the comps and the NCE. If you do not pass comps or the NCE, there is not point in applying. So what is the unpublished passing rate? 76% in 2014. Yup, 1/4 of all students will fail the NCE when they graduate at Argosy Atlanta. Argosy Universities in other states are as high as 90% or higher. Why is Atlanta lower? You can take a guess, I do not know. STUDENT BODY: The student population is shockingly African-American. It is not that this is Atlanta Metro, but you would have to be a fool to not see some kind of pattern here. About 90% or higher of all MACC program students are AA. WHY? Unsure. Caucasians make up about 5%, other races 5%. Males are non-existent and I barely saw any while I was there. During my three years I never saw a single white male in the program. Not one! That is bizarre, but this is the environment if you wanted to know and have read this far down my review. CONCLUSION: Argosy will get you there, if you can put up with the rent-a-school feel, the poor lounge, the teach it yourself attitude and teachers who are not licensed professionals who practice. I would rather learn from a LPC or NCC than a EDD who spent 3 years on some teaching discipline which is basically unrelated to diagnostic impressions of clients. I called them DR. ED's - because they were talking horses and basically sat in class waiting for you to answer a book they did not even know was required. NCE: Well, you get what you put into or out of anything. If you study hard you could probably pass the NCE without the MA in psychology but it does not work that way. Now the law requires about 3 years of classes PLUS 10 months of interning without pay. You are basically a PhD in this program after investing 4 years of your life in it. PAY: Pay is tough to average. Believe it or not, a LAPC or LPC makes a hair under a psychologists' salary. You might start at $37,000-$45,000 and finish at $75,000. Once you are a full fledged LPC, it just depends on how good you are and how many repeat clients you can take. Few therapists who are ethical can take 10 clients a day, so make that closer to 6-7. At $80 (cash only) per client, that is $500 a day. Not bad. Take out taxes and that is more like $350 a day if you have all cash paying clients. Insurance will pay you about half that when you hang a shingle or work in a group. Expect to bill at $80 and collect at $55. After taxes, about $40 per hour while in private group practice. COST: This is relatively simple to figure out. Take 60 credits and multiply that by $2300 per 3 credits. So it is 20 classes, $2300 per class, or $46,000.00. Add in 5% inflation per year and that adds about $6,000-$8000. So for $54,000 plus books (gotta have your books) add $125 per class if you like new books, $50 per class for used. Go new, you will thank me for it. That is another $2000. So, your total out of pocket cost to get you from ZERO to LAPC/NCC (if you pass all your classes, comps and the NCE that is) is $56,000.00 (plus $3000 as you haven't applied yet and tuition increases 5% a year on average) So that is it from start to finish at ARGOSY of ATLANTA. It is not pretty, often not well taught, but you can do it. Some teachers are worth every penny, but that is very few in that jar. Your friends are you colleagues and they will literally save you from quitting and help you pass comps and the NCE. Get to know your colleagues and work with them, even if you do not like them - after all, you will be being taught by them 20% of the time.

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21 of 25 people found the following review helpful

Argosy--OD (Washington DC Campus)

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - November 3, 2014
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The Washington, DC campus is outstanding! Excellent instructors and class mates. I am in the dissertation phase and love every moment. Thank you Dr. Klinefelter and team for your leadership and guidance.

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful

How is this place getting APA accredited? Ugh!

MA of Forensic Psychology - September 20, 2014
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Argosy was such an awful experience, which was mostly due to the professors who were obviously there to collect a part time job paycheck and that was it. One professor sent out a bizarre rambling email that he was high on painkillers among other ramblings. There was no support and no mentoring. It was such a negative experience compared to my undergrad experience. I'd never consider Argosy for a doctoral program. Among the policies on top of policies that change with the winds, the two worst? The entire forensic psychology program was changed without a word of it to students. The treatment and assessment programs were merged together. There were so many assessment courses, I almost quit. Secondly, they do not refund or credit you if you have a medical emergency and are hospitalized while in the middle of a class. They suggest appealing the policy and trying to get your money back. This hope is dismal at best. And, this is the place teaching me ethics? What a big fat joke. Stealing from sick people is wrong.

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12 of 13 people found the following review helpful

should have just went to a REAL school

Psych - September 17, 2014
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I have attended this school for a year now. It seems like they only answer the questions that they want to answer, rather than the ones I am asking. With all the money that I am spending for this school for one year, I could have put into a local college for 2. It's sad these are supposed to be "college level" classes, yet a family member who's only 8 can do my work with ease. I spend no time researching and doing my essays, yet pass with flying colors, unless it's late. THIS COLLEGE IS A SCAM. I'm stuck here until graduation and have no clue what I should do. You are better off buying a brand new sports car than going here, after all, the sports car costs less! NEVER AGAIN!

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Critical thinkers only apply

MA of Forensic Psychology - August 21, 2014
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I already had a graduate degree before I enrolled in the MAFP program. I wanted to further my knowledge. If you do your research, an MA in Forensic Psychology does little but enhance your credentials for a job you may already have in the field. This can mean understanding the interaction of psychology and the law and legal precedents that impact the field. This said I left the program with an intense understanding of the nexus between psychology and the law. One of my colleagues who is Harvard educated was amazed at how much I got out of the program. The majority of the complaints I see here seem to be based on consumerist expectations and not the investment in knowledge building. Graduate school is not a space for hand holding. You do most of your work in the library and research. When I was working on my PHD, our classes essentially discussed our research and got feedback. Not every professor is stellar. I went to a world class research institution and studied / worked with a famous scholar who was the WORST professor ever and I had left my life to move out of state. Grad school isn't for everyone and more often than not the student weeds himself out. The faculty that taught me in this program were stellar. I researched them all and made my decisions based on their work. Not all were stellar but as a professional I wrote them outside the context of the assignments to gain knowledge they were excited to impart. I was was probably the jerk in the program that reported plagiarism because I wanted this MA to at least mean something. You get what you invest in the program and yourself.

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful

OK Experience

M.Ed. Educational Leadership - August 18, 2014
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This program is like many other online programs. You get out of it what you put into it. A previous reviewer said it was "set up like a diploma mill.I disagree. "Diploma mill" implies anyone willing to pay money can receive a degree. You actually have to do a lot of work to do well in this program and those that do may find it rewarding. I completed my Master's in two years and haven't looked back. One should note it is easy to get lost in the process and it is perhaps too easy to get accepted into the program. Group studies are especially difficult because a number of people don't want to put in the work. A more selective admissions policy would perhaps weed out those who expect things to be easy. The program is also very expensive. Overall, I found the program to be quite valuable and relevant. I enjoyed going back to school and I would recommend it for anyone "on the go" who is serious about pursuing more education.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Have to Put In The Work!!!

Psych - June 12, 2014
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I read a few of the negative reviews from current and former students and I wondered if it is the same university. I have a GPA of 3.5 and I am a junior studying for a Bachelors in Psychology. I have had only ONE horrible Professor. Although, some have been very strict with course requirements. However, I have been very pleased so far. I have had a few personal and medical issues that caused me to withdraw from classes on two separate occasions. My Academic Counselor worked with me. I was checked on and given a coach. I have even received assistance from counseling services when necessary. Professors/Instructors have responded in a timely fashion. The courses are fast paced and require time, focus, and dedication. Because of the fast pace, there is a lot of reading. I have wanted to quit and on those occasions I reached out to my Academic Counselor. The tuition is a bit steep, but I do not know any university where it is not. Okay, my one issue I wish it was possible to keep the same Academic Counselor through graduation. I love my current Academic Counselor, Amy, and I hope she remains my Academic Counselor until graduation. I recommend Argosy Online. Also, how can a school be so poorly run and have an A+ rating with the BBB? YJ

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15 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Dissertation Timeline

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - May 7, 2014
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I am enroll in the Ed.D Pastoral Community Counseling program. I at this moment trying to reach the craziness timeline of Argosy and post every week or de kicked out of the program. I never heard of a University placing a weekly post from the student or having a unit timeline of work that needs to be done. I also never seen the craziness of the tuition as Argosy has. Its incredible that was one finish their degree, if finish, the student has to work their rest of there life paying student loans. Within the mentoring for advise, I never heard from the mentors to guide you on an issue that has to do with Argosy. I believe that Argosy needs to re-structure there entire programs and stop accepting every interested person in the program and seek better professional professors that can assist the students. Finally, if I can transfer my credits and obtain another degree from a non-profit school, I will do in a heart beat. People do your research. I believe that Argosy wants to pro-long the dissertation process to get more money from the students and pay off their debits. That is why Argosy has a 80% debitness and had to cut the pay on their professors. SAD....when one wants to progress in life and a school tries to scam you.

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12 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Argosy University - Ed.D. Instructional Leadership

Education: Instructional Leadership - May 1, 2014
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Argosy University - Atlanta is a good school. I obtained a Doctorate in Education, Instructional Leadership at Argosy - Atlanta and it was, as with any course of study, largely up to me to the degree to which I recieved maximum value for my money, time and effort. I have seen many posts (a significant number of which are very poorly written and have spelling and grammatical errors... hmm... telling)that are negative and speak to experiences in which the student was failing or is no longer in their degree program. To this I have to say, Argosy University holds it's student body to a level of academic rigor that is appropriate for the level of study in which you are engaged. I would not have wanted to attend an institution of higher education that did anything less. I worked diligently for my degree and no one held my hand (as no one does at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc.) in a graduate degree setting, you are at the next level and are expected to function as such. Your success is up to you. Moreover, I attended 3 different universities for my Bachelor's (University of South Florida), Master's (University of Scranton) and Argosy (Specialist and Doctorate) and I have yet to hear of the University that is not a large bureaucracy where documents get lost and phone calls are not promptly returned. This "Utopian University" does not exist. All financial aid offices, admissions offices, registrars offices are the same, welcome to higher education. If you plan to stay, plan on being diligent, patient and working hard and you will be fine.

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13 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Do not enroll. Seek a competant program.

Doctor of Psychology - April 5, 2014
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Students are forced to swallow incompetent, unethical, and unprofessional "consultations" from professors that amount to no more than bullying and name calling. Having shared my experiences with a number of licensed professionals in the field, I have received the following feedback regarding my experience: Professors have no competence in the area of religious diversity; Professors are unable to manage their counter-transference responses to students; Professors intentionally create environments that are coercive of therapeutic relationships, which should be considered an ethics violation; TAs are not given an appropriate level of "supervision" for the "interventions" to which students are subjugated. If given the option to enroll again, I would not, because I do not believe that I should be subjected to shame and humiliation in order to complete a graduate program. When I graduate, I will not look back on my experiences with fondness, but will remember the hatred which students must endure at your institution. I look forward to never having to think about ever having attended this program in the future. I hope that the APA shuts Argosy Chicago down so that other students will never have to endure what I did.

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10 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Run while you still have time.

DBA - March 19, 2014
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Run. Do yourself a favor. Easy to get into hard to get out. My dissertation chair and committee member which is the business program chair are incompetent and did not do their jobs. No one I know graduated on time and this cost students more money and time. The chair had my dissertation for a couple of months but policy is two week turn around she made four simple comments which would only take 30 mind. Lazy. If you do not like students or do not like to work then don't become a professor idiots!

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful


Business Management - March 14, 2014
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Argosy is a JOKE! Tell me how a student with a 4.0 GPA needs tutoring? Goes to the tutoring and all they do is change your work for you! In the middle of my Math Review II, they switched me to a new instructor due to "lack' of attendance,once again a 4.0 GPA. So, tell me how I'm lacking? They also sent me a check for my student loan, a whole whopping dollar. Declared as a "clerical error", then didn't receive the full amount for another 6 months. My adviser doesn't find it necessary to talk to me nor e-mail me. This school is a joke. I have struggled with my newest course and no help, week 3 into it and no help. First month or so they called nonstop now I'm lucky to get an e-mail. i got told i would be doing a course for 5 weeks with a two week break. I haven't had a break from it since I started, and no knowledge of when the semester or year is over. Big waste of time.

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Good Experience

Clinical Psycology - January 31, 2014
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My experience: I began the Argosy/Phoenix Psy.D. program in January 2003 and by May of 2006 I had completed my classes, practicums, CCE, and CRP. I matched with my first choice for a neuropsychology internship in Toronto, and in the fall of 2007 received my Psy.D. I passed the EPPP on my first try, became licensed in Ontario, and now make 140k. As with any graduate program, some parts were quite difficult and not everything was fair. My placements could have been better, but I got what I needed--an accredited degree--in a very short period of time. I came to this program with an MSW and 19 years of clinical experience. Academically, I found Argosy Phoenix to have a well-organized curriculum with explicit objectives at each step along the way. However, they should tell students up front that they might fail the CCE and inform them of the consequences if that were to happen. I agree that the CCE can be daunting, and the decisions that come out of these evaluations are not always easily understood. The brightest student in our cohort (you take your classes with the same group of persons so you figure it out) was a young woman who failed her CCE. BUT, the reason was she became anxious and "choked." She repeated it a year later, passed, and later graduated. I almost blew my CCE due to anxiety but managed to pull through. I felt that I was always treated fair; that Argosy delivered what they promised. Yes it cost a LOT, but the Psy.D. model really made sense for me, a middle-aged, mid-career student who wanted to get through ASAP with no interest in teaching or research. I have NEVER encountered discrimination as a result of my degree. People don't really care where you were trained. They care about CAN YOU DO THE JOB. Argosy trained me well and I have had a number of opportunities. I am now at my dream job in a small-town family health team. Argosy did an excellent job of preparing me for work as a clinical psychologist. I would do it all over again. I can offer a bit of advice for surviving a graduate program. My advice is: be cordial and professional, avoid conflict, do not call attention to yourself, avoid focusing on negatives. Like it or not, in a Psy.D. program your behaviour is being evaluated. My mantra during my time at Argosy (and other graduate programs) was simple: "Keep your head down, your mouth shut, and perform." I believe part of the reason I was treated fairly at Argosy was because of this. I saw others who were more "reactive" and they got caught up in dramas. Not always their fault, either. A good attitude is, "I am going to take what I need from this experience; the rest I can leave behind."

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26 of 27 people found the following review helpful

Used to be a great school

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - January 31, 2014
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The Twin Cities Campus was the jewel of the corporation. Once Goldman Sacs came in after I graduated and got a controlling interest in the public shares it has gone downhill. Most of the good instructors have left, the school is forcing blended and electronic books on the students and the bad admission publicity has hurt the degree of competent students who worked hard to have something of value. They are overpriced for what they offer and I am sorry to have attended there given the events of the past few years. That said, my dissertation chair was challenging and the department chair very competent. I was able to turn in a very substantial dissertation unfortunately the other campuses are run poorly and consequently students of any merit are now avoiding this school. It is a shame to see this happen to decent for profits as they serve a need and provide a great alternative if they are playing by the rules and not mistreating staff and learners.

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Sucessul Experience

DBA - January 17, 2014
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In general, I had a good experience earning a DBA at Argosy/Phoenix (distance). Some of the classes were not written at a doctoral scholarly lee, and a few teachers were weak. The comp exams and dissertation process were comparable with middle tier state programs. Unless you are prepared to be a superstar and do a superior job wit your dissertation, this degree will not help you find a "young professor" traditional tenure track publishing job. I was an experienced full time college teacher with an MBA that needed a SACS regionally accredited doctorate for my career so it was fine for me. I also teach at a community college and by chair was pleased with my Argosy DBA.

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Diploma Mill

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - December 18, 2013
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6+ years on a doctoral degree program with high GPA. APA accreditation promises with no outcome, unsupportive faculty in reference to finding practicum and internship sites. Due to lack of APA accreditation very limited placements. This program is not designed for mature students and the staff will not support you in the process of completion of the degree. I was told to leave the full time job in order to complete the degree. Tread very carefully, the ground here is not solid.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful


Health and Medical :: Dental Hygiene - December 7, 2013
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Please come to Dallas TX. This Argosy University will warm your heart and brighten your future. My science professors will rock your world, I promise.

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Words of heart.

Health and Medical :: Dental Hygiene - December 5, 2013
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My professor makes me study so hard for a good grade that I just feel miserable. Strangely, she asks me the same question everyday. Is short term misery too high a price for a lifelong success? I am surprised that gratitude and misery is a very good combination. Please come to Dallas, this Argosy University will warm your heart and brighten your future.

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Ruined my life and credit!!!

Business Management - November 24, 2013
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Where do I even begin with this scam! I attended Argosy for maybe 6 months. After going there they refused to let me take a placement exam so I had to start with the basic courses. Which by the way a 5th grader could pass without even trying. By the time I finished those and was about to start my first real classes they informed me that I never filed my student loans paper work. Which is a lie I was on the phone for over an hour a week before with my "financial adviser" filing it. I called them to verify all my paperwork was already done and they coincidentally have no record of it nor the man that I spoke too so if I didn't pay all that I owed I would be kicked out. So now I am $13,000 more in debt with nothing to show for it. I am so disgusted with this "college" that I could throw up. If I could score them a negative 10 I would!!! Don't EVER go Argosy it is without a doubt a scam!!

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14 of 17 people found the following review helpful

Failed Comprehensive Exam with High GPA

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - October 12, 2013
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I have been attending the Ed.D for Counseling Psychology at Argosy University Sarasota Campus since June 2009. I have maintained a 4.0 much to my surprise at first and now pride. My past GPA's have been in the 3.7 and 3.8 range. I completed the comprehensive exam twice now and have failed both times! I received a letter dated October 10, 2013 stating that I have failed the second attempt at the exam and have been dropped from the Ed.D. program. Their web site states that one can take the exam three times before being dropped from the program and I was dropped after two attempts. I do not understand how I can fail this exam twice with a 4.0 GPA. The exam is ambiguous at best. Some of the questions repeat themselves and others are vague in what they are asking for. And apparently the grading on the exam is more rigorous than the grading of the assignments completed for the classes. I have also learned in my research that if you complain about professors or Argosy during your studies with Argosy, that you will be "blacklisted" and they will fail you regardless of your GPA. This has apparently been the case on several campuses. I have had to make three complaints against professors since 2009 and I fear I may be on Dr. S?????a's black list and he may have something to do with my failing the exam twice. I have the "opportunity" to file an appeal to be reinstated into the program and take the test yet a third time. I am not sure if at this point I want to go through the process again. Because of the wording (who writes these exams?!) of the exam and vagueness it is a very stressful and tedious process lasting 7 days to complete and submit the exam. My question here is how do I go about filing a lawsuit against Argosy Sarasota? I don't want my $100,000 in student loans back, I want a passing grade on my comp exam and my dissertation. I know I did very well the second time I took it because two individuals (one who passed it the first time I (we) took the exam and a "high up" Argosy professor, (both shall remain anonymous to protect them) reviewed the exam before I submitted it the second time and both said I did very well and would probably pass it this time around. If these two credible individuals say I passed, what is wrong with the grading system of this exam? I may have to join one of these class action lawsuits or start another one on my own. Does anyone here have any suggestions as to who, where or how I go about filing a lawsuit or complaint against Argosy that will get their attention? Thank you very much!

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Argosy gives me all the tools for success.

Health and Medical :: Dental Hygiene - September 18, 2013
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My teacher is the very best. Argosy in Dallas TX impresses me every step I take. Argosy will change my life when I graduate. Would you like it to change yours? Science students rock.

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5 of 11 people found the following review helpful

School does not care about their students AT ALL-just a profit machine

MSM - August 15, 2013
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I attended this school and completed my Masters in Management at the end of 2012. I used to work for EDMC (the company that owns all these for-profit schools). Watch out potential Argosy students - it is overpriced and they do not care about the students and their best interest at all. Their Admissions staff are still rewarded for each application they bring in and the amount of learning that you will do for the amount of money you will spend is not in proportion. I actually had free tuition because I was an employee, so I am not saying these things because I feel ripped off, I just couldn't stand working there and seeing the way they suckered students into spending thousands on their future only to be treated poorly and have a mediocre (at best) education. I know having this degree on my resume hasn't helped me at all. If you have some how gotten onto their admissions staff call last, let them know you do not want to be called again and save yourself a big waste of time. Some of the for-profit schools out there are legitimate, but this school sees each student as another overpriced tuition bill - and be sure you don't get sent to their in house collections and then onto a third party collections company shortly after because they will probably never leave you alone again. If you are interested, check out the law suits against Education Management Corporation - I know the Art Institute Online has several. The complete lack of respect and concern they have for students is the reason is EDMC is going out of business - thank goodness they are doing us that favor!

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14 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Investigate before you invest

DBA - August 14, 2013
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Investigate before enrolling Argosy University, The Art Institutes, Brown Mackie College, Western State College of Law at Argosy University and South University. These programs are EDMC schools offer online and campus-based programs at the doctorate, master's, bachelor's, associate and certificate level and may not be everything the enrollment counselors is saying about their program. If I had researched Argosy’s ranking, I would have found in 2009 it ranked: 16th in Online Educational Data source's list of "The Best Online Universities"; 30th in Guide to Online School's "2012 Online College Rankings”, and #272 in U.S. News & World Report's Best High School Counselor Rankings. Although I had completed all the required course of the DBA program, after three years of course work, GPA of 3.52 and approximately $25,000.00 later, because, according to the evaluators of the comprehensive exam. I lack the necessary writing skills to receive credit for the comprehensive exam. I continued the entire program, but unable to get credit for the final comprehensive examination, because of my writing skills. How can one maintain a 3.8 GPA and cannot produce? During the course of the program, I had only one instructor comment about my writing skills, which was an Academic Writing course, which I requested. This program is the BIGGEST waste of money and time. During the course of three, yes, three years, I have ten academic counselors and 12 financial counselors. None of them had a clue what was going on with my program or situation. The enrollment counselors are out of work "used car salesman" or a military recruiter who want to fulfill a quote. Nothing she told me about the program was correct. I thought I enrolled in one major (Human Resources and Leadership), later to find out (Business Administration), I was in another. The final submission is to be at least 15 pages per sub question since anything less indicates one’s lack of knowledge about the subject (statement made by an exam evaluator. This means that one question equals 30 to 40 pages this does not include references, charts, etc. and submitted in 7 days. So for 7 days, everything else takes a back seat to this testing progress. I have talked with other online programs like the University of Phoenix, Liberty and Walden, just to name a few, who either do not have this requirement or allows a long time-span to complete, i.e. 4 weeks. Bottom-line – investigate before you invest.

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12 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Argosy University Online

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - August 7, 2013
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I was in the ED.d Counseling Psychology Program and this school was the most horrible experience for me. Although I was receiving financial aid the school charged me for additional tuition fees up $6,300. The recruiting process was a fraud and they accept any and everyone into the program. These fees that have been assessed to me have been for classes that I withdrew from and never attend or registered for. This is ridiculous and I would not advise anyone to attend any of Argosy's program, it is a waste of time and money and it is by no means a quality education.THis fees has been placed on my credit report. THis is in my opinion criminal what Argosy and many of these on for profit and online programs are doing to students. THe government needs to do more to stop these practices

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Dallas review

Business Administration - July 25, 2013
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I have had a horrible experience at the Dallas campus. The journey started out well and I completed a year of classes. With one year remaining to achieve my bachelors degree (and many dollars later) things went downhill. Twice in a period of six months (summer and fall semester) I was given 'refunds' from loan sources and financial aid and then was asked by the university to pay monies owed for books. This should have been paid for before I received any such refunds and was no small amount for a working class person. When I questioned why this was happening I received no answer. I even escalated the issue to the 'corporate' office which is where I was told the error came from. All I got was a call from 'corporate' asking when I could pay. No one cared to solve my issue and no one told me or assured me that it would be fixed going forward. In addition, at the beginning of my second year with Argosy the university completely restructured classes to 5 week classes!!! 5 weeks is HARDLY a learning opportunity! It became very apparent to me that this university wants to 'herd' students in and that the organization does not truly value the students or the quality of education. As an adult returning to school after having a child, I truly want to learn the material...not attempt to read and digest a whole subject in 5 weeks. I would not recommend this university to those looking for an affordable, quality education.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Do not get a degree here

MBA - June 17, 2013
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I graduated with my MBA at the Orange, CA campus in 2011. I had a 3.8 GPA. It has been almost 2 years now and I cannot find a job doing anything. There are no Career Services that help you look for work after graduation and I am in huge debt. Attending this school is the biggest regret of my life. I am worse off now than I was before I went to school there.

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Poor quality of education

Psych - June 4, 2013
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During my entire educational experience with Argosy, I had three instructors who seemed to actually be interested in teaching. Most instructors did not bother to return emails or phone calls. Feedback on most assignments was nonexistent. The online lecture notes frequently used out of date material (many books were out of date as well). Christian counselors imposed religious values during education. The support system with Argosy's counselors was decent quality but frequently counselors did not return phone calls for several days. Argosy does not seem to care about education, the school cares about collecting tuition fees. Modern technology could be incorporated to include lectures from instructors instead of extremely limited module notes. The website constantly had technical issues. Teaching was inconsistent with APA style. Some instructors appeared to have skipped reading it. Instructor feedback is extremely important and is a major component of education that you will not receive from Argosy's online programs. Instructors are frequently not available during the few hours a week that they have office hours, do not provide adequate feedback, and truly do not seem to care about anything other than an easy paycheck. Ironically, the counselors claim that Argosy is one of the top online programs for psychology but when I applied for a job that I should have been qualified for, the employer said that the Argosy graduates he had experience with did not have the basic skills and knowledge that a person with an associate's degree would have. PsiChi will not allow Argosy to have a chapter. Some books that students pay to access online are only custom scaled-down versions (although they are the same price as the other electronic textbooks required). If you are looking for a piece of paper for a degree without an education, Argosy offers it. Just don't expect to be prepared to work in the psychology field with your degree (and I don't mean just because they are not APA accredited).

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12 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Unprofessional and Money Hungry Institution

Exercise and Sports Psychology - May 14, 2013
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Terrible. Don't bother spending your loan money here. Professors are below average and do NOTHING! During my course here, I only had 2 professors that I can say cared and challenged students about the information covered. You can work your behind off and they will find a way to keep you in the same place. It's like being on a treadmill... you never make any grounds. Stay away from this university and all it's programs. The staff is not there to help you in any way. They do not provide career assistance after graduation and also have minimal information on practicum sites. You have to do all the leg work and even then, they won't approve your work!

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Argosy - Sarasota, FL - DBA/International Business

DBA - May 12, 2013
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Based on its excellent curricula, Instructors’ professionalism and dedication, and students’ service excellence at campus, the DBA Program at Argosy- Sarasota has been exceptional for me. I have completed 48 credits including a residence class in Serbia correspondent to the International Business concentration. As many…many other focused and dedicated Floridian students, I highly recommend the DBA program at Argosy University -Sarasota.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

All Argosy wants is your money

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - May 1, 2013
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I am working on my dissertation, after four frustrating years of coursework on my doctorate. There have been countless turnovers in personnel, and lots of instability in leadership at Argosy. There is basically nothing special or value given for the very high tuition rates. Rules and policies change often, without regard to the students or what it will do to them. Argosy's structure for dissertation is designed to get maximum money out of the students. If you don't meet their expectations every 15 weeks, they charge you another $3000 for an extension. Of course, they only allow you two extensions and then kick you out after your many years of work. This is not a structure that benefits or supports students. They don't care about you or your situation or challenges, only about getting as much money as possible from each student. Unfortunately, although I will receive my degree from Argosy, I would not and could not in good conscience recommend the school to anyone else. They do not deliver on what they promise, and you will regret the decision to attend this institution.

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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Clinical PsyD Program

Clinical Psycology - April 27, 2013
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I graduated from Argosy's Clinical doctoral program. Most of my classmates who graduates were unable to land jobs due to the program's reputation and many are unable to get licensed. The biggest secret is that the majority of the students complete unaccredited internships and are therefore not eligible for licensure in many states. 250K for a useless degree. RUN AWAY.

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12 of 13 people found the following review helpful


DBA - April 27, 2013
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This university is not for everyone! This university is for people who are willing to DO THE WORK. Check the websites of some of the other accredited universities in the US and you will find a whole lot of professors who obtained their doctorate degrees from Argosy. Also check the record of school principals and educational superintendents in the US and you will find the same. Some people think that they can enroll in for-profit institutions and receive a free degree; wrong answer! I received my DBA from Argosy Sarasota in 2004 after 5 years of hard work, and I have nothing but praises for this school. If you did fail classes or the comprehensive exam, did not advance to candidacy, ran out of money, etc., this not the place to vent your anger. Remember there are hundreds and hundreds of satisfied students and graduates (like myself) who are proud of this institution. This university enjoys full Regional accreditation as well as some programmatic accreditaion. There are standards to comply with, and if you cannot comply with those standards, then, this institution, or any other accredited higher institution offering a doctoral program, is not for you. By the way, I do not work for Argosy university - I am an accomplished college professor elsewhere!

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18 of 23 people found the following review helpful

The eve of graduation and suddenly the school has another class for me to take

Clinical Psycology - April 25, 2013
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While the teachers are incredible, honestly it is really not worth it to deal with the administrative side of things. The administration is incredibly disorganized and inept when it comes to the course loads. If you do happen to go here prepare yourself for struggles every semester with scheduling, financial aid mistakes and administration who are bull-headed and not willing to listen to it's students. To be paying the amount students do there is NO WAY there should be the kind of administrative mistakes which occur.

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful


Clinical Psycology - April 23, 2013
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Education good: financial policy of delaying students' progress to make them pay more money for extensions is unethical.

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - April 8, 2013
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I have been a doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program since 2009. The instructors overall were great and I learned quite a bit, except for one class in which the instructor didn't give any feedback on assignments until after half the class was over (4 weeks out of 8). I was very pleased with the education and passed my comps. THEN I started my dissertation and that is when my positive experience has turned into a disaster. I was assigned a chair (I had no say in the process) and at first I was completing assignments agead of schedule, because my chair was not involved. Once assignments required my chair's interaction everything slowed down and I am in the same place I was a semester ago. Mostly its due to waiting on getting feedback from my chair; and then when he does give feedback its cryptic (its in the wrong format ... nearly three months later I discovered that meant a mis-checked box on a form). I have requested a new chair but who knows if that will happen. The education is good; the financial policy of stringing you out financially is unethical. Oh, and one more thing: for dissertation blocks Argosy charges you for FUTURE semesters. I have a collector calling at 5am demanding tuition for the May and Sept 2013 dissertation blocks and it is only April.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Very good education

Doctor of Psychology - March 25, 2013
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I received my Psy.D. from Argosy/Phoenix in 2007. While not perfect, they certainly delivered what they said they would. Their training allowed me to get my first pick for internship, ace the EPPP, and I now have an interesting, well- paying job. I cannot address the experience at other campuses, but Phoenix provided quality and value.

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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Just beginning on line with argosy-best so far

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - March 13, 2013
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I have just started researching online master's programs and wow some of the recruiters can be too pushy. But not so with Argosy, that is why I am writing this review. So far no pushy recruiter calling five times a day plus email. Just a nice person who has answered my calls and emails as well as answered all of my questions. I am really considering this university.

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

DBA Student at Argosy

DBA - March 12, 2013
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I am a DBA Student with Argosy and love my teachers and school. I know there is a lot of work involved in the assignments but this has made me earn my degree. I am hoping to finish and defend my dissertation in Dec-2013, and I know there is a lot of work to be done but I am a soldier and love to learn new things and I will soldier on. I thank all my Dallas Campus professors and some online who were very knowledgeable and experienced in the classes they taught me. Thanks Argosy Dallas!!!!

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

No Empathy, No Care

Psych - March 6, 2013
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First off, let me say that the enrollment process was the easiest thing about this place. The first 2 instructors I had were great then everything went to hell. We were told in the beginning not to start another assignment unless the previous was finished. In my 3rd class A3 was due before A1 and I got a tardy mark on that assignment. I couldn't get in touch with the instructor. In another class, I made a mistake turning in A1 under the A2 tab so I sent an email to the instructor explaining what had happened and resent the assignment as A1, she recieved it and confirmed that she saw the mistake and it was graded.. When A2 was due, I sent it as A2 (that would have made 2 A2 assignments turned in) and I recieved an email saying that the A2 assignment was actually A1. No kidding, I thought I had told her that in an email. So now it's been almost 2 weeks and that assignment STILL hasn't been graded and I have heard NOTHING from the instructor. The same thing happened in a Composition I class as we were writing Argumentative Essays. Well, each weeks assignments were the steps in the essay (contents, abstract, thesis, conclusion) well the "parts" weren't being graded on time and no one could move forward until they knew that their thesis or abstract was correct or not. It was seriously frustrating. Now, I am moving to another state about 1,000 miles away. I asked for an assignment extension and I was denied. I was told that I need to do the best I can to get the assignment in on time and that I could use the mobile site. When I move I have to set up cable and internet again and the mobile site only allows for discussion boards. :/ I'm not happy and I am withdrawing from the school.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Fraud committed, looking to sue

MBA - February 11, 2013
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In Dec 2011, I received a signed contract from the Dean stating that I was approved for the Online Sustainable Management Master's degree program. In July 2011, I received a call apologizing that they had committed fraud. They admitted that they made a mistake when they falsely claimed that they offered this program online, however, they DID demand that I repay the $10k with interest! None of those classes transferred to any other college. Not only did I lose 7 months of my life, but $10k with interest. I collected written correspondence as advised by an attorney. I just want this off my balance due, so I don't have to pay Sallie Mae money that I should not owe. I have read many articles where this school has been sued numerous times by the government, as well as by students, dating back to 2008. Wish I'd seen those complaints sooner!

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14 of 16 people found the following review helpful


DBA - January 12, 2013
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I was a student at Argosy for more than six years. I went through the program with virtually straight A's. I was in my final two semesters when the student loans ran out and I began to pay out of pocket. It was then that Argosy failed me and never even gave me an explanation as to how I did not meet the requirements. I was dismissed from the program and after six years I was never even called by an advisor or member of their staff. I've invested more than $100,000 with nothing to show for it...please do not attend this school.

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18 of 21 people found the following review helpful

Pretty descent school

Psych - January 11, 2013
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I find it very welcoming .The staff is friendly and supportive overall I would prefer this school over schools like National Louis ,Phoenix or even west-wood College. Overall it is a pretty descent school and the downtown location is convenient and accessible dorm the union station.

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2 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Choose another school PLEASE!!!

Psych - January 9, 2013
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I completed my BA in psychology, but I wish i never went there. I was told that I would graduate months before I was suppose to. Then I get told that i couldn't because I had a lot more other courses that i had to take. It cost to much and not worth it. Most teachers there are alumni students and i can teach a class better than they can. I had one teacher who actually taught a class to potential. Don't waste your time!!

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

This school is running a total scam-took my money! (Los Angeles Campus-LAX/Santa Monica)

Business Management - January 9, 2013
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I originally came to Argosy in year 2005, back then it was Brown Mackie College, and later on looked like Brown Mackie was bought out by Argosy or they lost their creditation. Looking at the other reviews about this school and a lawsuit that was posted online (Hamil v. Argosy) makes me understand why about everybody hates this school. 1) They make you sign contracts that they do not even explain to you 2) they make you enroll in a program that you won't ever finish 3) they are just after your money. So to make my story short, I was originally enrolled in Associate of Arts in Business, and I never received the degree, then they enrolled me in a Bachelor of Science in Business. I left the school in 2008 for personal reasons. I decided to return in 2010, and wanted to go ahead and only pursue my Associate of Arts since on my original transcripts I had completed 68 units in total. (need 60 units in total to complete to receive Associate) So I called the school and they told me they no longer offer the Associate Degree in Business. (What the F?)So I was way to busy in my life to argue with them, so I enrolled at Santa Monica College, and have been there for almost 2 years. They were only able to take 3 of the major classes (yes only 3 transferable classes from Argosy) and the rest I had to start all over again....yes all over again. Last week I went to speak to a counselor at SMC,to find out how many units I had left for my major. Looks like I have only 6 units left in my major, then I should be done with my AA, and guess what it only cost me less than $2,000, take that Argosy. But anyway the counselor looks at my transcript and says wait, didnt you receive an AA already from this school? I said "NO, this is the reason why I am here" He was completely shocked that some institution like Argosy could do a person so wrong. I told him I spend about $30,000 on this program. He told me I should go back to this school and see if either I can get my money back or demand a degree they promised me. So I decided to go there, and it was compete waste of my time. They practically looked at my transcript and told me that these classes I took before are not going to count towards the AA because I took them under the BA program What!!?? They tried to get me to enroll again and the guy David gave me compete attitude (was just there to try to suck more money out of me) and tried to tell me all the classes I still need to graduate. So I went ahead and told them my husband is an attorney because he really is one and I am going to see if there is anything I can do to get my damn money back. THIS SCHOOL IS A SCAM!!! DO NOT ENROLL!! GO INSTEAD TO A COMMUNITY COLLEGE.

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13 of 15 people found the following review helpful

Very responsive staff

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - January 4, 2013
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Argosy, San Diego. No comments on the other sections yet as I am just starting. From the admissions counselor, financial aid, dean, and academic adviser - they have all been helpful throughout my application process and answered my questions. My start experience has been great as I am just beginning the program for the MACP (licensing requirements have been toughened in CA -LPCC -and it is now a 60-unit program- 3 years). I have researched this school and their passing rate for first time takers is above 80% (per CA BBS). They have garnered 3 spots for the CA mental health stipend out of the allocated 6 for San Diego. Looking at the curriculum and textbooks - they do expect you to study and master the material. A lot of rich and diverse choices for practicum. I am very satisfied with the school and their results are evidenced based from what I have researched so far.

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Use As A Last Resort Only

MA of Forensic Psychology - December 31, 2012
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I have no doubt this school, like many, tracks negative online reviews of their programs and attempts to identify the student if still enrolled-the agenda of which is to harm the student, not address the issues the student has. Because of that I am unwilling to provide specifics, but my experience with this school has so far been that it should be an absolute last resort for anyone seeking a degree in any of their offered fields of study-as it was for me, and as it should be with any for profit private educational corporation. All of them are scams, and I can only hope that the homework I did when looking into this school will pay off in the end, but whatever you do, don't get talked into getting a degree what doesn't have an outside accreditation-the admissions "counselors" will make it sound as if accreditation is almost a bad thing, which should make one wonder in and of itself-or get an undergraduate degree from this school. I am not often one to voice complaints, since I believe we make our own beds in this life, but my experience at Argosy has been such that I feel totally within my rights to warn others that this really is a last resort for an education, and even then only at a graduate level in an accredited program, such as the APA approved PsyD programs, but never for one that is not accredited by an outside body and never for an undergraduate degree. In a good job market those degrees will be meaningless, in today's job market they will be seen as a joke.

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9 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Counseling - Illinois

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - December 27, 2012
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I love the program. It was a lot of hard work. I did half of the work online. The other half was in class nights and weekends. Yes, you fail if you don't do the work, don't show up, or don't post, but it's a masters degree. Just because it's online, doesn't mean it will be easy. The teachers were very helpful with assignments, but firm with deadlines. Each class was either 7.5 weeks or 15 weeks. I love the program. Currently finishing my last class. I feel well prepared for a career in the field and will not have a problem finding a job. Most people that complain are the one's that don't want to put forth the effort...Do the work, you get the grades that you want.

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5 of 9 people found the following review helpful

G..r..e...a...t...and Beau...u....u....t..i...f...u....l College.

DBA - December 24, 2012
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I am a doctoral degree student and i am about to take my comprehensive examination.I am glad i am attending this college because they have thought me a lot and i have also gained a lot. Thank you Argosy.

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4 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Great Psychology Program at AU Online

Psych - December 18, 2012
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I completed my BA in Psychology last month and I was so pleased with the education I received at Argosy Online that I decided to reenroll for my Masters! Their Psychology program is absolutely wonderful and I truly feel like I learned just as much if not more than I would have at a regular campus. After transfering to Argosy from from Ashford I felt a world of difference - the people and the support I got from my Admissions and Academic Counselors is wonderful. I really feel like they actually cared about ME and not just a paycheck. I had a terrible time getting my financial aid cleared with Ashford and when I came to Argosy it was done within one week. My professors were very nice and when my father passed and I missed a week of classes everyone was very understanding and helped me catch up. I would highly recommend Argosy online to anyone who is trying to make a decision between online schools.

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10 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Angry Student

MA of Forensic Psychology - December 15, 2012
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This school took money from my VA benefits and refuses to apply them to my account even with proof they were paid! The instructors are unprofessional; they will insult and harass you. If you ask them for help be prepared to be docked on points on ALL of your assignments! I graduated my last 2 schools with honors and know how much work and applying yourself goes into good grades. If you report the instructors, you get laughed at. And forget about trying to withdraw because they wont let you. I am on 9 weeks of waiting to get a phone call back! I was told in writing that the online EdD program WAS APA accredited due to the fact that the residency can be done at an APA accredited school. I was also pushed through enrollment with the "we will call you back on that" to never get a call back. Now my student loans need to be signed for and they refuse to allow me to withdraw from school and are trying to get students loans without my signature or approval!! I wish I found this before experiencing such a nightmare. I have worked with several advisors and their managers and the response is always the same - leave weeks of voicemails and their little people will say "they will call you back, I am sending them an email". They will NEVER call you back unless they are getting money out of it! I am totally disgusted with this school! I have been trying to figure out how to report them since I requested to withdraw BEFORE this term started and they went so far as to have the instructor call to let me know my assignmnet is late! To which I had to explain that I requested to withdraw and they enrolled me regardless in class because they wont return any of my messages. They last 3 times I spoke with somebody I got "disconnected" in the process of "getting things handled". If anybody has any advice on how I can get out of this school, stop them from taking student loans out, and I have written proof of requesting to withdraw BEFORE this term but they are charging me for the ENTIRE year up front with NO refund as they have said... please let me know?!?!?!

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13 of 15 people found the following review helpful

I felt like I was being Punk'd!

DBA - December 8, 2012
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I would not encourage ANYONE to attend this pitiful University. Their renovated classrooms and SOME of their technology makes them look the part, but they are totally screwed up from the financial aid office to the admissions department. Their staff members are very incompetent. Their instructors? RUDE and UNPROFESSIONAL. Don't waste your time, money, and mental health dealing with this institution...attend a real college. The majority rules!

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Don't enroll in this horrible school

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - December 8, 2012
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The California Argosy-Inland Empire Chief of the school of psychology is the worst. She has even enlisted employees and TAs that are only there to destroy the lives of students and staff at her will. She leads attacks against students and staff members. If you complain, you are blacklisted and set outside of employment or any other chances of advancement. They have the highest turnover of staff and students in history. She is the pastor of a church in Yucaipa, CA and has a fearful, good number of the students in her congregation but fights against any other pastors that enroll accusing them of "making others attend their churches". She is cruel, greedy, selfish and leads unnecessary attacks against good, well-meaning staff and students. She encourages silly gossip, punishing behaviors on the part of whatever staff she can draw to help her destroy others. The President seemingly has absolutely NO clue about her destructive behaviors. Some have gotten through to talk to the president but this has not worked to help matters so far. She has the director of placements and other cohorts along with her in destroying others. Then they smile and say, "God bless you" while plotting to rip more students and staff apart by blacklisting and calling other schools to help in their demise. DON'T GO TO ARGOSY. INFORM OTHERS TO LEAVE AND/OR NOT GO.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

Argosy Dallas is a great doctoral program for students who should actually be taking doctoral courses

Educational Leadership - December 5, 2012
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In two weeks I will have completed my doctoral degree in Educational Leadership. My program was based at the Dallas campus, but I had three online courses, as well. The faculty were excellent and the curriculum is honestly second to none. What frustrated me was the amount of students that really should be at the bachelor's (or lower) degree level and were attempting a doctoral degree. It made for some uninteresting class discussions and slowed down the process for the rest of us. That being said, it was a very good experience and I truly believe the University staff and faculty truly cared about my progress. For those ready to dig in and put in the requisite time and effort for a doctoral program, I would highly recommend the Dallas program. Convenient location, as well.

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Argosy University Chicago is a good college

Business Administration - December 3, 2012
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My name is Ernest and I'm currently a student at Argosy University Chicago. I have read 8 or 9 of the negative reviews and I only agree with the 2 good reviews about Argosy University. I only ponder on positive thinking and not negativity. I graduated from Kennedy King College December 10, 2011 and I started at Argosy in the Summer of 2012. I have been in college long enough to say that too many students are relying on "too much" of a learning experience from instructors at colleges. It doesn't matter how long or short a semester is or how inept a student feels an instructor is; there is too much information in those text books for any instructor to teach the students all that information in one semester. I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society of the Two Year Colleges and I read and studied for many hours at a time to get good grades because that's what it takes to succeed in school and in life. There are also "too many personalities" throughout the world-in order for students to constantly expect the type of personalities they want in instructors. I see nothing wrong with Argosy University Chicago or the instructors and I'm not looking for perfect people or a perfect learning system because no college or university have perfect people and it's up to the students to apply themselves by reading and studying the materials. Nothing in life will get better until you as a person-do what it takes to make it better; if you choose to go to another college, then that's ok, but you will still have to read and study hard to learn, and simply keep looking until you get the job you want when you graduate. Don't depend on anyone except yourself for success and don't point at other people or circumstances for any shortcomings you run into; you are the key to your success (there is nothing before or after that statement; it's up to you).

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

God education, bad administarative support

Industrial and Organizational Psychology - November 30, 2012
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While the teachers are knowledgable, and the course material is is excellect, the administrative staff is a nightmare with few exceptions. Christi Arbuckle in DC is a gem as are Dr. Norbury, head of the internship dept, and Dr. Shearin. However, it seemed the left hand did not know what the right hand was doing administratively. While you are required to get permission verbally and in writing for your "file", it appears that an individuals unique file is not vetted before permissions are granted for leaves from the program for things such as emergencies of health or birth. In fact I too know of individuals who were chastized for getting pregnant while attendind the university. You are also given frightfull orientations about how you must do this and ccomplish that to ensure you get the right practicums and then internships, however the staff that oversaw this put more effort into statistics of placement of the student body into practicums than the needs of the student for diversity of experience to make them good candidates for internship placement. For example I was already degreed in forensic psychology and was starting a PsyD in Clinical, yet forensic sites were all I was offered for practicum. When I complained I was told "well take them or don't"! They also require you get permission to apply to your internship sites and students are warned not to subvert this process...unless of course they are not placed in an internship. Then you have to start hoaring yourself out and try to get sites to join the program! Finally, my file was in such poor shape, and there so many documents were missing that they were not sure what my experience had been because departments had differing documents; and an explanation was demanded FROM ME!!!!! As if I was responsible for their errors in documentation! To sum up, very competative education wise, terrible administatively and by department heads.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Argosydc graduate

Clinical Psycology - November 27, 2012
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I am a 2009 graduate of Argosydc PsyD program. I can say from reading the horror stories and from witnessing personally alot of what has been said is true. However, the program itself is excellent. I was able to pass the EPPP on the first try and I was licensed fully last year. I am still hitting the grind trying to make my education work for me and it has been tough. But,I did have some horrendous experiences with training sites, staff and egomaniac professors but I soldiered on. It can be done. A bit of advice...Be determined, keep your stuff tight (grades, behavior, ect.)never give them a reason to disqualify you and most important, document everything! It's funny how people back off when you pull out a date book recording everything that has taken place. Keep the faith and remember it can be done.

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13 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Are they really serious?

Psych - November 21, 2012
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I have been attending Argosy University Online for a little over a year now. Shortly after starting, I began questioning the competency of my instructors. My admissions rep kept telling me that everyone was certified to teach the courses. Well, my current "instructor" is a parole officer who went to some unaccredited college out of Kenya. I started to dig deeper and found that the US Attorney's Office of western PA and the Department of Justice have filed court cases against Argosy for fraud. Seems they just take the money and run. They also misrepresent the courses. I have a 4.0 and have never even read the lecture notes or the text books online. I have turned in papers that I was sure I would get a low grade on. Not so. I keep receiving high grades for substandard work. I have even gone as far as deliberatley turning in shoddy work just to see what kind of grade I will get. Still all A's. Also it seems like I keep getting stuck in classes with people who have no conception of punctuation, spelling, or correct grammar. This is supposed to be a university and I have to read crap posted by 2nd graders. Wait, 2nd graders have better spelling and so forth. Even half of my instructors can't spell or use proper punctuation or grammar. I am done with this school at the end of this class on Dec. 20th. I have wasted enough time and money. Go to Argosy if you don't really want to learn and have no self respect. As for me, I am taking my loan money some place else. A place that is made for learning, not just out for profits.

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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful


School Psychology - November 18, 2012
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I have been enrolled at Argosy Online for almost 2 years. My GPA is great. As others have mentioned the turn-over for counselors happens, but I have only had 2 academic and 2 finance counselors so far. My academic counselor is great! He calls every 2-4 weeks just to check in and make sure everything is going well. If he sees a change in my grades he also calls. As for the education experience, it is up to you to do the learning. You have to do all the readings and lectures on your own! If you don't you will not learn. As for anyone failing or not learning I believe it is because of laziness. I have ran into some really hard instructors and some that were just flat out lazy. But, overall, I have had a great experience. I don't like campus schools and I have 2 children at home and do not wish to put them into daycare to pursue an education. So, Argosy was a great option for me. I also knew before enrolling that I wanted a psychology degree. Make sure you know what you are getting into beforehand.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Buyers Beware

DBA - November 16, 2012
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I was student at argosy for 6 years. When the financial aid ran out..they kicked me out. I was in the dissertataion process. I owe $150K in loans and now I have to start all over. If I had it to do again, I would not choose this school.

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8 of 12 people found the following review helpful


Radiologic Technology - November 13, 2012
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Please DO NOT attend this school or program. I wish I would of listened when I heard the horrible reputation of this school. Of the radiology program, only one teacher actually showed that she cared about her students, the others did not care if you passed, failed or actually learned anything. These teachers do not have teaching degrees, therefore they have NO idea how to teach a class. They will just read sentence-for-sentence out of the textbook when lecturing and have extremely high expectations for the tests. If a class is going to be graded so strictly, I don't expect the class to be taught so casually. Very unprofessional, especially when the instructor cannot pronounce simple medical terminology and relys on the students for proper pronouncing to teach the class. The intro class does an extremely poor job to prepare students for the program, leaving them angry. Just come sit in the lunchroom someday and listen to the groups of people around you. It's not just this program that sucks, everybody complains about this school! Theh just want your money! And when you try to drop your classes once you've realized how much this school sucks, they will try to charge you an "adjustment tuition" for dropping classes. What school does this?!

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They sure know how to screw you over.

Psych - November 9, 2012
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I went to Argosy for about a year. I was pressured into going to school online. I had just had a baby and going to a campus school was really hard for me at the time, because I was not working and could not pay for daycare. I did a little research, and found Argosy. At first, it seemed like a pretty good school. After a few months, I decided that I wanted to go back to a campus. My son was a little older, and I was working so I could pay for daycare. I spoke with my academic advisor and HINTED at transferring...and that's when all the BS began. They started withdrawing me from my class without my permission. Mind you, I had not completed any official withdrawal paperwork with the school. So, I had to call the school, explain to them that I HAD not yet withdrawn, and to let me finish the class. They fixed the problem and I was able to access the class again, but after a few days, I was withdrawn from the class again without my permission. So, I made another phone call and they let me access the class forum again. Then, they withdrew me a THIRD TIME without my permission!!!! After the third time, I said screw Argosy and let it happen. BIG MISTAKE. Argosy is now claiming that I asked to be withdrawn and since I had I now owe them $1,290. When all this mess was their fault in the first place! I refuse to pay it...because I was attending my class. I never did an official withdrawl, and everytime I called to complain, they said that I had to have documents from my conversations with the people I spoke to at Argosy about them withdrawing me (how the hell am I supposed to get transcripts of a conversation????) So, now I am trying to transfer to a school in my hometown that is an actual non-profit university, and can't because of the INCOMPETENT MORONS at Argosy. DO NOT waste your time, money, or energy with this school. Go somewhere else for an online program. Trust me, you'll be better off in the long run. Because once you hint at moving to a new school, they'll figure out ways to screw you three ways from Sunday. Thanks Argosy "University". You all suck at life.

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not recommended

Psych - November 9, 2012
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I cannot imagine a school with lower academic standards. I had two great professors, two who were so-so, three bad, and two HORRIBLE, useless instructors. This is the lowest quality education you will find. They change to a five-week class schedule in Fall 2012, which was a terrible idea and I never would have enrolled in a school that only spent five weeks on a subject. If you want to skate through classes taught by incompetent instructors and be awarded a degree without learning anything, then by all means, enroll at argosy. If you want a degree that you can be proud of, go somewhere else. Do not waste your time or money at this school.

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful


M.Ed. Educational Leadership - November 6, 2012
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I completed the MA in Education/Teaching Credential program early this year after taking a double full-time course load to complete it in 1 year instead of 2. I would never, under any circumstance, recommend anyone to even contemplate spending time or money at this "institution." I put that in quotes because it is more like a circus, run by monkeys, with not a single redeeming factor. I graduated from UCLA with honors in 3 years, and I have a flawless GPA and overall perfect academic track record-- I know a good education when I see one. Argosy did nothing but make my life a complete and utter mess from start to finish, and managed to screw up every single detail along the way. There were times where I said, "Ok, this has to be their last mistake. No university who people pay $20-30K+ to could possibly operate like this." Sadly, the incompetency continued until the very last day (actually, it continued after I graduated!). The administration knows ZILCH about running a university. No one provides any guidance there, and chances are you-- no matter your IQ-- are smarter and more capable of fixing your problem than they are. Every person except for Dr. Carol Tolson (Dean of Education) was lazy and incompetent. If you think I am ranting, allow me to give you some examples of all of the mistakes during my program. I have every email and can name names. They enrolled me in the wrong classes, overcharged me for tuition and textbooks/e-books, incorrectly recorded final grades, failed to provide me with any instructions on student teaching prerequisites (ie. CBEST, CSET, fingerprinting, paperwork with CTC, TB test, first aid, etc.) until 1 day before placement, failed to place me at a school for student teaching for over 2 months, did not provide me with an adviser, my "guidance counselor" did not even know what classes were in my program, enrolled me in the BA program mid-way through my MA program for no reason, cancelled my classes on the first day with no notice for a week, did not return calls, did not return emails, ALWAYS just copied and forwarded my email to someone else, failed to pay my mentor teachers their stipends for 4 months, and the list just goes on and on... I have never written a bad review for something because I think it's such a waste of time to be so negative, but I implore all readers to please avoid Argosy at all costs because I have a worthless degree and am $27K in debt AND have no teaching job to even help start paying it off. Oh, another lovely memory: one of the education professors (who they fired toward the end of my program randomly) called me the next day and yelled at me for 10 minutes because I was allowing the Dean of Education to finally place me in a school since he had been let go. I had to immediately alert the Dean and she apologized, said he was just bitter and out of line. Also, because they were so disorganized and had ruined the MA schedule of classes by not even understanding their own progression rules, I had to petition to take the final few courses in my program independently because that was the only option in order to graduate on time. I basically taught myself 50% of my MA program, and the few times I had a professor, they were unprofessional and lazy. I cannot say I learned a single thing from a professor, and although I've always been an A+ student in high school and at UCLA, their 4.0 means nothing to me. What a waste. These people need a lawsuit brought against them. They are stealing your money.

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17 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Graduated 2012 Not Supported but Challenged

MA of Forensic Psychology - November 4, 2012
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I have graduated and while I understand it is a terminal degree with very little in the way of real world meaning. I do believe that you get out of it what you put into it. I didn't do it for licensure, I did it to improve my understanding in a variety of areas. While the education was expensive, there are no programs like this in Kansas so I didn't have a lot of choice. I rated the program high overall because the work was challenging if you took it seriously as was the comprehensive evaluation which many of my classmates didn't pass. Also, while I had a few teachers who were distant and unresponsive, for the most part I had excellent teachers with a lot of experience to share. However as previously stated they facilitate discussions and not so much teach, as that is more self guided. However this is something I liked because I would rather read the information. As for support from the academic advisors and financial advisors, there is none, and the turnover is ridiculous. I only rated them a two because they were prompt in calling back. The only administrator I had good luck with was the individual who did my admission and I kept in touch with her all the way through. While they are a for-profit and some things are certainly questionable, I had a positive experience class wise but I would suggest knowing what your goals are at the end as that could certainly effect if Argosy is the program for you. Just remember you get what you put into it! I will decide going forward what I want to do but I know for me Argosy allowed me to accomplish what I intended to do.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful

4th year PsyD program DC

Clinical Psycology - November 3, 2012
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I am a 4th year PyD student at the DC campus. I did not know there were entire programs online (???? as there should not be for a doctorate program)… but I know that I am getting a great education at Argosy. Our DC campus is ranked 12th in the country for passing the EPPP. George Washington University PsyD program is not even ranked in the top 50. You have to work hard to do well. Thats why its a doctorate. "If it was easy anyone would do it."

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10 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Investigate before you invest

DBA - November 1, 2012
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I would not recommend Argosy University (online) program to ANYONE, not even my worst enemy. During the course of this experience, I have had approximately six academic counselors and just as many finance counselors. Moreover, each change resulted in them being clueless as to what had occurred prior. I initially transferred from the University of Phoenix since I had obtained two degrees from them; I thought a change was needed. Therefore, when Argosy's representative called and called, the picture she presented was worst the change. WRONG!!!! Changing universities did expand my educational insight, but selecting Argosy was the worst. Having dental work would have been less painful and confusing. A residency is a JOKE, a very expensive joke. Waste of time and money. Anyone interesting in Argosy should really, really does their research. TELL THEM NO THANKS, HANG UP AND PUT THE NUMBER ON YOU “NO CALL LIST”.

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I am so glad...

Education: Instructional Leadership - October 28, 2012
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I am so happy Argosy Atlanta is "sunsetting" the Education Department. This is something that should have happened years ago. I have recently earned my Doctorate degree from there but it was PURE HELL! Not to mention extremely expensive. I did not expect the program to be easily, I wanted a challenge. My problem was the inconsistency of the program and the attrition of the professors. During my final dissertation process I had five dissertation chairs because of chairs getting fired, quitting, case overload, or illness. Each time I received a new chair of course that meant new changes to my dissertation. It took me years to finish and thousands dollars. I am glad I am finish, but I REGRET ever enrolling in Argosy.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful


MBA - October 27, 2012
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MBA and still no job. Beginning to forget what I learned. It was a was of time and money due to the economy. My manager with a B.A. let me go after receiving the MBA. Now I am either over qualified or under qualified. Currently working on a 2 part time job making $9.00

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Not sure yet.

M.Ed. Educational Leadership - October 24, 2012
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It amazes me the different opinions on this board. I believe that there is always good and bad even in the best of schools. My experience has not been good for the most part but I haven't given it much time. One thing that I have noticed is people say, Argosy is not like this or that school. Of course not. It is Argosy. Even the bad experiences can be a learning experience if we chose to make them so. Life is not always good nor bad. It is both. One can always be positive or negative or both. I am not sure if I am going to stay. Time will tell. Some of the best times of my life are when things started out badly and got good with time. It can go the other way too. College students are suppose to know how to address issues with administration above the people that they are dealing with. That is part of being educated. Giving it a little more time.

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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful

Horrible Admissions-LIES

Psych - October 11, 2012
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I contacted this school to potentially complete my Bachelors. I have a ton of units and was comparing schools to see what would be best and take the most of my units. The admissions rep Cindy told me to bring my transcripts and she would get them evaluated and tell me exactly what will transfer. My fiance and I went in, wasted 2 hours for her to just walk out and walk back in and say oh, you will have 60 easy transfer according to her supervisor, no worries. Didnt take it to get evaluated properly. When I asked for that proper eval she promissed, she said they dont do that. Then while on the tour, someone in that department said "oh, you should have your transcripts evaluated to see what will transfer". But again, back in her office, "we dont do that". WOW. Can you smell BAIT AND SWITCH. And than, we hardly learned anything about the school, but more about who Cindy has worked for, who she cant stand, how bad the OC campus is.. blah blah blah. I had to interupt her to get her back on track to tell me about the SCHOOL! HORRIBLE! WHAT A WASTE.. Then try and call to speak to someone and try to GET good info... its laughable! I WONT be attending this school, they eliminated themselves!

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Educational Leadership - October 6, 2012
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7 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Financial department completely corrupt.

Health and Medical :: Dental Hygiene - September 26, 2012
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This school seems to push a lot of ethics and professionalism classes on its students but when it comes down to it they aren't even close to being these things at all. The financial department won't certify student's loans until they absolutely have to.. They would probably put one of their students on the street because of this. After talking to financial aid at the campus they seemed to be just as frustrated and angry about the situation as I was, telling me not even our campus president could do anything about the situation. The campus I tend isn't too bad, the program is great, the overall organization is not.

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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Year 2 Right College for me Yess!!

Psych - September 22, 2012
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I transfer from another school the end of last year, and I have to say that every single class I have taken so far I'm either dealing with that situation or I just came out of situation where I have grown!. I am loving Argosy!! Even when I began to struggle a little the whole team was patient and understanding! Because of this my GPA is rising to the top, and begin a 40 yrs old mother of 3 grown sons...I have to say I still got it and Argosy is helping me make it happen! Blessed Student! A.Taylor

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3 of 8 people found the following review helpful


Psych - September 14, 2012
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I've been attending Argosy under my POST 9/11 G.I. Bill. The school is not military friendly AT ALL. Normally the classes are 5 weeks long but I had to take a 15 week course in order to get my fulkl benefits. I did not mind this but what was bad about it was that I was in the class all by myself. It was awkward and I did not learn anything. Most of my classes had 3 or 4 people in it and only 1 or 2 would show up to class at a time. This school is not good for military.

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5 of 8 people found the following review helpful

NO WAY!! Yes colleges can be totally unprofessional and more of a pain than anything else in life!!!

Business Management - August 31, 2012
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They charge the entire year of tuition the first semester leaving no money from loans to live on! Then second semester give me my loans of $10,000!! And tell me this 5 weeks into class after lying and telling me they charge only the semester's tuition. Constant lies from financial aid department "3 weeks til disbursement"....later "we always say 4-6 weeks"... "your loans will be expidited this week"...then she leaves that week without giving the job to anyone else, and management says "we have no way of knowing what needs to be done, or check her messages". It has been problem after problem in financial aid department since starting there for the past 2 years...every time! HATE HATE HATE this totally snotty unprofessional retard place.

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Excellent Argosy DBA Program: New Faculty Offer

DBA - August 25, 2012
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I attended and completed the DBA program at Argosy Chicago. I earned the Emerging Scholar Award for Best Dissertation. I am now an Assistant Professor of the MBA Program in a respected 2nd Tier national university. The Argosy faculty and the Argosy institution did not do this for me. I did this on my own. Many of my classmates entered the program just to "get the degree" and get out. They are the ones who have tough interviews and are not being taken seriously as academic scholars. It took me 2.5 years to complete my dissertation -- following the built-in rigor of the process. Some of classmates "completed" their dissertation in one year -- how??? By doing just the minimum. The faculty are educating doctoral students-- not undergrads or grad students. If you are expecting hand-holding, a handout for a hand up....doctoral work is not for you.

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Cannot recommend due to my experiences.

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - August 17, 2012
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If I had known when I started the Counseling program at Argosy Seattle what I know now, I would have NEVER enrolled in this school. By the time you attend for 2 or 3 semesters and the apathy and passive-aggressiveness of the professors and staff becomes apparent, you have already invested so much time and money in the program that you feel like it's too late to start over elsewhere. I echo the other comments that the Director of Training is a bully. He is arrogant and thoughtless; ironically the picture of a classic narcissist. He thinks he is God at this campus and that his word is law. He lords his power over students and is petty and retaliatory towards the slightest perceived disagreement. What an awful, sad man. As long as he is around, websites like this will continue to rack up negative comments about him and the school. Financial Aid at this school is a freaking nightmare. "Disorganized" is a gross understatement. The Financial Aid officer brings incompetence to a new low. She is noncommunicative and if she does miraculously answer your questions, beware - her information is often incorrect. You have been warned. The quality of education you receive will depend entirely on two things: 1)Which instructor you get; some are competent and some are not. Instructor turnover is high so you never know if you are getting a good teacher or someone with no clue how to teach. -and- 2) What you put into your education; you will probably learn something if you take responsibility for educating yourself and not depend on the classes for information. Read books outside of class. Take advantage of your Practicum placement to talk with other professionals. Overall, I would NOT recommend this school to anyone. Poor business practices and political in-fighting between instructors that trickles down to students and affects quality are the norm here.

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Huge Deception

MA of Forensic Psychology - August 17, 2012
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I have an MA in Forensic Psychology from this school. I graduated with a 4.0. I was one of the few who actually researched the assignments, did not plagiarize, and traveled to meet with the various assigned persons. When I was unable to find a job, and head over heels in debt, I finally learned the facts. There is no recognized degree in Psychology at the masters level. A forensic degree is generally attained after both completing an APA accredited program, receiving an exemplary PHD, and either accomplishing a great deal in the field or pursuing lengthy studies. The school is neck deep in law suits. These include one by the Department of Justice seeking repayment of 12 Billion dollars in loans fraudulently extracted from students. The school is being investigated by several accreditation agencies. Enroll at your own risk, but you need only search this web under the parent company name EDMC to find out for yourself. For me, well I have that doctorate now, I also have a masters from a real school. Nobody would accept my credits for transfer and nobody would recognize the degree. When I was able to take forensic courses (electives at the end of a long road to my PHD) I found that I did not even have the basics and the materials I had been taught were either obsolete or had no value in the field. Good luck, but try to find a real school, where you interface with real professors, real students, and get to use a real library.

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17 of 18 people found the following review helpful


MBA - August 14, 2012
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Horrible staff. The teachers aren't too bad. I went to the Atlanta campus and did the online and weekend classes program. The financial aid, student services, hell the entire administrative staff are just horrible. I failed my first class (was getting used to the online dynamics and my second class I mad a B in, I registered for next semester and about 3 weeks of being registered with all my info together I saw I was dropped. They dropped me after two classes because my GPA was low, but I only took 2 classes! Bad part was I was still receiving emails, I hadn't known they dismissed me until I had to practically hound 7 people over the phone. Figured it was a ploy to get money.) I am in the process of switching Universities. Bad thing is I read these reviews before I went and said it can't be that bad. BUT I see now they were all accurate. This University is full of bs and completely not worth the time. They need all campuses shut down immediately!

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17 of 19 people found the following review helpful

negative experience with online experience

MA of Forensic Psychology - August 13, 2012
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I am currently half way though the Forensic Psychology (MA) program. I would say it's really hit or miss with instructors. I have had good and bad. I attend the Sarasota campus and have had a great experience there overall. Unfortunately,time restraints don't always allow me to commit to on-campus courses and the 100% online courses tend to be were I find the issues. With Argosy being somewhat of alternative for many adults, the many online only instructors lack empathy. Late work is graded very unfair. If submitted more then 3 days late in my last course you received a letter grade "F". Recently, I took a research course and I had a terminally ill family member (sister) the instructor showed no empathy even with my updated communication. Also, the attendance policy has changed and you are required to be in a course every session or you will be dropped and you are charged for courses regardless of registering for courses...a flat fee minimum per term. I would only recommend this program to someone who has no other option and can attend the blended only courses. The Sarasota program has been positive.

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Argosy University, Seattle, Washington

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - August 9, 2012
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I attended Argosy/Seattle Campus for a few years and completed my Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling. I have learned so much from most professors, the ones that helped me through all the bumps and curves were Drs. Roedel and Moore. I feel it is important to have professors that would be willing to push and challenge students so that they can succeed in life. I owe my graditude to Dr. Bill Roedel and Dr. David Moore. Without them, I would not be where I am. I am grateful for everyone at works at Argosy/Seattle. All I want to say is, the school and everyone is doing the best that they can... I have attended and graduated there so my words are from first hand experience. Thank you!

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Horrible finance systems

Education - August 8, 2012
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I attend Argosy Los Angeles and am at the end of my degree program. Now I will say when I started Argosy wasnt a bad school but over the years boy has it gone down. My complaint now is about the financial aid office. I know the laws changed this year etc but they have not once given an update about financial aid. The summer session started May 7. It is now August 7 3 months later and still no financial aid! Many of us depend on those stipends to get through grad school, times are tough and we would just like to finish our programs. I cannot even get anyone in the financial aid office to respond to my request for an update. the one time I did get someone she acted as if it were some big conspiracy or secret as to why she couldnt tell me what was going on in the financial aid office. I dont know if it will help but I plan on filing formal complaints through as many channels I can find and whoever will listen. Perhaps if they get enough letters they will do something about it. I plan to first look into complaining with the departments of education. I cannot wait to be done with this school for good. if you are a prospective student RUN!!!

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful


MA of Forensic Psychology - July 31, 2012
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Not only did I have a teacher harrassing me and showed proof, but then she turned around and turned me in. I thought...GREAT! They've already seen my documentation. Nothing happend to her and I got punished not once, BUT TWICE as it was taken HIGHER UP! I was astonished. How is it that the Professors can make statements and tell students that their grade depended on a book, then in the library the book was not even there! I had proof! At any rate. RIGHT after, I left Argosy and my financial aid explained to me IN AN EMAIL THAT I HAVE, that I am complete, everything is fine and not to worry. Since then, I keep recieveing bills from them stateing that I owe money, EVEN AFTER submitting my email FROM finanacial aid! I would not use this school if it was the ONLY school left on the planet!

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Argosy is a nightmare

MA of Forensic Psychology - July 27, 2012
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This school has the most INCOMPETENT professors, academic and fianancial aid advisors. Also, if you file a complaint againt a professor, they'll retaliate and file an erroneous one on you!! This school is a joke - and just wants your money, most of the professor can't or don't want to teach, we're told we'll get E-books, and then have to BUY additional books out of pocket. They decide to raise tuition rates right around the time stipends are due, and then try to gyp you out of a portion of your stipeneds. Happened to me TWICE. The turnover is unreal - and they're always hiring. As of 7/27/12 I'm in a class with only 3 others. A lot of lawsuits they've tried to cover up, and they won't allow student lounges anymore. Certainly not purusing my doctorate here!!!

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14 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Financial Aid

MA of Forensic Psychology - July 24, 2012
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Started Summer Session May 7, 2012 it is now July 23rd and still have not received financial aid

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Ed.D Organizational Leadership - July 5, 2012
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I am so out done! I went on the word of a friend that Argosy University was ok. Well, I have had an experience of my life. This is my second class for the campus in Atlanta and I have not been award my financial aid package. This is pathetic! I pray I do not end up like some of the other reviewers and get shafted out of my refund. I have attended another Atlanta University and thought they were bad in financial aid but this takes the cake. The worst part of it is that Administration has address the issue once in May and no other update has been announce. Now it is July second class and till no information. Just think my first class was COMMUNICATION;it should be a requirement that the staff goes through this class maybe it will help. ARGOSY UNIVERSITY IS UNPROFESSIONAL BY NOT KEEPING THEIR STUDENTS INFORMED OF THEIR FINANCIAL AID.

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12 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Please Don't attempt to go to this school

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - July 2, 2012
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I began my MA at Argosy 3 years ago and have been battling them ever since. The program is poorly run with know commonality between any of the professors in terms of what is being taught within the classroom settings. Teachers are allowed to pick and choose what they teacher depending on there own personal values not based on what should be known generally within the field. Diagnostic materials was taught poorly, teacher were late with no penalty and overall education provided was horrendous. Teachers don't reply back to e-mails and/or phone calls. When you are asked to do Practicum and the end you are evaluated by a panel and they are to determine if you pass/fail your entire masters program. So basically all your classes don't count for anything really just the final PCE paper you are asked to write on presenting a case and clt. You get completely torn apart and based off there own theoretical orientation your clt. is destroyed as well. The makes claims about your clt. that are completely unethical from them to do. But it all depends on who is evaluating you. Once again nothing is ever consistent at this school. Please be smart before entering this program, try try try to find another school. This will be nothing but pain and an uphill battle ending with a lot of money wasted with a poor education something that is valuable in working in the profession we are looking to enter. Hope this helps!

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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Argosy Forensic Psych M.A...good Program, relatively challenging.

MA of Forensic Psychology - July 1, 2012
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I have been relatively satisfied with my degree program thus far. I am finishing up my third course with Argosy and the material has been very interesting. I have been able to apply some of the aspects I have learned in the courses to my professional life in law enforcement and have gained perspective in my viewpoint towards mental illness. I understand those who have asperations to enter the psychology field being frustrated with this program, because it does not allow them the option to obtain any professional licensure towards a forensic position. If you are well situated in a career path and wish to enrich yourself in the subject matter than this program is for you. If you plan on teaching or becoming a psychologist, you should probably go to a brick and mortar institution and NOT specialize in the forensic track. As for the professors, I have been very happy with them. I have had two thus far (one I've had twice) and both were Doctors of Psychology (PsyD.) currently working in the forensic field. I would rate the support a little low because as Argosy is a for profit school, the academic counselors are a little "fake" and sound more like telemarketers than counselors...they don't sound like they truly care about your concerns. However, I am a pretty independent guy and don't need the counselors, so I don't really care that much about their disposition on the phone. I am doing this program simply to learn more about the field for my own self-edification and also to make myself a little more competitive for promotion at work...that's it! I do plan on teaching one day, but I will be seeking another masters at the George Washington University in about two years to meet that aspect of my plans. Hope this helps.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

BA psychology/forensic psychology

School Psychology - June 29, 2012
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For the most part I enjoyed some of the classes to a certain degree. Like other reviewers have stated, you do change academic counselors quite often. Getting contacted by your counselor is slim to none and trying to contact them is impossible. If you attend this school be prepared to ride on your own. My math experience was horrible. But from time to time you do get some good instructors. The technology is great compared to other schools I have experienced. Would I do it again most likely no.

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3 of 6 people found the following review helpful


School Psychology - June 28, 2012
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This school is the worst school EVER!!! DO NOT attend this school. Like the others below, I have had a couple of different Financial Advisors, who are absolutely horrible!!! I was also told I would have enough financial aid and I was told that my graduation date would be May of 2013, until today I found out otherwise. I had 105 credit hours and they only took 55. The cost is outrageous and they will screw you at any and every chance they get! STAY AWAY from this school!!!

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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful


Education - June 27, 2012
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PLEASE, PLEASE, DO NOT ENROLL AT THIS SCHOOL! I wish I had been smart and read the reviews before enrolling and wasting my money. Once you enroll you will become a number. In the past year I have had over eight academic counselors and atleat five financial aid advisors, countless financial errors continuous stress and many of the issues you have (which are no fault of your own) go unresolved. Once I gave up on this school and asked to withdraw they continued to schedule me for classes. This is my 3rd time putting a request in writing, talking to academic advisors and academic advisors's such a headache and so unfair to someone who is trying to further their education and better themselves. Now I owe them money...really when I qualified for full Pell and took out additional monies to cover my education....if anything I should have had monies left top it all off my account balance was $2500 for over two months one week before the disbursement my account balance shot up and they took every dime...mind you I have passed all my courses. I never post reviews but I had to tell everyone how crooked, and unprofessional Argosy University is. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!!!!

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13 of 13 people found the following review helpful


DBA - June 17, 2012
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Unfortunately, this is not a good school is you wish to succeed in both you academic and professional tenures. I am EXTREMLY disappointed with this college, especially this term. Team assignments can only be conducted if students work as a TEAM! The instructor does NOT hold students accountable to ensure that team activities are completed. I am not use to this, so this is very difficult for me. Emails and calls from instructor does not get answered timely. Seems like the in residence weekend was only to show up, complete work that had been missed, then go home! WHAT A WASTE OF MY FREAKING TIME! I am a VA student, so I cannot drop my courses at this time. Looks like the light bulb finally turned on after add/drop. Oh, by the way, even if you take one three-hour course during a semester, you will be charged for six? Really? Might as well take two courses- but wait- I guess this college does not realize by the time someone begins their doctorate degree they are WORKING PROFESSIONALS! I am so done. And I just may file a complaint to the Veterans Administration about this as well.......... I just want to pass with the minimum. This college is so discouraging, it is making me sick to my stomach. Please do not waste you precious time, nor money on this college- no matter what payor source. Lastly, during my first semester, there was another student having issues and trying to warn me, but I just did not listen........... I got it now though.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Extremely Disappointed in this Program (and I got my MA in Counseling from Argosy!)

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - June 9, 2012
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Currently, I am taking an online "national course" which is the only one available. My own campus this summer does not even offer either an online, face to face or blended course. Let me say that I've had to deal with many an adjunct instructor, who is usually too busy with their full-time day jobs to really focus on student learning, but these national courses are even worse! The national courses are "canned" courses where even the instructor, who is more like a facilitator, doesn't get to create the course, doesn't know what the assignments are and hasn't read the book. (Sadly, I know that the instructor is dealing with pressures from Argosy, because I taught one of these national courses, but at the undergrad level. It is the same format.) This current instructor teaching Survey Techniques is more concerned with grammar and APA. She doesn't even know here stuff even in that area. I had to show her in the APA manual that she was wrong!....and she has her PhD. I suggest avoiding Argosy altogether. It's a for profit school. Check out The Chicago School, which has lots of campuses all over the country but it is a non-profjt school and they truly care for students. (I went there too.)

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12 of 12 people found the following review helpful


School Psychology - May 24, 2012
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I really enjoy the classes, but the administration or financial aid sucks. You can never reach anyone and each semester there is a different person dealing with your financial aid and a new academic counsler. In the beginning of my learning I was told that I would have enough financial aid to cover my entire education there at Argosy. However, this is no longer the case because they never explained the process of the loans to me in order for me to know that you are only entitled to a certain amount of federal aid and now here I am almost completed with no way of finsihing after 3 years. I am pissed and I am about to write the President and anyone else that has to do with education because they go up each semester on tuition without first informing the students and this has happened each semester which leads to me having less money towards my classes.

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14 of 16 people found the following review helpful

Worst school ever due to poor Business practices

Psych - May 19, 2012
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I thought that so long as I knew what I was doing their reputation for poor business practices wouldn't affect me. I was completely wrong! I have no problem with them being for profit, but when they utilize deceitful practices for their profit at the expense of the students... I'm done. I should have gotten the clue when they kept losing documents - official documents including my taxes - but I tried to have faith. My mistake. I am taking my education dollars elsewhere and will complete my degree at a college that is respectable.

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12 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Completed MA Forensic Psychology Program

MA of Forensic Psychology - May 6, 2012
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Overall the score is downgraded due to a lack of real world career options with this degree. I have a Master of Arts degree, but what value does it add to me professionaly? The materials were good and in some cases will be reference texts I keep forever. The professors were all over the page. I had one professor three times and she was a little worse each time. Complaining to the Argosy university staff was a watse of time. They seemed much more interested in payment and much less interested in quality of professor or actually following the grading rubric. The comprehensive exam is challenging and requires a great deal of writing. Not everyone who takes it passes and retrospectively, I feel lucky I did. Support is almost non existent. The value is low as the cost is high and the professional value limited. There is no real career path for this degree in psychology and unless you are a law enforcement officer, probably not much in the way of possible career progression.

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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful

BA in Psychology with minor in substance abuse

Psych - May 3, 2012
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I had trouble transfering credits from auo to PSU. Besides that this college was great and I am glad that I stayed!

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12 of 18 people found the following review helpful


Ed.D Organizational Leadership - May 2, 2012
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I spent thousands of dollars at this school (Org. Leadership)and received very good grades throughout the matriculation only to be dismissed from the program when I was suppose to start my dissertation process. I should have saw the tell-tell signs ¾ of the way through the program for I started to read negative reports about what students were experiencing. However, I had some major life changes, and still kept a really good GPA. I went through the appeals (hear what you have to say, but they done care) process and was denied to finish the LAST PROCESS of my DEGREE!! STEER CLEAR OF THIS SCAM OF A SCHOOL.UNBELIEVABLE!

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19 of 20 people found the following review helpful

Exceptionally Good

DBA - April 27, 2012
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Argosy-San Francisco Bay has been an exceptionally good experience for me. I have completed 30 credits in the DBA Program and the professors have been excellent and very accessible. It is a program for students with high self-motivation but Argosy provides all the tools for students to succeed. I definitely would recommend this program.

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7 of 9 people found the following review helpful


Ed.D Organizational Leadership - April 26, 2012
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Please do not register for this school. I worked for EDMC (Education Management Corporation, the parent company) as a Finance Counselor for over a year. The students are completely screwed out of money and the system is designed to make the student spend thousands of dollars on classes and the degree is worthless. They schedule a mandatory post for classes online 2-3 times a week and if you do not sign in you will be dismissed from class, you will fail the class and owe the school money because your financial aid will not go through in time by the time you do not meet attendance. Do yourself a favor and start at a local community college then transfer to a ground school. You will thank me later because I just saved you about $25,000-$35,000 thousand dollars (depending on how many classes you would've failed). Go to a non-profit university. This is a for profit school. They make money from you failing classes and the scholarships they say they offer are rarely given because the finance counselor is too busy with approximately 150-300 students on their workload on any given day.

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25 of 28 people found the following review helpful

No empathy expressed at Argosy University

MA of Forensic Psychology - April 15, 2012
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This has been the worst experience ever. The Professor's are unprofessional, unhelpful, and rude. I have been enrolled for 2 years in the MA Forensic Psychology program, and I have only had about 3 professors that were actually helpful. My last professor, named Nicole Williams, completely made me feel as though I should have never enrolled. I complained about her numerous times, because of her grading system. I asked her twice what was expected in order for me to obtain full credit on the discussion boards, because she would always find something wrong with all of my work, and the first response was brash and she basically disregarded what I asked her. Once I complained to my advisor about her, she emailed me back with a more elaborate response. The University stated how flexible they were before I started, however since then I am on a late shift at work now, and have kids and a husband, and would find myself staying up until 2 am, finishing homework, falling asleep behind the wheel to drive to work in the morning,and then having to wake up again to go to work all over again at 5:30 am. I would email her to advise that I would be turning in my assignment late due to this, but when she would grade me, the quality of my work which was A+, would be outweighed by the late point deductions. I won't be doing my MA program now, but my Bachelor instead because I am not seeming to get anywhere. I work hard, but if my work is a day or 2 late because of me having to make a living, why is there a late policy in place if the deduction is going to be half of the grade? Never again, and I won't suggest to anyone to enroll in this University.

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20 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Not a chance !

MBA - April 13, 2012
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I hope they post this comment. Someone hacked my internet, I have in addition to ID theft also been recieving calls from several diploma mills, including Argosy. These people are relentless in theire enrollment marketing department. $-5 emails a day, they use a constantly changing domain or address, you cant respond to it, and if you put them in your spam folder they can simply email again because the address theyre writing from renews and changes each time. Somehow these people got my real phone number, it is my cell, they called every day, 5-12 times a day, I repeatedly told them not to call and to remove me from the list, I explained I was not interested. They refused to remove me from the list, the calls became more and more agressive, I even resorted to pretending to by my own lawyer, it almost worked til some guy asked me for my bar number, they really will not stop marketing you. I didnt evben apply. This harrassment is insane. I reported them. I also had to change my email address, and telephone number because of the relentless calls and emails. Any school, that does this, that even after being asked repratedly to stop calling, does not respect the wish of the person they are calling, and anyone who knows they do not stand a chance of enrolling someone, and is told that and to stop calling and still continues to do so totally ignoring the request, is going to be a nightmare. I have no doube these people are the used car salesmen of colleges. You people that have poor grades, and cant or never took the SAT or other college entrance exams are of most risk, kids right out of high school usually attend a reputable school, but people with jobs aqnd familys who need the on line education option, and unemployed people, anyone who can not enroll in a traditional school should keep looking. This schools reviews say it all. I am willing to bet that the people who wrote the good reviews are either staff of the school, or they were put up to it by the school, any review based on what the majority say that gives these people such high accolades and praise is inconsistent with the hundreds of real bad reviews that tell how this school operates. Run dont walk, run aweay from Argosy University as fast as you can.

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19 of 22 people found the following review helpful

Choose Another School

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - April 4, 2012
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This school is a nightmare. Beginning with fact that I have a master's degree and I could have taught 90% of my classes better than the Ph.D. instructors did. I have been attempting to finish my dissertation for 2 years now and I have gotten nothing but roadblock after roadblock. If considering this program, you should also know that you cannot miss a week of class without being completely dropped from your program. Ridiculous especially considering the cost of tuition is $1350 per unit. The administration is completely apathetic, incompetent, and truly don't care about the students enrolled in this university. The financial aid department has made mistake after mistake, they have actually told me that I qualify for subisdized loans, processed the loan, applied to my account and then told me "oops we made an error, please return all the money to the school immediately". That is not a joke, it literally happened to me twice. Further, the professors are ill equipped for teaching and lack dedication. So much so that I have actually been in courses in which instructors don't check in for 3-4 weeks and we were assigned new professors. This also is not a joke and happened twice. Requirements for degree completion include passing a comprehensive exam that you are not prepared for in advance to move on to doctoral candidacy. Once a doctoral candidate you start writing your dissertation and you are pretty much on your own. The only time you will hear from your chair is when they tell you that you have to change your work. On top of that there are 8 dissertation units that are 7.5 weeks long and specific dissertation goals have to be met during each session. If you don't meet the goals, no matter what the reason is, or if it is your fault or not you will receive a no credit (NC). After two NCs you are dropped from the program altogether, again no matter if it is yorur fault or not if you didn't meet goals. In addition, no matter what extenuating circumstances you have, you may not take any time off from school. You will be disenrolled from the program altogether. Death of family member, major illness, doesn't matter, you cannot take any time off. This is just a really poorly run school. My advice to anyone would be to think long and hard before entering this program because the school's main priority is not ensuring its students graduate. If I had known how this program would be, I never would have enrolled.

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36 of 39 people found the following review helpful

Do not enroll here

MA of Forensic Psychology - March 26, 2012
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I started attending the Argosy campus in Atlanta in October in 2011 and it has been the worst experience ever. I decided to pursue a 2nd masters at the school since the time of enrollment my financial aid is never correct, I had an additional $1600 fee that was a struggle to get removed. I am a VA student that receives full tuition yet my school account states I still owe $500. I spent the entire semester trying to resolve the issue and the VA rep has not resolved the issue yet and no one in the financial aid office seems to know what they are doing. The professors are wonderful and the use of technology is great but administration of the school is terrible.

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23 of 24 people found the following review helpful

Glad I figured it out early -- all about the $$$$

Psych - March 26, 2012
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I was concerned almost immediately when it became apparent that the majority of the students in my classes had a very poor grasp on basic spelling and grammar. The instructor was also a student there, and I had to correct him after he incorrectly graded a paper. It's called 'blended learning' but the actual on campus classes were a waste of time. I haven't attended long enough to review the school for the most part, but I do feel like the admissions rep I dealt with was a bit like a used car salesman. I was told not to worry about my concerns with math (I've always had difficulties with math). Now I'm being told that I can't schedule classes for the next semester until I pass the Math Accuplacer, which I knew would be a problem. "Don't worry! We'll help you and make sure you succeed" I was told. Now it seems I'll have to take an additional class or two that I wasn't expecting, at a tuition rate that is ridiculous. 3 weeks in and I'm applying to a local university that costs half as much. I'm kicking myself for ever even starting here.

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23 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Educational Doctorate

Educational Leadership - March 15, 2012
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Up until today, I am ABD and was to start my dissertation in May of this year. Today I found out that Argosy cut financial aid loans so that one can only borrow the exact cost of tutition for the dissertation. Being on unemployment adn trying to finish my degree, this forced me to drop out as there are fees and costs associated with a dissertation that are expensive, not to mention that I needed to borrow much like a dorm student would until I find another job. The staff was cold, uncaring, and acted as if "I" should have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth and after going there for a few years, maintaining a 3.9-4.0 grade point average, and being so far into this after spending SO much money to do so, they could care less that I had to drop out. This is a money making school...and they do not care about their students, no matter how hard you work.

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16 of 17 people found the following review helpful


School Psychology - March 7, 2012
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This has been the absolute WORSE time in my education. The instructors are less educated than the incoming students. They have repeatedly mixed up my records/grades with those of other students and I'm looking into suing the school for reimbursement of my full tuition. Argosy is the worst school I have ever seen.

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17 of 18 people found the following review helpful

Online MBA; ok so far

MBA - March 6, 2012
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I am set to finish in December of this year (2012). All of my instructors have PhD's and are about as challenging as any other school. They make sure that you don't slack off and I have even been docked points for lazily citing my work. As in any school, you get what you put into it. The plus side is that you have the convenience of an online class and as a busy parent, I can pace myself and plan accordingly. Your classes are scheduled for you by the scheduling center. If you make below a B-, you will repeat that class the next session. I learned this the hard way but maintain A's now. I would say that the only issue I have had is the book, since it is digital, you pay more than 2 x's what it is retailed at but are able to have it in an archive which you can create a shortcut on your desktop for. It is a little irritating to have to read online instead of having an actual book but from what I have found, it is the same at other online schools such as Keller (Devry University). Also, as in any other school, the supportive staff are busy and a little hard to get ahold of. I find better luck emailing them. I still haven't figured out the purpose of the national call center who only directs me back to my original assigned contacts. I have doubled up my classes and cannot wait to write the next review about how my job hunting has been. I must say this, any school you research will have good and bad reviews. So long as they are accreditted by a Western Association of Schools and Colleges and a Tennessee Higher Learning (where I'm from)

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9 of 12 people found the following review helpful

BA psych program

Psych - February 24, 2012
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I read the reviews among numerous colleges and I see the same comments. I have 5 classes left to obtain by BA in psychology at Argosy. I knew what field I will be doing after I graduate, so I decided to pursue the educational institute that will train me into the field I am pursuing. This is step one-knowing exactly what you want to do before spending thousands of dollars. Basically, it comes down to this, we were taught in highschool and those that did not listen, are screwed when it comes time to college. All colleges facilitate, they dont teach. We use the knowledge we were taught in highschool and apply in college. While you are in college, you are learning to be creative, independent, and mature. This is what separates those from needing their hands held to those that can think abstractly on their own. As I read the reviews about Argosy, I cannot help to think that the negative comments people wrote about were becasue they probably showed immaturaty, needed their hands held because in real life, they could not figure things out on their own, or are just plain lazy, then decided to blame something else (typical human behavior). The facilitators in the BA Psych program at Argosy are PHD, PsyD level instructors or facilitators who uphold certain acedemic requirments. Please note: they were expected to uphold the same acedemic requirments. They also work in the field of psychology during the day. I have seen students argue about failing their papers, those students are no longer at the school, but one could see them digging ditches (to pay back for the wasted money they spent) for roads to be made so other educated people can peacefully go to work in a nice cool air conditioned car while it is 110 degrees outside. Get the point! If you do not conform or do what is necessary to conform to the acedemic standards that Argosy strictly enforces, you are screwed. So those that did conform, we will see you digging those ditches in the hot, humid temperatures. On a side note, my girlfriend is an MBA graduate of the University of Chicago, and she is amazed at some of the cognitive complexities that is involved with figuring out the assignments at Argosy. They are challenging, time consuming, and require strict acedemic policies. I appreciate this at Argosy and I get along with all the instructors. I have had a wonderful experience and I am motived to become what they are training me to be and I show it. This is what they want to see. Thanks and good luck!

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25 of 30 people found the following review helpful

So Far, So Good

Psych - February 23, 2012
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Well, to be honest here: I am a VERY old fashioned student. I enjoy the simple times when we could use pencil and paper to write an essay in place of silly internet sources. However, the school as been AMAZING with communication and assistance. I came from a silly Community College that didn't help at all. I have been amazed with the amount of support the Admin has given.

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15 of 18 people found the following review helpful

They r toward a profit only

BS-Criminal Justice - January 31, 2012
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This is not a scholl you want to go to. I disenrolled today. I had all I could take. The Online Class is hard to use at frist and they have alot of bugs to workout. I have loged on to class and it has many times showed is if I never logged on, have submitted work more than once, missed a whole week bc it was screwie. I get a few calsl every week from the staff just to tell me i have a good grade and almost every time "do you know anybody that wants to go to college" no, told you same thing last time and time before. That pushed me over the edge, fourth time telling him. Frist class is all about plagraism and stuff you learned while in you work study class in High school. waste of time and out a grand for nothing. the job i want will not even look at someone with a degree fromisthe college. I called today to let them know I was droping the program, got ask why, explained to them, respone something like,"I am tired of hearing ppl all the time complaining about this, droping out of the program, talking bad about us, this college isint creadable". I fell used, and abused from this college. They give verygood grades, almost like they a relling you in. decideed to write a total bad paper, finished it a 30 mins. got a 100% what? Dont go here. Sorry if this is hard to follow, little mad at the moment.

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15 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Good experience, elevent education, but job prospects?

MA of Forensic Psychology - January 1, 2012
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The MA in forensic psychology program offered by Argosy University online is challeging and requires initiative as well as dilligence to complete. I am one class away from graduation and have found many of the professors to be outstanding scholars in psychology. However, there are a few who seem disinterested and unmotivated. On more than one occurence I have received a reply similar to, I did not design the course, I facilitate the course, I don't know what that means. Currently, the job prospects seem somewhat dismal. I have a BS in Criminal Justice and have been a professional in that field for over two decades, but am not truly seeing a professional calling for persons with an MA in forensic psychology. My outlook is optimistic, but also realistic. The counselors seem more interested in you completing the program than providing counsel and assisting with job opportuities or suggestions. Again, the program is enlightening and provides many opportuities for students to learn and grow, but it is a terminal degree as there is no PhD offered with a concentration in forensic psychology. I wish everyone good luck and I hope we all find our goals accomplished by furthing and capitalizing on our education.

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

I was enrolled without my knoledge

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - December 25, 2011
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Jeff was sweet as pie when I began talking him. I told him from the first time we spoke that I was school shopping, I hadn't decided on school. He told me to change school on FAFSA so they could access my information.2 dys later my student adviser called me and i told him the same thing. I could't contact Jeff, voice-mail or any other way. So I left message with whoever answered call. The next day I got Email form financial department, ( Kim) telling me about award, I hadn't spoken to anyone about classes,tuition, cost, nothng, and I got email telling me I was enrolled and classes set up. I had no control over my experience. When I finally talked to Jeff , I told him I had changed my mind, and he went off on me, if these conversations are recorde you can hear ir for yourseld, he told me ai was stupid for changing schools, and how i would'nt do wee, and i would regret it, then he called me a liar. He said if I had'nt been so dihonest, they wouldn;t have wasted their time and expense to get my awars to gether. He was rude, he even brought up the last time I applied,cause my loans were in defeulat, he critizied me for that. Im mu opinion, he is pushy,rude, overpeowering and pushy.the tells you your dumb if you change your mind, i wa s still considering Argosy, till this. Pleas check it out. Kris wells, Carpenter

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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Retaliation, Discrmination and Fraud

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - December 2, 2011
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First and foremost, the BEST place to complain about Argosy is The Board of Education – The Office of Civil Rights. Most people don’t realize that this Federal Agency exists. Here is the link: Click Related Topics then How to file a complaint I’ve read all the reviews on this web site and felt compelled to tell my story. I read many entries about the other Argosy campuses and wanted to lend a supportive word or two. The same issues of discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation and fraud occur at the Argosy campus in Chicagoland/Schaumburg all the time despite dozens of students complaining. I was enrolled in the Counseling program (with a 3.8 GPA) and have witnessed and had first-hand conversations with over 70 students who have witnessed discrimination against: anyone who complains about anything at the school, women, women of color, pregnant women, Parkinson’s disease, physical disabilities and more. I am one who complained about statements the Department Chair made stating, “If you want to pass this program, you WILL NOT get pregnant during it because we will not help you in any way and you will be dropped from the program”. Over 40 other students witnessed the same behavior. He also actually dropped three pregnant women out of the program and their internships because they were pregnant. Yes, it REALLY happened. What’s worse is that it doesn’t end there. This man (and his cronies) has had screaming matches with students and professors and has been discriminatory in so many ways I wouldn’t have enough space to write it all down here. Then, when a student like me complains, the retaliation is so harsh, unethical and illegal that you can’t imagine. FOR NO REASON, I was dragged through every conduct committee the school has after I complained, told to place my medical records in writing for the school to assess me as having some sort of problem, bombarded with horrible false allegations about me, defamed my character, followed me down hallways and cornered in elevators, and that’s just scratching the surface. When I escalated the complaint to the highest person at the school, (Craig Swenson), he claimed the paperwork from my complaint suddenly disappeared and the HR director who interviewed me was somehow “no longer with the company”. Then, after I involved The Department of Education and The Office of Civil Rights, the retaliation became even worse. Now, I have completed all the course requirements, including 750+ hours more internship hours than any other student, have paid 100% of the entire program cost, have a 3.7/4.0 GPA, have rave reviews from my internships and they dismissed me from the school. To avoid being sued, their staff turns over extremely fast. Argosy has committed a serious set of crimes against me. I’m hoping the Federal Government with force them to give my earned degree to me. The best advice I can give to anyone considering ANY of the Argosy campuses is: IT DOESN’T MATTER WHICH CAMPUS YOU ARE AT, THE PROBLEM IS NATIONWIDE AND IS NOT CHANGING DESPITE COMPLAINTS AND LAWSUITS. DO NOT ATTEND ARGOSY ANYWHERE.

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22 of 25 people found the following review helpful

Second year and I love it!

Psych - December 2, 2011
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I'm in my second year at Argosy and have had a great experience all around. When a problem has came up the advisers were right on it. The professors have been out standing and willing to help when needed. I would recommend This University to others in a heart beat.

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11 of 16 people found the following review helpful


DBA - November 27, 2011
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I am a current DBA student at Argosy DC Campus. It is no joke students must be committed, motivated and self disciplined. Effective instructors do stand out above the not-so-good ones and like other Universities there are some good instructors albeit few. Just a reminder, it is a lonely journey. Be prepared to earn the degree.

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12 of 12 people found the following review helpful


Education: Instructional Leadership - November 14, 2011
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The classes, both online and on campus (Sarasota, FL), were well prepared and facilitated. Professors were supportive; provided timely feedback with embedded comments within written assignments and email correspondence. Staff at the Argosy/Sarasota campus were extremely friendly and helpful. During the dissertation process, I found the library database to be extensive, and librarians were only a phone call away when I needed assistance. I travelled a great distance to attend my blended courses in Sarasota, and I was never disappointed.

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10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Thank you Argosy University - Online

BS-Criminal Justice - November 7, 2011
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Tremendous professors and great learning environment. Very conscious about students over borrowing. Had at least 3 people review responsible borrowing practices with me. Never had a school be so concerned about my student debt. My Senior Admissions rep, Mark W was great. Without his encouragement and professionalism, I would never have succeeded. The use of the Campus Common is very student friendly, and the 5 week class sessions are perfect for returning adults. Thank you Mark and Argosy - Online.

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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful

Don't do it!

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - November 3, 2011
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Staff and department chair (no longer there) misrepresented APA accreditation process. Misrepresented support. My degree will not be worth much. They should have at least advised me to go into the PsyD program when I told them I was there for counseling licensure. Used to praise the three excellent instructors there and it gave e hope for the program but then they went over to the dark side and now-for me- with lack of internship and especially the access to one without APA, CAPIC and 2 needed is not looking good. The new chair is unprofessional, extremely belligerent and threatening, so little help there.

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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful

You get what you put into it!

MA of Forensic Psychology - October 26, 2011
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Your degree is what you make of it. I had excellent internship opportunities while at Argosy and the name is becoming more well known in the Atlanta area. Sure, there are and have been lawsuits, but the same exist at every college in the country. As far as what you get for your $35,000 in a Forensic Psychology degree, you get what you put in. It is a terminal degree meaning it DOES NOT lead to licensure, but you are told this up front and on the site. However, if you want to pursue this degree, you will write and learn more than you ever have in the subject. Expect to write about 150 papers, pass a comprehensive exam and successfully complete your practicum (200 hours) before graduating. I completed the program in 21 months, about as fast as you can do it. The University DOES give "C's" which do not count as a passing grade, so whatever people are saying about diploma mills is wrong. I personally know of students who were taking the same class for the 3rd time. They are also making it mandatory for LPC students to pass exams before they graduate. I got what I put in: good grades, good opportunities and most of the students found work thru their internships. STOP BLAMING THE WORLD FOR YOUR MISTAKES. Nobody hands you anything in this world, so get out there and do it.

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28 of 30 people found the following review helpful

Good Experience Graduated from Argosy University Oct 2011

MA of Forensic Psychology - October 25, 2011
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I graduated from Argosy online MA Forensic Psy program Oct 2011. It was torugh. The work was overwhelming. The comprehensive exam was tough too. It was a case study. However it covered every component of what you sudied. I have friends who took comp exams at traditional colleges it they said it was similar. The education is expensive. You can get similar degrees for less money. However, there were only two schools in Illiois that offered Forensic Psy and Argosy was one of the. The professors or instructors dont teach they faciliate conversation, they critique your work. Its tough because you learn on your own. I looked into other programs as I was completing Argosy's, we had basically the same courses. I think to compete this program online you need some knowlege of psychology or criminal justice. I have worked in a residential treatment center for 19 years. My work experience and BA in criminal justice came in handy. I was told inthe begining in Argosy and other programs I investigated that my work experience and educational background would be valuable. Lastly, I felt that many students were unprepared for the program. Reading their posts in class, somethings I felt I was in the wrong class or subject. Reading the many reviews it appears that some people are not ready for online studies and would be better off in a traditional school setting. I enjoyed the online experience. I graduated and was highed at a major institution in Chicago, Illinois working with ex-offenders with emotional/behavior/mental issues. My last job was paying me $55,750 my new job is paying me $77,124. I posted my resume on a website in Chicago that 99% of all non-profits use. They say my experience and was impresed with the fact I had a MA in Forensic Psychology. My degree is what really caught their eye. within three weeks I had employers emailing me about job openings they had which included, Northwestern University Law Center, Juvenile Justice Program; Hektoen Institute; and the Isaac Ray Center, Inc. These are leading institutions in Chicago working with ex-offenders and or individuals currently incarcerated.

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21 of 23 people found the following review helpful

Horrible Experience

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - October 24, 2011
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I can only speak as a student at Argosy University-Los Angeles. Attending this school for the past 3 years, has been the most horrible experience of my life. Every semester the administrations places some type of curve ball in front of the students. Recently students were scheduled into a 7.5 week course in the middle of the semester. They were not told when the class would be scheduled until the week the class would begin. Whether it's Financial Aid mishaps and changes, moving to another city (Santa Monica-Los Angeles) without consulting with students, or scheduling issues. There is always a stressor that students must suffer through in order to continue their education at Argosy University-L.A. Several of my fellow students have stopped attending Argosy because of unfair enrollment policies, inadequate teaching for important courses, unclear coursework, incredible tuition increases and the overall money hungry, careless attitude of the school as a whole. Most students in my program just want to get done and be finished with Argosy asap.

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9 of 9 people found the following review helpful

DBA Program at Washington DC campus

DBA - October 24, 2011
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I found Argosy to be a good institution for working professionals. They teach practical concepts and most importantly the research process of how to validate theory especially in management. Like all schools there are some bad teachers that should be in classroom and Argosy has its share, but for the most part they give you a well grounded body of knowledge to build upon.

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2 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Argosy Atlanta is a JOKE!

MBA - October 24, 2011
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The best thing about this school is the admission process, but everything else is awful! Finical aid representative either lose your paperwork, confuse your loan amount and have to re-submit it, or never return your phone calls. The classes offered are totally geared for busy work and essay writing. Many of the teachers do not teach but instead let the student teach each other by having students present chapters the whole term. Almost all classes in the MBA are online or Friday through Sunday, so if you have a job that requires you to work every weekend you can forget about that. This program is only good for those in need of the MBA paper already employed with a company and wanting a pay increase. If you want the knowledge or interested in being an entrepreneur this IS NOT THE PROGRAM FOR YOU!

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13 of 13 people found the following review helpful

MA, Forensic Psychology. It is what it is.

MA of Forensic Psychology - October 19, 2011
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I completed my MA in Forensic Psychology. That fact means very little in the real world. Most legitimate forensic positions require some sort of license, and a license requires job hours. Before I was half way through my program, I spoke to the former program head and to my advisor, they both assured me that I could and would get a job with the degree. Since that conversation, many of my professors, program heads and advisors have left the university. The administrative staff is horrendous. A financial employee left before he could be fired due to 'mishandling' of certain tuition dollars, including my own. The admissions staff members I worked with were incentive driven and unprofessional. When I applied to a second graduate program, they pressured me to repeatedly contact a reference, then became rude when I refused, and reported that they 'no longer had my emails.' Thank goodness for Bcc. Several professors were quite good, with professional experience that was interesting and added to the learning experience. Others were distant, unresponsive, and I rated them accordingly. Many of those lesser professors have not continued at Argosy. It is important to understand that this degree is pretty much useless. You will need a counseling degree of some sort to obtain licensure, and to get a decent job, a Ph or PsyD with a forensic concentration. I am now in a position where I may have to go BACK to school to get another degree. I will not be choosing Argosy for that second degree.

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful

Man oh man, where do I start?

MA of Forensic Psychology - October 15, 2011
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I have completed everything, but am waiting for the grading of the final comprehensive exam and I feel like I wasted so much money. First I want to say that the program is not that easy. It was a lot of work and effort. I wish however, the support was available. And, I wish that this degree had use. There are no forensic positions available for those with a Masters degree. The comp exam is basically a case study. Not that at this level one will ever use that knowledge. I will say that the academic adviser was amazing and on the ball. I think one instructor was really involved but the rest of the staff and faculty were not much to look forward to. It is not an easy program, but it leaves a lot to be desired!!! If they would be more like a real university (such as USC, NSU or UF) I think things would be a lot better.

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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Phoenix Campus

DBA - October 13, 2011
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Originally, they had a great program. However in the three years I've been going there, they've gone through two business chairs, two university presidents, and had a turnover of roughly 90% of the support staff. The chairs who were passionate about helping students are gone. The customer service of the administrative staff is poor at best. When walking done the hallway, I overheard them belittling students. I was sick a week and didn't login to a class. Afterwards I was administratively dropped and have to retake a course. If you don't like the departmental chair, you're mostly out of luck. You can transfer to another division at Argosy to get a new chair, but then you have to reapply to the school and they claim the classes may not transfer. An odd thought, since the same online courses are available throughout the nation. The program was originally around 45k when I started. Now the program is 57k and rising. They have no technology support for the weekend classes and their instructors are poorly trained on technology. Recently they've implemented new policies mandating fees on online textbooks, even though half the instructors require you to purchase regular textbooks. New fees include a minimum of 6 credit hour enrollment per semester. So if you have unexpected expenses, you can't drop a course to save money. The instructors are usually good, unless they're working full time at Argosy. A few have questionable credentials, as in they graduated from a university that's not regionally accredited to hand out doctorates. However, it's what you personally take out of the class that matters. A few exhibit non-verbal bias toward business students. I used to think, I was the only one who had negative thoughts about the university. However, other students experienced similar circumstances. I've actually had to use external support mechanisms such as therapists due to the lack of support from the university. Overall, I'd recommend avoiding Argosy.

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful


MA of Forensic Psychology - October 7, 2011
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Wow if their admissions process is like this, I would never want to attend class there. I applied to one of the doctoral programs and they forced me to apply for a start date that I did not want to apply for. On top of that they require you to fill out an MPN before they accept you into the program. Thats unheard of. Usually at a brick and mortar school, you'll be offered a fin aid package and then you accept the award and sign an MPN. Not here, they are completely backwards. They just want the students financial aid loan money. What kind of school requires you to sign an MPN before you're even accepted into the program!? The admissions officer rushes you to get in all these forms. Mind you I applied like last week and I told the admissions coun I'd need more time to get the forms in. He goes," well it only takes 5 min to sign a form." How crass! They are so hungry for money if you don't stay away from Arfloozy online you are really asking for it. The admissions process was so unprofessional and uncomfortable, I didn't even want to bother applying to the program. Get this, they even offer to contact your recommenders for you. What school does that?! That's pretty ridiculous! They are so hungry for money they will do any and everything to get your loan money. DO NOT GO THERE!!! RUNNN AWAY FROM ARFLOOZY!!!!!!!!

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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful

Hindsight is 20/20

MA of Forensic Psychology - October 3, 2011
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Clearly, as shown by the rating, their score is not favorable. I scored Argosy a "2" in the support category, only because my Academic Advisor would always respond within 24 hours to my phone call or email. The books were, well, laughable. The textbooks I utilized while attaining my BA were more intense and challenging. The digital books Argosy chooses read more at a high school level. And, so many of the courses utilize the exact material with very little deviation. Quite ridiculous. There were 3 professors whom I admired a great deal, but those three challenged us - not just facilitated the classroom. The others? A joke. Pure and simple. One such professor's responses to the DQ board almost required an interpreter; no punctuation, atrocious grammar, and lack of any sentence structure. Yes, this is what I pay tuition for - illiterate professors. Nice. Of course I wish to transfer, but unfortunately the process of starting all over again is not something I wish to undertake (I have 3 classes until graduation) and is simply out of the question - other universities will not transfer credits earned while attending Argosy. I simply dread the application process for my Doctorate. In addition, for those that state students attending colleges such as Argosy are 'rejects' (could not get in to any other college), that statement simply is not true. I am not a 'reject" - I graduated from Ohio University (3 Bachelor degrees received concurrently), on the Dean's List, and the President's List. I chose an online university simply because I worked three jobs and commuting was not an option.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

This school is unethical to say the least...

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - September 15, 2011
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This school is terrible. I had a 3.8 GPA entering my Practicum Internship in the Fall of 2010. I was removed from my internship before I completed the Practicum part of the Internship and was accused of violating a Professional and ethical code of ethics. There was no proof or evidence to support these claims. I was then dismissed from the school after having to go through their unethical and unprofessional committees. My dismissal was supposedly overturned, but I have to wait two years from the time I originally started the Practicum Internship to start again. That's 5 years to complete a Masters degree that should have been completed in 2 years and 10 months. Please stay away from any of these for profit schools.

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7 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Not a good school.

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - September 11, 2011
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The strong point is many of the professors. The chairs do not care. The support is non existent. It was a means to an end, but I am sure there are many better alternatives out there. I jumped at this school, honestly, because they said, "yes" to me. That's the embarrassing truth. This institution should be ashamed at the way they run themselves, and the turnover in the staff, and presidents reflect that poor leadership. Ask who was in charge, and when, while interviewing. Remember; YOU are interviewing the school as well. Do not be desperate like I was and accept the first thing that comes along... If I were to do it all over again, I would have taken my straight As after my first semester, and transferred to a REAL school. By the time the honeymoon wore off, it was too late.

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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful

threatening my son

MA of Forensic Psychology - September 6, 2011
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This Argosy unversity manager threatening my son to close his file and then he tried convince him not to go to different colleges and second when my husband spoke to FBI Headquarters in Virginia what is the requirement for FBI they says at least Master Degree level or some kind forensic psychology. This person name James derdock the Admission counselor it says that my son can't work in FBI agent at least some kind of experience maybe they were talking about FBI SWAT at least 5 years experience in Law Enforcement Tactical SWAT and 5 years in High Risk Entry Team I don't know what's there problem the manager from Argosy University called here and make threat to my son and I spoke to the Argosy University Manager if you contact at my home something going to happen to your work. My husband work in national security and then he never called ever since

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5 of 12 people found the following review helpful


DBA - August 28, 2011
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2 of 8 people found the following review helpful

I Love Argosy

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - August 25, 2011
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Argosy has challenged me, and with the assistance from the Professors I know that I will finish my program. Since attending Argosy I have learned a lot about leadership. All the classes have been informative and I'm a better leader since attending Argosy. I have not had any problems contacting the professors. I'm 3/4 through my doctorate program course work and I have and will continue to recommend Argosy to friends. If you want to learn and grow Argosy is the place. In addition, Argosy University President Craig Swenson, Ph.D. announced that Argosy University has been granted another seven years of regional accreditation through 2014-2015 from the Higher Learning Commission.

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4 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Really? No alternatives?

Psych - August 24, 2011
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My problem with this school is versatility. You would think because the school focuses on Psychology, Education, and Business they would realize that not everyone is the same. I have dyscalculia which is a math learning disability. I had great difficulty with the beginning review math class, and somehow passed by mostly guessing, and help of friends and family. I now have Quantitative Literacy math class, I'm having extreme difficulties with this class because of my dyscalculia. I emailed my academic counselor and asked for her assistance. Apparently this school doesn't offer alternative classes, so basically if a class is too difficult for you, you're out of luck and fail. I try my very hardest, spending hours before and after work on my assignments until the very last second it can be turned in. I feel discriminated against, just because I have a learning disability doesn't make me stupid or unworthy of continuing my education. I was told to go to limited after school tutoring, call my teacher, or youtube how to do my homework, like I havn't tried that and I'm just some lazy piece of crap looking for a free ride through college. This is ridiculous that there isn't an easier math class for those who are slower in math or who have a learning disability. This is not my fault, I didn't ask for this.

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Argosy Seattle

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - August 23, 2011
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I am currently seeking an Attorney to represent me for the problems I have encountered with Argosy University Seattle. I passed all my courses, my practicum, and was scheduled to graduate. A couple weeks before graduation my practicum grade was changed to a fail and I was told to complete another 600 hours of internship and re-take all the practicum course. I have been attempting to appeal this decision for one year and i continue to be lied to and ignored by the faculty. If anyone has information that will assist in a lawsuit or would like to join me in this fight, please email me at

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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful

MBA program

MBA - August 23, 2011
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I am in the Argosy University (Nashville) MBA program. I am slated to graduate in Dec. 2011. I have found the MBA program challenging and, if I should be so bold, I haven't found many challenges academically. Don't misunderstand, like any university there are some kinks to be encountered and overcome but ... for the persistant student who is desirous to excel, Argosy Nashville will meet the expectation IMO. I double majored, so I could be challenged, in college at Ole Miss and I have found the teaching, and the majority of the teachers at Argosy, to be exceptional for those students that are willing to put out the effort. Others may surely disagree but as for me, I have found Argosy to be an educational school ... and that is what I was looking for, an education.(And I was very, very hesitant to invest in an Argosy education to begin with) Now, to see if the degree will help me get the job that I want.

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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Worst experience of my life!!! DO NOT attend this "school"

School Psychology - August 21, 2011
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I just completed my BA in Psychology Degree through Argosy Online University. The last four years were the worst of my life. I do not wish this experience on anyone. Argosy calls themselves a "higher learning institution". Now I see that from the moment I contacted this school, they were a facade, a sick ruse. They used all of their sales pitches and made promises, and sold me on the bells and whistles of the prestige of this university. I was told that the instructors are professional and interactive, that I will be in a user-friendly classroom and learn from "seasoned faculty members who provide personalized attention in a small class setting." Students are also told that the student advisor will "monitor academic performance, assist students in becoming self-directed learners, and clarify institutional policies and procedures. Simply stated, academic counselors are full-time student advocates." NONE OF THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE AT ARGOSY! IT IS ALL LIES! My professors were often no where to be found in the classroom, they were rude, not interactive, our assignments sat in our outbox ungraded for weeks, and emails and message went unanswered. To this day, I have emails to professors and academic advisors that have never been answered. Questions that have been ignored. Concerns that have been discarded. My academic advisor changed constantly. In my 4 years at Argosy I must have had 6 or 7 academic advisors switch on me, often times without notice. I write to my advisors with questions and concerns only to receive NO replies at all. I oftentimes have to write them two or three times before they respond. Oftentimes I have to call and complain, only then do they respond. My current academic advisor starts off her emails with "Sorry for the delay in response..." I was deceived and lied to about the program, the class-room experience, and the student support system. The classroom is horrible and NOT user-friendly. It is an archaic clunky program with many glitches. Additionally, if you write to someone for help expect a response in 3-4 days if you are lucky, or none at all. Assignments are a joke and the school actually uses Wikipedia in their lecture references!!! What "higher learning institution" who charges high "private" school fees have the gall to use Wikipedia in their lectures!?! As a university do they not have any access to REAL academic literature and research that they provide the students with crap off the internet! What am I paying for then? Additionally, the texts are all digital. You get no paper text books. And the Virtual Bookshelf that they use is horrible. I contacted that service once because I couldn't access my book, and they told me they'd have a tech respond to me within 24 hours. I received an email 3 weeks later! I was also manipulated and lied to about the student financial aid process. The student financial services were a nightmare throughout my stay at Argosy. Argosy asked for MORE money from my FAFSA than needed, so at the end my loan will be for many thousand dollars more than I had anticipated or agreed to. I only found this out during my last semester. This school is a fraud. They may look like a "real" school on the outside, but this online program is a complete hoax. You will learn very little, get no support, go without interaction or responses from professors and advisors, as well as endure the most stressful and frustrating experience of your life. This institution is UNETHICAL in their practices. They will reel you in, and then abandon you. Turn back. Do not let this place take your money and lure you into their lies! I have NO idea how this online program ever got accredited.

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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful

Program run with no professors- MHC Tampa Campus

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - August 11, 2011
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Where to start? Enrollment- me & about 30 other students enrolled at the same time were lied to by our professor and our enrollment advisor about the status of our school & becoming CACREP accredited. So we were all lied to during the admissions process. NOW that there is a lawsuit regarding this the president is trying to cover herself by claiming the CACREP accreditation was wall a "rumor." Since I have started the program 5 full time faculty member have quit abruptly without notice. Where does this leave us? We have NO DEPARTMENT CHAIR, NO DIRECTOR OF TRAINING & the 2 remaining full time faculty members are not trained in mental health counseling they are of school counseling background. Actually one of them is even still a student! I literally attended a group counseling’s course taught by a professor who had never attended a group session or ran one, therefore the entire class was taught by a student who had more experience than the professor. My current professor quit in the middle of the semester and his replacement has no idea what is going on, the class again is being run by students... AND THIS SCHOOL IS NOT CHEAP! A handful of students cannot begin field work based on the loss of faculty, so their program will be extended 6 months. This university is currently facing a law suit which ironically no one knows what it is about??? I have a couple guesses. We pay an idiotic amount of money to attend a school that owns the rights to little to no journal articles and the school website is a mess, most professors won’t even use it. The stress all of this has placed on the students is making them physically ill, when the last professor left I watched 8 classmates sob, what is going to become of my 2 years of work and my thousands of dollars? I am begging someone please help us! We are doing the work! We wanted this degree! Please someone hear our cry and end this injustice! Give us our hard earned degrees, our money back & please shut this school down so no one else has to face these conditions and wrong doing. My advice to new students, transfer or dropout it will save your health and money in the long run. This school is a travesty.

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful

The worst experience of my life

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - July 14, 2011
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I am currently a student at Argosy University Seattle's Masters of Counseling Program. I do not recommend this program to ANYONE. The recruiting program at Argosy is top notch, but their follow through is atrocious. Throughout the two-years of my program I have learned very little, and when I have asked for assistance in broadening my understanding I have been dismissed. The faculty is apathetic at best, and abusive at worst. While some of the teachers shine above the rest, the core faculty are severely lacking in any semblance of professionalism. The Director of Practicum is a chief concern amidst this process. If you do not pass the practicum portion of the program you do not graduate. Part of that program is finding sites to get professional experience at. Argosy has admitted students for placement at sites that were unlicensed to practice mental health, or did not have mental health programs. When students expressed these concerns they were dismissed from the practicum, after their tution was taken. The only option left is to pay tuition again for the course. This is a deplorable money grubbing scheme with little, if any, educational value. For more information look up the numerous lawsuits taking place against Argosy nationwide. In addition, they advertise that their counseling instructors all work as counselors in addition to teaching, this is false. Some of their teachers are ONLY teachers, some are not licensed to practice in the states they live in, and others work in non-counseling fields related to psychology.

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful

Stay away from Argosy (in any state)

M.Ed. Educational Leadership - June 30, 2011
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I attended Argosy for five years, completing one degree and moving on to another. Without giving too many details, Argosy promised me: 1) Student teaching. 2) Assistance with local teaching positions (interviews). 3) Prestigious degree that employers will be impressed with (not). 4) Assistance with student loans and keeping myself out of debt. None of the above has occurred to the date of this writing. I have nothing personally against the professors. Many of them are simply trying to do what they love to do, which is instruct. However, they are pressured to "sell," as are the other employees of the various campuses around the United States. What I have? 1) A piece of paper that is worthless to every respectable school, higher institution, university, or college in my state. 2) One hundred and fifty thousand (yes, that is: $150,000) dollars worth of student loans. ($100,000 of that was from Argosy, the rest was from undergrad work and further repair of my academic career by attending another university for a respectable higher degree). 3) At the limit of student loans, and now in repayment with the same part-time job I had when I began Argosy over five years ago. 4) Years of resume re-working, wasted time, hundreds of interviews, and thousands of dollars spent on paper, postage, phone calls, gas, off time from work and hundreds of hours of filling out online applications for the constant rejection letters, phone calls, and/or nothing at all. Save yourself time, money, and aggravation.....Stay AWAY from any online-only school or a school that promises a degree within a "year" or "weeks." They might not all be scams, but nothing replaces a real university or college. It might be difficult to balance work and school; however, the positive stories I am reading about any online university (or even partial online universities), coupled with my experience, is worth the night classes or morning classes at a 'real' university run by any state. I am now five years older, about to watch my employment go through a "transition" yet again, and I find myself with NOTHING but BILLS. Do yourself a, don't walk, away from Argosy.

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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful

Worthwhile, Even if Expensive

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - June 29, 2011
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I can't speak for the DBA or PsyD programs, but the EdD program is about what I expected. The workload is similar to that of colleagues who earned doctorates at traditional institutions (you have to write LOTS of papers in APA style). It's not for everyone. You have to be pretty self-motivated -- no one's going to hold your hand. Regional accreditation means that my employer will recognize my degree, and I will enjoy a nice salary bump upon completion. Like all private for-profits, it isn't cheap, but the financial aid folks are food at their jobs. They'll get the financing you need. You'll just want to make sure that your higher earnings will justify taking out the student loans.

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5 of 8 people found the following review helpful

how long can this school continue it's abusive ways?????

Doctor of Psychology - June 22, 2011
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It appears that the same complaints have been filed by Argosy stidents for more than two yrs running. The ones that I am most knowledgable about are the lack or should I rephase as no support for students by the administation that is running these schools. E-mails or voice messages are never returned a student must hunt down the person and request a meeting with them for the simplist of concerns.Even students with the best GPA's will be persecuted by this school! They except you as a student sting you along for 2,3,4 or 5 yrs then almost always find some way to bring this student who has displayed excellent grades and work ethics before a disapplenary board. Ask yourself why???? So that they can make double the money other schools are for the same degree. By this time you have so much money and time invested you have no other choose but to stay and finish at no matter the cost because you would have to start almost all over again at another school. Most other school won't except to many of your credits and Argosy knows this thats how they keep getting your money!!!! SO IF YOU GET EXCEPTED TO ARGOSY ASK YOUR SELF WAS IT AN EASY EXCEPTANCE PROCESS? MAYBE TO EASY NO GRE'S REQUIRED MORE THAN 40 STUDENTS EXCEPTED TO SAME PROGRAM AS YOU FOR SUCH A SMALL SCHOOL! WHY DO MOST WELL KNOW COLLEGES ONLY EXCEPT HALF THE NUMBER THAT ARGOSY DOES? I'LL TELL YOU WHY ARGOSY IS ALL ABOUT MAKING MONEY THAYS WHY THEY ARE A FOR-PROFIT SCHOOL THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT SUPPORTING THEIR STUDENTS OR EVEN GRADUATING THEM ALL THEY WANT IS YOUR MONEY!!!! I WRITE THIS TO HELP INFORM ANYONE CONSIDERING ATTENDING ARGOSY IT MAY TAKE YOU LONGER TO BE EXCEPTED BY A BIGGER NAMED UNIVERSITY BUT ITS WELL WORTH THE WAIT!!! YOU WILL BE TREATED WITH THE RESPECT YOU DESERVE NOT LIKE A SECOND RATE CITIZEN WHICH ARGOSY DOES TO ITS STUDENTS. VISIT THE SCHOOL TALK TO THE STUDENTS IN THE HALLWAYS AND PARKIONG LOTS BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR DECISION THE RECRUITERS MAKE IT LOOK GREAT THATS THEIR JOB TALK TO THE STUDENT!!!! PLEASE BR MORE CAREFUL THAN I WAs!!!! also check out HAMIL vs. See for your self how Argosy persecutes even the best of the best BEWARE!!!!!

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11 of 14 people found the following review helpful

Argosy ain't about nothing.

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - June 21, 2011
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Please don't go to this school it ain't about crap!!! I was removed from my internship and then the school. I am still trying to appeal the decision. I can't stand these con artist. I don't know about all the other online schools. This one had a campus and all they are is a for profit and if you question anything thesy say or do as it relates to their policies or the internship they will remove you. They just dirty scums like that. One day I will get me a lawyer and sue the school for their unfair treatment of me and everyone who was involved with removing me. They will pay and their accreditation will be no more.

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5 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Decent program

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - June 20, 2011
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I'm about half way through my course work and I'm impressed with my experience thus far and how it compares to my previous experience getting on PhD from a brick-and-mortar institution. Everything is relatively comparable except with the amount of support the university provides is a bit above-and-beyond for this level of academics. I get the feeling like not many people make it through the degree and given the academic magnitude of completing a doctorate, I'm not surprised. The professors are hit-or-miss but that seems about right for any academic institution. I found the first residency especially informative and while the questions in the lectures don't always directly align to the readings, they do provide valuable insight into the field. All in all, it's been a pretty good experience.

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Online DBA student

DBA - June 12, 2011
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I have been attending AU at Denver since 2009 and to be quite honest it started out fantastic with awesome teachers who really have helped me succeed and grow because they knew how to teach their subject matter. In an attempt to move forward I am faced now with a graduate teacher who does not know the material nor how to teach the topic matter. Therefore, I suffer with incompetence and my GPA is dropping severely because of AU's ethical doing. I keep trying to improve but it is difficult when no one even administration will listen to your reaching out for help. I am at my wit's end and no one seems to care, this to me is far from the college I once knew. As a student that is nearing Senior status it is very disconcerting. As a customer who is paying to be taught a class it is totally unethical and highly unprofessional.

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The WORST experience of my life.

School Psychology - May 22, 2011
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I am currently enrolled in the Argosy Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree with an emphasis in Criminal Justice. Every moment of the last LONG 4 years has been a disappointment. I am angered and emotionally exhausted with this so-called "institution of higher learning". Both my Financial and Academic advisor have switched countless times in my four years. Academic Advisors DO NOT keep in contact. They do not answer or return phone calls. They do not respond to multiple emails. I have had to call several times to talk to somebody higher, each time getting an apology, but never getting any better. Instructors do not check into classrooms as they state. They do no respond to phone calls or emails, or discussion posts. Many do not provide substantial postings, if at all. Work goes ungraded for weeks, and grades do not get posted regularly. Papers get graded with NO FEEDBACK, making me wonder if they read it at all. There are "lecture notes" however, these are a JOKE! This school uses WIKIPEDIA and ANSWERS.COM as references!!! I have called and written to complain about this. You mean to tell me that a private university has NO other educational matter to link or reference to other than Wikipedia of all things (which is forbidden to use by students)? It is embarrassing that while reading my lecture notes, I click on the "learn more here" link, and it directs me to a Wikipedia, Yahoo, or page. What the heck?!?! The "educational materials" are of little value. Additionally, the assignments do not match up with the reading, there are several errors and type-o's, and mis-information in each course. Stated due dates are not consistent with the teacher's syllabus, and many of the essay topics do not coincide with the weekly reading. Several instructors have apologized for the classroom errors, but they say their hands are tied because it's outside "classroom developers" that set it up. Additionally, I believe that the application, financial, and academic areas are fraudulent. I have been lied to and misled, and ONE CLASS short of my graduation, I may not be able to complete my degree due to several errors, and some classes not posting properly. I found that my course track was not making sense, and when I called and finally got through to an advisory, I was told that not only will they need to add one more extra class because there was a mistake in credits, but now my financial aid will not cover this class as I have used up my financial package. So I will have to pay for my last class out of pocket, or withdraw from the school ONE CLASS short of graduating with my degree!! POTENTIAL STUDENTS BEWARE! THIS "SCHOOL" IS NOT A "SCHOOL". It is a for-profit company. The staff (advisors and instructors) are NOT ACCESSIBLE, nor do they care about you or your work. DO YOUR RESEARCH AND TURN BACK. I WISH I WOULD HAVE READ ALL THESE REVIEWS 4 YEARS AGO.... They were unfortunately right. =(

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

Quality of Argosy education does not justify tuition

DBA - May 20, 2011
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The tuition rates at Argosy are some of the highest of all for-profit institutions. The repuation of an Argosy degree is questionable, especially after the negative reports from the Federal Government's investigation last year. Before pursuing a degree with Argosy, well research alternatives as there are other degree programs available in online or F2F format that are regionally-accredited, have good reputations, and cost a fraction of what your degree at Argosy will cost. I started at Argosy, but will finish at a state university that is regionally-accredited and its online program graduate degree cost is $250 per credit hour, while Argosy's is almost $1,000 per credit hour. Why go into massive debt for a questionable degree when you can acquire a better quality degree for much, much less?

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

UoS is the Best

Educational Leadership - April 5, 2011
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My entire experience with the school was outstanding. I actually graduated from The University of Sarasota. The Sarasota campus is the heart of this institution and if you look up the profs at RateMyProfessor you will see very high marks. It looks like the Psyc. program is what is draging down the overall rating and skewing it. Factor that out and the school has excellent ratings in the other programs. Got to look a little closer here I guess. For example, notice NorthCentral College appears to have a higher ranking. But few of the evaluations are for Psyc whereas the lion share of Argosy are Psyc. Factor out the Psyc. and you get just the opposite overall rating than it at first appears (I wouldn't know to do this if I went to NC :)=)

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Challenging but happy with the curriculum and faculty

MBA - March 29, 2011
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I am finally in my capstone class for my MBA in Management. After nearly 2 1/2 years in the program I can honestly say I am very happy with the level of education I have received in my program through Argosy University. I had previously only attended the Cal State and UC systems, having my BS degree from CSU. I have found the program at Argosy a much more working adult friendly option. My professors have been amazing, with so much business world relativity to share with students. I am now considering my doctorate and Argosy is at the top of my list.

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True, Argosy is a tough school.

Clinical Psycology - March 22, 2011
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True, Argosy is a tough school. I would not want a degree from an easy school or a diploma mill as they are referred to. Most of the people I hear complaining at school are the one's who start falling behind and have trouble keeping up. By no means can you coast through most classes and maintain a good G.P.A. However, I agree, financial aid and student services could use improvement; and the cost is a little steep, but the education cannot be as intense as anywhere. I am assuming that there grading has to be tough to maintain their APA accredidation.

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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful

Argosy is all about the money and not the student

Psych - March 7, 2011
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I am Currently attending the Argosy campus in Orange California. When i first entered this University i was excited about the decision i have made. Now i am regreting it . From Financial Aid to the Intake process to Transcripts sent over from other institutions. Argosy University took all of my money in the past Year and a half and im not even half way thru my degree program. I personally could of attended another Universtity and at least had some of my Major classes toward my degree out of the way. Argosy campus of orange had me takeing courses that was not even discussed in the intake process. I was told that once i enter i could begin takeing my classes toward my bachlors degree in psychology I had to take 3 additional math classes and now im in a stats class. i feel like i have spent all my time on going no where. Other experience include no so much support from Members in the student service center very discourageing .

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Love it!

Psych - March 1, 2011
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I am suprised at the reviews I have read here. I think that often students don't complete the work, don't follow the guidelines and then blame the institution. I have done ver well here at Argosy and I graduate with my BA in Psych next month. I have found my classes challenging and interesting and my teachers supportive and informative. I have nothing bad to say and would definately recommend Argosy to other students!

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Argosy Seattle-terrible

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - February 23, 2011
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I have a 3.8 GPA and passed all my courses in August of 2010. In october my final grade was changed and i was told i failed my PCE. I am still in an appeals proccess and feel that i am getting no support from the school officials. I wish i could contact the person who posted about several lawsuits on this site because i would like the support of other students who are in a similar situation. To anyone who is considering this all the reviews first. I would not reccomend this school because it seems they chose a few students to fail each year and this failure is NOT based on grades.

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No Career AUD

Doctor of Psychology - February 9, 2011
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The profs are extremely friendly until you get near the end. They will not answer email nor schedule important defense dates. After AUD gets your money and all you have left in the CRP and internship, they could careless if your graduate. They promised that they would be APA accredited by the time we graduated. I received my degree, I got licensed by the state, and I can't get a job because I did not graduate from an APA accredited program. Because they did everything to purposely delay students, I spent $100,000+ for a degree that is worthless. And if you are a foreign student, they will screw up your paperwork, so they will send you back home.

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Health care Administration

MBA - January 22, 2011
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Well let me say that my experience at Argosy University was great. It does have its problems just like any other school but overall I was pleased with it. if you do not know what for profit means, I suggest that you go to a traditional school like USC, CSF, or UCLA. You can email me at anytime and i will gladly answer your question and timewalker1st at yahoo dot com.

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Not worth the money.

Clinical Psycology - January 2, 2011
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The Clinical Psychology program (Phoenix Campus) has good instructors can offer a good education. Clinical training placements can be good, but can not sustain the enormous number of students EDMC/Goldman Sachs (Parents of Argosy) enrolls in the program; so they keep bad training sites to accommodate the large numbers of students. It seems to be a "wait to fail" model, rather than not enrolling unqualified students they let you in and take your money for a few years until you fail your comp exams. Getting an internship is very competitive and there is backlash toward for-profit schools like Argosy. I was warned to not go to a for profit PsyD program and wish I would have listened. I am too far in debt to ever pay it back. Attending Argosy might be the worst decision I have ever made.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful

Ed.D Educational Leadership

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - December 18, 2010
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Since the announcements regarding the problems at Argosy most of the best Instructors have resigned and left the college leaving some really bad instructors. I spend almost 2900 per class. They make us buy the ebook whether we want it or not for 96 per book. They do not run the classes they ask us to take therefore stretching out our graduation, they never tell us the instructor until last minute for the class and many of them I don't want ever again. I am so disappointed in this school. I tried to move to another school and they would not accept any credits from this school. There are some great students in these classes but they are being taking advantage of financially. We are not getting our moneys worth. This classes are CRAPL><

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Argosy is a rip off

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - December 10, 2010
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I enrolled, but learned that the University is not CACREP accreditated as they had told me. Also was told that their disertation process was very easy and nobody has ever had problems with their review board. I don't want an easy degree, I want a degree that is worth something. Good luck getting a job. This school also has a 100% acceptance rate, that should tell you something. Tells me they take anyone as long as that federal money is commin gin.

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Great Experience - almost done!

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - December 9, 2010
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I'm more than two years into my Masters in school counseling degree. It's sad to read poor reviews about Argosy because it has been such a positive experience for me as a student. My teachers are so passionate about helping students and putting together the best curriculum to help change the school counseling profession. I am in my internship now and feel more than prepared to work as a professional school counselor. I can see how students can get lost because there is a huge responsibility to do you work on time. Your hand will not get held here - you must must be an adult and accountable for you success. I am proud of my program and the reputation is has with the community for counseling. I attended a state school in NY for my bachelors which was a very good experience but this has been a different approach where I've learned so much more from professors who are extremely qualified and passionate about changing the education system for the better. Can't wait to graduate!

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DBA: Specialized Concentration

DBA - December 2, 2010
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Finishing up my last class and preparing to take the comp exam. My journey has been a rough one, but the faculty and staff are so helpful and supportive. Argosy University is the Best!

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Current Chicago On-line Student

MA of Forensic Psychology - December 2, 2010
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I am a current student at Argosy University Online in the Forensic Psychology program. I am surprised and shocked at what I am hearing. I am 4 classes from completing the program. I googled all of my professors. So far, all were Ph.D. from major educational institutions with extensive experience in their fields. I will say there was not a lot of support. There’s really no instruction. The program has been rigorous and challenging. You really need to be a self started, motivated and have some educational background in forensics, psychology or criminal justice to keep up. The homework assignments can be overwhelming. The books and other material, I thought were good. I received my BA from Loyola University in Chicago in Criminal Justice. Overall I did not see a difference in the content of the material from Loyola and Argosy. The professors facilitate they do not teach. They critique but do not explain anything. I had problems with that. But I know I have learned a lot about forensic psychology and I am confident I will be competitive when I complete the program.

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Instructional Leadership

Education: Instructional Leadership - December 2, 2010
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I have recently graduated from Argosy/Sarasota with an Ed.D. in Instructional Leadership. The course material was demanding and relevant. Lecture notes provided outstanding information that was relevant to each course taken, and the information could be readily applied to work situations. The Argosy/Sarasota library was outstanding...especially with the support from "real live librarians." The Argosy/Sarasota online library included a wide array of journals and e-books which made research for my literature review and my comprehensive exam much easier. The professors at Argosy/Sarasota were attentive and supportive. Papers were graded in a timely manner and returned with personalized comments to help improve the submitted work or to point out particularly good perspectives. Argosy/Sarasota has become very strict with APA requirements, so be prepared to get cozy with your 6th edition APA Manual when taking courses. In each class that I took, there were at least a few colleagues who respectfully challenged my thinking and encouraged me to reexamine my position on certain education issues. This was incredibly refreshing and exciting. My dealing with the registration and business departments were unremarkable...everyone I dealt with was courteous, friendly, and quite helpful.

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No Support

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - November 12, 2010
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1)I was given no support in finding a suitable practicum sight. (2) little emphasis on actually learning counseling theory and skills. (3) Adjunct professors had absolutely no knowledge or understanding in school policy. I assume faculty and administration have very little if any cross-training, or communicating with the other. (4) administration create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation when challenged or held to accountability for the quality of the program. (5) Some excellent instructors, but without the autonomy to be effective.(6)No personal touch or perceived concern for the academic integrity of the program, just sign up more students.

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Challenging and Professional

Doctor of Psychology - November 4, 2010
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I am currently in the final Seminar Class for my master's degree in forensic psychology. Each class has been an enriching challenge, and while some professors have provided more feedback than others, I have made valuable progress through contact with all of them. One of the differences between a professional school like Argosy and a state university (I have attended both) is that a professional school focuses on integrating you into the local professional community as early in the program as possible. We were encouraged to do local interviews to supplement various assignments throughout the program and I cannot overemphasize how important this has been to helping me internalize the academic material. I'm a strong believer in the adage that you gain from education only what you put into it. I have worked very hard in this program, and I would not trade the experience for any other.

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I wish I Had Read These Reviews Before I Started

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - October 21, 2010
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The grading system here is set up for failure. I saw where someone else posted the reason for that is to make your stay with the institution longer, therefore, drawing out more money. Now I see what that person meant. So far the assignments I have been doing are not as meaningful as my Master's assignments were. They are tedious, busy work assignments. The teachers are not helpful, they just nit pick at everything. I thank God I only have 6 credits in this program. As soon as I finish this term, the next thing they'll receive from me are transfer papers from another institution.

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So Far So Good!

Psych - October 3, 2010
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I am currently a student at Argosy, and I have had a great experience thus far. My academic adviser calls me at least once a week to make sure I have no questions. The facilitators have been very easy to understand and helpful with any questions. Anyone I email or call about a question I may have responds within 48 hours of the question with an answer and explanation. I am so glad that I decided to go with Argosy!

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Discrimination, retaliation and fraud

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - September 8, 2010
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First and foremost, the BEST place to complain about Argosy is The Board of Education – The Office of Civil Rights. Most people don’t realize that this Federal Agency exists. Here is the link: Click Related Topics then How to file a complaint I’ve read all the reviews on this web site and felt compelled to tell my story. I read many entries about the Seattle and Tampa based Argosy campuses and wanted to lend a supportive word or two. The same issues of discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation and fraud occur at the Argosy campus in Chicagoland all the time despite dozens of students complaining. I’m currently enrolled in the Counseling program (with a 3.8 GPA) and have witnessed and had first-hand conversations with over 70 students who have witnessed discrimination against: anyone who complains about anything at the school, women, women of color, pregnant women, Parkinson’s disease, physical disabilities and more. I am one who complained about statements the Department Chair made stating, “If you want to pass this program, you WILL NOT get pregnant during it because we will not help you in any way and you will be dropped from the program”. Over 40 other students witnessed the same behavior. He also actually dropped three pregnant women out of the program and their internships because they were pregnant. Yes, it REALLY happened. What’s worse is that it doesn’t end there. This man (and his cronies) has had screaming matches with students and professors and has been discriminatory in so many ways I wouldn’t have enough space to write it all down here. Then, when a student like me complains, the retaliation is so harsh, unethical and illegal that you can’t imagine. FOR NO REASON, I was dragged through every conduct committee the school has after I complained, told to place my medical records in writing for the school to assess me as having some sort of problem, bombarded with horrible false allegations about me, defamed my character, followed me down hallways and cornered in elevators, and that’s just scratching the surface. When I escalated the complaint to the highest person at the school, he claimed the paperwork from my complaint suddenly disappeared and the HR director who interviewed me was somehow “no longer with the company”. I had to hire an attorney and many more of us have done the same. The best advice I can give to anyone considering ANY of the Argosy campuses is: IT DOESN’T MATTER WHICH CAMPUS YOU ARE AT, THE PROBLEM IS NATIONWIDE AND IS NOT CHANGING DESPITE COMPLAINTS AND LAWSUITS. DO NOT ATTEND ARGOSY ANYWHERE.

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Respnsibility lies with the informed consumer.

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - September 2, 2010
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I hold a Masters degree as well as my undergraduate degree from a pretty good public university (The one with the really good football team; hint, 3 out of 4 top NFL draft picks this year came from this school and more merit scholars attend there than any other public university) I am a non-traditional student whose financial responsibilities preclude the ability of taking another four years out of the job market to do a brick and mortar doctorate. I did a lot of study on this matter and I am more than satisfied with the level of support, faculty and level of education that I am receiving. I came into the program highly motivated and with a very good graduate GPA. I knew coming in that licensure through the state would be coming through my 60+ postgraduate hours during my work on my MHR at that other University. That is the requirement for state licensure as an LPC and to qualify to test on a national level. My master's program had the unpaid practicum that is required for licensure. I knew this going in that I would not be eligible for licensure as a clinical psychologist. I need the Ed.D. to teach at the master' level at my alma mater so to make sure that it would work, I took the curriculum and course subject matter to the Department Chair of my alma mater for her approval. She did not have a problem with the program. I will be an LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) who has obtained a terminal degree in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis on Counselor Education and Supervision. Counseling requires supervised practice (3000 hours of it by a board approved supervisor) for the LPC. You do not get that from an on-line program. No where in the information promises it either.

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DBA - August 15, 2010
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I spent a week at Argosy,....enrolling in their masters of Education. I received my undergraduate in Physical education/Kinesiology from a school in Waukesha, WI called Carroll College. They said their standards were high, and they were. Carroll is rated in the top 200 of all schools in the nation. So when Argosy told me all their promises I believed them...shame on me and the school. When I was finally enrolled, there was no support to speak of from their 8 different promised support systems, and the support I did receive came a week late, and was wrong. I can almost guarantee any of these positive reviews posted here are probably from faculty members or someone on the payroll at Argosy. I was used to high standards from my undergraduate school. At Argosy there was none...and a lot of lies and incompetence. It was a joke.

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Choose another University

Masters of Science in Health Service Management - August 10, 2010
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The Chair for this program was fired shortly after I enrolled, for abusive language to students. A new chair has not been hired (8 months later) the left hand and right hand don't know the other is doing. As you are in the program you find out important information after the fact. Nobody cares about students they care about dollars. Some of the instructors are good but others are horrible. You never know what you are getting. I hate that requirements change as you go. I would NOT recommend this school to anyone, extremely expensive and nothing for it.

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Clinical Psycology - August 2, 2010
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I am writing this review with the hope of creating a solid debate. I have read bad reviews about argosy; however, my experience with argosy has been great. I am half way through the psy.d. program. the program is challenging, and i have learned great clinical skills.i know several argosy graduates that have obtained their state license and are will respected psychologists. remember: its not where you get your degree, its what you do with it.

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Beyond Horrendous

Doctor of Psychology - August 1, 2010
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A letter of warning to anyone considering the PsyD program at Tampa - as parents of a former student we can only say that the we have witnessed our son/daughter go through a horrendous experience. Why post here? Because the same theme is repeated by differents posters - Bullying, intimidation, retaliation, especially toward students that speak up - a true nightmare -

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Phoenix Review

Clinical Psycology - July 27, 2010
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Here are my justifications for the relatively low numeric-responses I have given to Argosy Phoenix and the associated "support-staff". First, I must state why I have choosen to remain anonymous throughout my review. Because I have fled from one Argosy campus to attend another in the hope that my experience will be better, I realize that: going against the grain at any graduate program can be very very dangerous, the family of landed graduate programs (programs at real universities)is amazingly networked, and that the crediability of my testament will suffer accordingly due to my anonymity. Secondly, Argosy is a chance for those who don't have a better chance elsewhere to get into a graduate program and get a double-priced degree. I'll admit it. I didn't have great grades when accepted into the M.A. program at Phoenix, but money seems to heal all wounds( note: plus excellent recommendations). Thirdly, research Lies Lies Lies. [ Following taken from cheap old Wikipedia, but check your facts, did you know she(the professor)now works at another Argosy university],CST-NWS-plagiarist31.article Plagiarism controversy Argosy Chicago received attention within academia for its handling of a plagiarism incident that began in early 2006 when a student accused an Argosy University professor of plagiarizing Charles Ford's book Lies! Lies!! Lies!!! in the professor's 2000 Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) thesis at Argosy. Initially, the school found "no merit" in the accusations, and scolded the accuser, noting her accusation in her academic record.[9] Later, however, the university reversed its position, fired the professor and rescinded her doctoral degree.[10] A year later, Argosy reinstated her doctoral degree after she completed and defended a new Clinical Research Project (CRP). Finally, I hope to tranfer as soon as possible. I sacrifice my units to get into a real program, but am also prepared to suffer the consequences of a low undergraduate GPA. Keep your eyes open and one hand on your gun and you should be alright. You might have to waste 2 semesters at Argosy to attend a UC school, or have to do a M.A. from hell, but the prize is the Ph.D or PsyD from a landed university. Good Luck.

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Excellent Education at Argosy Sarasota

Educational Leadership - July 11, 2010
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Argosy University in Sarasota, Florida offered a rigorous and educationally sound Ed.D. program in Ed. Leadership. The degree took me 4 1/2 years to complete and it consisted of blended classes (class began online, attendance at Sarasota campus, completed online) and completely online instruction. The quality of professors was impressive with most having experience as school superintendents or high level educational leaders in large school districts. The instruction was rigorous, the assignments pertinent, and the feedback useful for educational endeavors. I recently completed my doctoral degree and am proud to have graduated from Argosy, Sarasota campus. I currently work for a large school system with a few Argosy doctoral graduates who are in high level positions such as superintendents, instructional leaders, administration, and teachers. My school system consistently demonstrates much higher than average student test scores and high rates of student, parent, and teacher satisfaction. The degree prepared me to perform at my highest level and Argosy Sarasota expected academic rigor in order to achieve mastery. My undergraduate and graduate (Master's) degrees from a well known public Florida University provided a foundation for success and, several years later, Argosy University, Sarasota, allowed me to continue building on the solid foundation. My time on campus allowed me to have a brick and mortar experience with real life contact which enhanced the overall degree. I highly recommend this school and its quality professors.

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Beware of Tampa campus!

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - June 24, 2010
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I have worked very hard to get where I am today. I attended 2 good colleges in Pa where I obtained my AA with honors and my BA with good grades. I moved to Florida and was so excited about starting my Masters and becoming a counselor. A few weeks ago I was removed from my practicum. The charges they have against me are totally false but they have the power to do what they want. I have done nothing wrong. I passed all my courses and my comps. I was almost done. Now I must face the board and most likely will be dismissed. I have been saying for the past year to my friends and family that Argosy fully intends to get rid of me. It was just their attitude toward me, yelling at me in class and constant nitpicking. For the past year I had to defend every little thing I said and did. I saw other students make the same mistakes as I did as a practicum student but they were not treated poorly like I was. I am heartbroken over this. I really think the trouble started when I wrote a letter of complaint years ago about my advisor. This is the same person that just removed me. Did I mention I am a disabled student? This is another story. I did my practicum counseling the chronically mentally ill. I have worked in this field ten years now. Argosy is saying I am too unstable to work with clients and I broke some type of ethical rule. It makes no sense! I work at a mental hospital. I serve on the state advocacy committee. I am not on any psych meds. I am not suffereing any mental health issues. I am not clinically depressed. My clients on my job have already liked an respected me. Argosy has destroyed my dreams. I curse the day I set foot into their admissons office.

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Radiation Therapy

Radiologic Technology - June 18, 2010
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I attended the program in Eagan, MN; I found this program to be ill-equipped to teach it's students. There are 3 instructors of which only one was decent. The instructors frequently gave incorrect information which required the student to continuously prove their case for exams. Furthermore, one of my friends was blackballed for speaking her mind about the poor instructional quality. If one makes it through the didactic portion of the program the clinical rotations (some of them) are also poorly educationally centered. I would highly recommend that you seek other schools which are more qualified to teach such an important profession.

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Just be cautious...

DBA - June 9, 2010
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I have my DBA from Argosy. I was a full time contract faculty at a private university and adjuct for several other universities. Each had told me - just get your doctorate - with your corporate experience and a doctorate, you'll have a job - no issue. There are lot's of issues with going the non-traditional route. Yes, most people say your education is what you put into it - but that's not entirely true. In the cloistered world of academia, it's all about a pecking order in which part of your own "brand" is built on where your degrees are from. The books, the articles are all the same as any other traditional school. In fact - I had more of my discipline's core theory types of courses than "typical" traditional schools - along with the research and stats, etc. But traditional universities discredit non-traditional programs - rightly or wrongly. You can be published (I am), have incredible teaching evaluations (I do) have stayed current in the profession (I am)and done all kinds of service to support the community (I do) -- and yet, if a traditional school has the choice between hiring you - with all your experience - and a freshly minted PhD with no experience but from a "traditional" program for a tenure track position - the non-traditional graduate will lose out every time. Note the word TENURE TRACK. If all you want to be is an adjunct - don't waste your time. Your MS will be just fine. I don't regret what I learned; and I met alot of really great people; I grew as a teacher and a researcher. But "growing" doesn't pay the student loans. Just be very careful - know what you are doing. Will the schools you want to teach for really accept your degree? Or are you going back to Corporate America? Or will you be consulting? Whatever you choose to do - really know who your target employers are, and what they will accept. I did - and even I still lost out in the end.

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At least I learned where NOT to go to school

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - June 3, 2010
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I feel it is necessary to inform other people out there how horrible my experience has been with the school. Unfortunately I am NOT the only one currently spending more time in conflict with the school than actually learning anything. Students work in the school and have access to all information. My personal experience has revealed that the whole concept of confidentiality is wasted on them AND the faculty. It's a huge mind game and worse than hell time spent in high school. PLEASE go to a school that actually cares about you and your education!

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DBA - May 31, 2010
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I completed my DBA in Management in 2005 from Argosy University, Sarasota Campus. Overall, it was a great experience. The professors were well qualified and all had real life experience. They were very approachable and passionate about their profession. Most importantly, classes were small (10-15 students) and the personal attention was superb! Currently, I teach for 12 different online schools (two are from state universities) and I also hold two full-time teaching positions (in a traditional and a remote university setting- most fulltime teaching positions account for 7-12 per week each). Did Argosy University degree made a difference? Yes, it did! I left corporate america to pursue a teaching career and it has been an amazing experience. Moreover, not only did I get a satisfaction from a personal perspective, but it has improved my quality of life. My average yearly earnings have been mid 300K per year, which is a lot from previous management position held (80k per year and dealing with office politics “extremely unhappy”). Not all will have the same success, but it surely made difference in my personal and professional life settings (at times, I work 7 days a week, but I am in control of my workload) The Argosy degree has a made huge difference and I highly recommend it. Good luck!!!

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if u don't get it..

Doctor of Psychology - May 25, 2010
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Yeah, I went. I paid the dues and the ridiculous money. I watched people I could not respect matriculate through the b.s. program and I kinda lost hope, passion and respect for the profession. Really, a decade down the drain. in my first semester in the program a very ill-equipped instructor told the class "if u don't get it F U" after poor mid-term reviews. Next term she got full-time status. Lovely. Just one of the chinks in the chain. At my APA internship I observed abuses but was intimidated into shutting up by some stellar ISPP grads who run the program. I found a job outside the field and never bothered to sit for boards. It's really embarrassing. Recently at a play group I me a woman who quit Argosy disgusted they admitted an abusive alchoholic and streamlined this dysfunctional student through despite her bad bx. Wish I stuck with DePaul. Could have for less time and cash.

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My positive experiences with Argosy, part 1 of 3

M.Ed. Educational Leadership - May 23, 2010
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First, let me say it would be very helpful if all posters would state WHICH Argosy campus they attend(ed) and how far into their programs they are (or got) - there are many Argosy campuses throughout the U.S., some are excellent, some are perhaps not as good as others. Certain campuses are "known" for certain graduate degrees and specialize in certain fields (Education, MBA and PsyD in Psychology are big programs at my campus.) In 2007, I received my BA in Psychology from Argosy Orange County, CA campus. My instructors were all excellent (all were practicing psychologists, all were PhD level, and NOT Argosy grads contrary to what one poster stated). The courses were rigorous. It is so important that you do not fall behind in your assignments and reading because one week here is like 3 weeks at a regular state college. With that said, Argosy is NOT a paper mill. There is no way they would have the accreditations they have if this were so - obtaining those accreditations is seriously difficult. The course requirements, reading, research paper assignments, exams, etc. are exactly the same types as my friend had in her BA psychology program at Cal State Fullerton. I am now beginning my student teaching and finishing up my Masters degree in Education with a Single Subject teaching credential. This has been an amazing program. The Department Chair of the teaching credential program is the most supportive, encouraging and demanding educator I have ever met. He is available to his students at all hours of the day and night and I have never gone more than 24 hrs without a response about a concern or question. All of my instructors are/have been long-time teachers, principals and superintendents of junior and high schools. My off-site classroom observations, research projects, readings, writing assignments, etc. have been hectic and demanding, but worth every dime I have paid. I have learned so much. I am fully ready and prepared to begin student teaching. I know what to expect, I know how to design effective lesson plans and how to teach effectively. My education has been exactly the same (if not better) as what I would have received at a large state college. Except that I was in classes with 15 other teachers-to-be, not 100+ at a public school. Think about how much better you will get to know your instructors and they will get to know you when you aren't 1 in 100 students in their Curriculum and Instruction course (for example). Argosy Orange County does have its APA accreditation for those getting their PsyD degrees and are really concerned about having an APA accredited degree. But this designation is not required everywhere you would apply after graduation - if you go into private practice, you don't need it. Most hospitals and behavioral health facilities don't require it, they require a PsyD degree and that you've passed your state boards and have a valid license! Nevertheless, most of the Argosy campuses in California are APA accredited now. You have to check with each campus - some have their APA accreditation, some do not, but even those that don't have it yet definitely are pursuing it. For those grad students going into education, Argosy OC is fully approved and accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Calif's public education overseeing agency. Our OC campus is in the process right now of getting the WASC accreditation, which is the highest accreditation on the west coast. Right now, they are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, which is still highly important and respected. The things the school has to go through to get these accreditations is so not easy! I have been invited to sit on the student interview panels during certain accreditation meetings where the evaluators from APA, WASC, etc. come to the campus and really turn it upside down. Interviewing students is just one part of this process. The bottom line is, I was really saddened to read some of the negative posts on this site about Argosy. It has been a great school and experience for me. I have a relevant graduate degree in an in-demand field and will have no problem getting a good teaching job upon graduation. Maybe some other people have had bad, isolated experiences and found this sounding board to vent them. But without knowing their whole stories, it's hard to say exactly what these situations really were about. Maybe the students who were dismissed for plagiarism really did plagiarize on a paper (who would really admit it, if true)- Argosy takes plagiarism VERY seriously, and it is easy to prove with the current Turn-it-in cross checking system used by most universities nowadays. It's embarrassing and humiliating to be called out for something like that, so I can see why these ex-students may want to get their digs in however they can. The bottom line - DO YOUR RESEARCH. Find out about the field you are considering. Compare other programs and schools and see how Argosy's courses, content, prices, etc. compare. If you think you can do better somewhere else, go there. For me, it was the best choice and the most flexible and relevant to what I wanted to do. I compared Argosy to Pepperdine University and Chapman University when first considering my MAEd and teaching credential programs. Both of those schools had more "fluff" courses padded into their programs (for example, three bilingual education courses required instead of Argosy's two) and these schools were much more expensive than Argosy. Sure, Argosy is more expensive than a state school, but you have to compare it to a private university, not a public state university. Perhaps educational or professor quality differs among campuses in different parts of the country. All I can say is the Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco, CA campuses all have excellent, multi-accredited programs. You will work your behind off here (as you should if you want to master your degree subject)- Argosy is not a paper mill and it is not dumbed down, easier than other schools or granting worthless degrees. One of my mentors who graduated from the EdD program (educational doctorate)several years ago is now the superintendent for a large school district here in Southern California. The past chancellor of the Saddleback Community College district is the program director and teaches in OC's EdD program (the College Administration specialization)as well. These types of professionals would not be affiliated with Argosy if it were flaky, unethical or low quality as some posters here have stated. Do your research, sit in on some classes, talk to students in the halls, find successful Argosy alumni to speak with, know what your chosen field requires, involve yourself in paraprofessional associations and activities while you are earning your degree. Get to know your professors and soak up all you can from them. Don't be a passive learner, don't cheat or plagiarize your research and papers, and be a serious, intelligent student and you will have a great experience wherever you go, Argosy included. Good luck! T. Felts MAEd/SSTC Student, Argosy University Orange County, CA

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Graduate Student

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - May 18, 2010
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I am a current student at Argosy University working towards my Master Degree. I also did my undergraduate studies at Argosy University. My expereince with this school has been wonderful. I have learned so much and I am please to be a part of this University. Sure, I had one professor who was a nightmare, (online instructor). Howver, she is no longer at this University. I have always had the support of the school and that was important to me. My race was never an issues (I am a black bi-racial female). And this school has treated me with the utmost respect. I have met with others of different races and realized we as human being have a lot in common. One of the major problem is, there are students who wants an on campus babysitter and that is not what a professor does. Overall, I plan to continue my Education and I am hoping it will be at Argosy. You must keep in mind you need to do the work and learn how to be an adult. My name is Pamela B, most people call me PAMPAM. I am not afraid to say who I am. I am a graduate student in the Counseling Department. Argosy University has been an excellent place for me to be!

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Exceptional Opportunity

Education: Instructional Leadership - April 25, 2010
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Argosy University provides an opportunity for the student to receive a rigorous education which can be personalized. There is a wonderful blend of full-time experienced professional professors and passionate adjunct practioners who are successfully engaged in the field. NCA Accredidation from the Higher Learning Commission assures a quality and respected degree. As a practicing high school principal, consultant and college professor, I can attribute continued success to the academic experience and the doctorate credentials from Argosy University - Twin Cites.

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Great if you can't think for yourself

Psych - April 8, 2010
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Like many others, I was very excited to start at Argosy but I quickly became very disenchanted with the quality of the education. I had several transfer credits, many of which were classes that I would need to take to complete my bachelors and was told that they would count towards my gen ed, as they were 200 level and the ones offered at Argosy were in the 400 level. Imagine my surprise when I was told by several profs that I had a better grasp of much of the material than they did...and better yet the abnormal psych class that I was promised that as a 400 class would challenge me instead proved to be one of the biggest wastes of time in my educational career. In most classes I didn't read the books and only briefly skimmed the online lectures and had no problem with the assignments. Yes, everyone enjoys a class or two that are easy A's, that way you can take them with something more challenging and know that you will have a great semester; but do you really want to pay for a class where you end up correcting the teacher on the basics of a subject that they are supposed experts at? (And yes, they did have to admit in class that they were wrong...great job guys!) In the year that I have been here I have had only one teacher that believed in pushing one's boundaries and his words of advice and support will be the one positive thing that I will carry forward. He made a statement about one of my papers, that it was what is normally expected from a grad student was both greatly appreciated and also a bit sad. I guess that I expected more out of the school and my fellow classmates, as I never would have considered my work to be more than what was expected. Scenarios given for discussion were many times stereotypical, missing needed information to make a clear clinical decision, or completely out of date and for someone who wants to be pushed this is just not acceptable. If you are the type of person who is highly intelligent, tends to be analytical, will question authority when they are wrong, and has the ability to think beyond the written word and see the big picture, then Argosy is not for you. I am done with Argosy at the end of this month and am moving on to working on my Masters elsewhere, but I will carry the feeling that I wasted a year of loan money and time on a year of lower than average education.

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Several Lawsuits Currently Happening

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - April 6, 2010
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This school was a huge disappointment. I completed the program with a really good GPA 3.9. I had filed 2 complaints against the Director of Training Dr. Roedel, which mysteriously disappeared after they failed me based on the completely subjective PCE. They completely re-vamped their program the year after I left and the professor who taught the class was only there one quarter after I left. I was lied to by the recruiter, whom they later fired for lying to prospective students (but they chose not to tell any of the students who she lied to that they had been lied to). It was common for professors to leave mid term. From my start date to my end date (I did a 3 year program) the faculty had a complete change including 3 presidents. The only staff that were there when I left was the Director of Training (which several students had filed complaints against due to his behavior and attitude) and the Counseling Dept. Head. The Director of Training had been previously fired from Bastyr University due to his treatment of students. When I protested the failing of the program, even though I had a good GPA, great reviews from my internship supervisor and rave reviews from my professor in class, I was told sorry nothing we can do you need to repeat your internship. The head of the Department even claimed that she had reviewed all 4+ pounds of the documentation in only a couple of hours then issued her decision. The Seattle Campus President implied during a meeting with him that my previous professors had been dumbing down the curriculum for the classes which is why I was doing so well up until the final evaluation. The Counseling Dept Head filed charges against me with the Ethics Committee and when I went up and explained the situation they flat out asked me “We don’t understand why these charges were filed.” All charges were dismissed. While many of my professors were full of knowledge and appreciated, the administration sucks as did many other professors. There are just too many uncertainties with the Seattle Campus. I highly recommend that you go elsewhere. Oh yeah, they also invited me to enter into their Doctoral program before they failed me. Makes you wonder.

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Wonder why complainers don't give their names!

Psych - April 3, 2010
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I am in my third semester for a BA in psychology. I have had some issues with support, but you are going to have issues anywhere you go. I have had a problem with one teacher over grades, but that happens everywhere too! Things do not always run smoothly for any institution. To those who complain, I wonder why you are keeping it anonymous? I find the educational content challenging and I find the freedom of scheduling my own pace wonderful. And thank you for the person who also did the homework and found Argosy accredited for this degree.

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Very Displeased

Psych - March 28, 2010
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I was psyched when I became a student at Argosy University-Online. Until I found out they didn't accept all of the transfer credits they said they would. Instead of going in as a junior, almost senior, they had me as a sophomore. Then, when I asked for help on making an appeal for my transfer credits, I got none. Although I had one exceptional teacher, my psych teacher was horrible. She was unwilling to help me with any concerns, changed guidelines after assignments were turned in, and was not encouraging. I agree with other comments here that Argosy seems more worried about getting money than teaching students. Never will I advise others to attend AU.

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Favortism in Grading

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - March 27, 2010
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I attended Argosy University, located in San Bernardino, California. My second seven week session the professor lacked teaching strategies and graded gave grades to five students and four students did not receive a grade. I e-mailed and faxed the president of the school and she never responded. My third seven week session, I worked hard to get a grade, I went to tutoring and worked with a study group on take home exam. But, when I went to check my grade, I had not received a grade nor did the class show up on the transcript. For students who want an education go to a real school and not a warehouse.

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Respond to Lower Education

Psych - February 24, 2010
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To the person who said that argosy was not accredited by the APA you are dead wrong, check the apa website, they are. For the psychology world (not talking about any other programs at the school) it is a good school (used to be known and the professional school of psychology). Argosy Educators are professionals actually work in the field they are teaching now. They already have jobs doing what people are going to school for. Also the statistics of internships for those who have graduated in the last year is over 90%. Seriously do some research...of your own!

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Enjoyed Everything

Educational Leadership - February 9, 2010
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I enjoyed my experience at the Sarasota campus. Excellent instructors from around the country and great classmates. The negative comments here are nothing like my experience. In a large system there can be a bad campus, and those dissatisfied are more likely to voice it. I trust they will address these issues. dp

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Lower Education

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - February 3, 2010
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This 'university' is a diploma mill, and I feel like a sucker for attending. I was explicitly told by my current employer that they do not recognize Argosy degrees, since they aren't accredited by the APA or CACREP. I've since found two different lawsuits filed in 2009 by people who paid tuition, were promised accreditation was in process, and then graduated with a worthless degree. Graduates from Argosy are in on the scam, and this school is a joke. If you haven't enrolled yet: don't waste your time. If you're already registered: Drop out now before you waste more of your money. No employer will pay you anything extra for a fake degree, and you'll waste a LOT of time and money in the process. Argosy is a laughingstock, and you will be too if you get a worthless degree from them.

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Psychology Program,j Santa Moncia

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - December 22, 2009
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I am currently enrolled in the Ed.D Program, Counseling Psychology and it is a joke, minus the humor. Do not waste your time or money. If you decide to attend that particular program, get everything that they tell you in writing, whether the information povided is from te registrar's office, advisors or the department chair. I have had to deal with way too many inconsistencies in terms of information. I enrolled in the same program as another student who attended the same school previously before enrolling at Argosy and that student was allowed to have credits waived. It took me almost 2 years to get credits waived for the same program. I received little, if not any cooperation from the department chairs and finally filed a complaint with the main campus. In terms of the "attendance policy", instructors are not consistent and the "so-called policy" appears based more on favoritism and instructor preference. Therefore, a student may miss 3 classes and not be failed by one instructor and and another student may miss 3 classes and receive a fail in the class. The latter experience happened to me.

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So far so good

Psych - November 23, 2009
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When other schools just tried to get my money, the staff and teachers at Argosy University really know who I am and want me to have a successful future. I am very thankful for the opportunity they have given me to represent their school. I know alot of people aren't happy but my experience has been great and I really enjoy my classes.

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This school is morally bankrupt and way overpriced

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - November 21, 2009
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This school does not care about anything but getting your money. The staff turnover is outrageous. I went to class one weekend to come for the 2nd half of class to find out I had a new professor who made derogatory statements about the first professor and the class assignments assigned through her but graded by him. The program "leadership" is lacking. Their Director of Training was fired from his previous employment due to his treatment of students. He has had many complaints against him here too but nothing has been done to fix the situation. I have discovered that the school's reputation amongst employers is not good and have been told by many of my classmates that they are having difficulties finding jobs because of this.

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Psych - October 29, 2009
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I just completed my degree yesterday and I couldn't be more pleased. I went from a well known private college to Argosy with high expectations. I am a mother of three small children and I work full time. This program was very challenging and I spent many hundred hours completing course work over the course of the degree. Each person will have a different expereince but for me it was the perfect match. As far as standards are concered, I already worked for the State Department of Behavioral Health and all of the instruction I received was very relevant to the field!!

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Unethical. Terrible Education.

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - October 29, 2009
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Don't waste your precious time and money. They don't care about you.

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So Far So-So

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - October 28, 2009
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I am in my fifth course at Argosy University Online in the EdD in Organizational Leadership program. The online program has not been around very long. I cannot speak for ground courses. Some of the online faculty are such good, caring people who really are experts. But some faculty are on autopilot. They grade on autopilot, they do not know me. The administration is almost non-responsive to online students - they have been to me. The online courses are very poorly designed. The readings sometimes do not relate to the assignments at all. Course assignments are included in the course that are either tossed out by the instructor or too much for students to complete in the time allocated. Some of the courses are not well grounded in peer-reviewed research. Books are sometimes latest editions - but the original research is often ten years older or older. I think the faculty really do care they are simply overwhelmed. Online learning courses require a great deal more work than ground courses. These online courses are not inspired by any stretch of the imagination. The school uses a small fraction of what is available on the market and for the price we're paying I'm extremely disappointed at the quality.

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$165,000 and no degree

Clinical Psycology - October 23, 2009
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I started at Argosy back in 2001 when they first went online. The concept was great, distance learning. I was in my mid 30's have 3 kids and a full time job. I went for my doctorate of pyschology. I am still enrolled in the program and six years later is has been a living hell. After failing multiple reviews despite a 4.0 GPA and multiple internships the Department heads have no mercy. If you are currently enrolled now, transfer and cut your losses. If you are considering Argosy, take your money and invest it into the stock market, you will probably do better. The professors are mostly graduates of Argosy and that contributes to the sub-par quality of education.

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Argosy ATlanta is no better!!!

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - October 6, 2009
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I just started at this school and I already feel that I have made a bad decision. They talk you into getting into their programs, but then there is no organization. We have been in school a month and I have not received my financial aid. They posted my info on another students profile. Then i have changed my major a couple weeks ago and still no one has got back to me in regards to my new classes. I am like you dont have a footbal team or basketball team so where the hell is our tuition going? you cant get an organized staff to make the school run efficiently? I am ready to leave and I will transfer in January. This was a big damn mistake but hey I wanted to get back into school and further my education. Argosy is a business not an educational institution. I am going to Keller at least they have been around and made a positive reputation for themselves. The majority of Argosy university students have had negative reviews, do your own research and you will see; its all over the country.

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M.Ed. Educational Leadership - October 4, 2009
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I am finishing my M.Ed. in Educational Leadership at Argosy University Online. It has truly been the worst educational experience imaginable. This school designed as a "diploma mill" and is only concerned with recruiting you into their programs and charging you thousands of dollars for your degree. I have spent my entire life savings on my degree and now I may not even graduate. I have been wrongly accused of academic dishonesty (another student in my class used my words and submitted them as their own). I am devestated! Now my instructor is threatening to fail me from the course and have me kicked out of Argosy! Please don't let this happen to you. Do your research and look at the Better Business Bureau Reviews and read the Hamel v. Argosy case at I have been finding so much out about how they wrongly accuse students and threaten them without a warranted cause.

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Flexible Environment = +

MBA - September 25, 2009
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I am currently enrolled in my first session of the MBA program, taking two classes. I first considered attending Argosy almost two years ago, but I didn't feel that the time was quite right. They did seem to be a little pushy, calling multiple times a day, and that was a little off-putting when I was working through the enrollment process. Perhaps they really do just to want to help though? I do wish they were a little more established, and I would like to get more information regarding how they are viewed by their peers. So far, the program seems like a good choice. The assignments are challenging, but not impossible. There is a diverse selection of students in my classes, who can contribute lots of insight based on their real world experiences. I've been able to handle two classes this session and 40+ hours of work so far with no problem. From what I've learned about the program, I would recommend it to someone who is interested in advancing their career but would prefer the flexibility of an online environment.

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Devastating Experience at Argosy

Doctor of Psychology - July 30, 2009
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If you are considering Argosy University go to and review Hamel V Argosy. This case is in progress. Argosy Parent

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Not so good

Psych - July 24, 2009
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I have to agree with Copurnikus, the instructors for the most part are really great, however support is non existent in my experience. For example, in April, Argosy changed it's campus of record. However they neglected to change the school code in a timely manner. This was disclosed to me by someone at Sally Mae. Their mistake was then taken out on the students, as Argosy had to cancel all the loans and resubmit them. As a result we did not receive our stipends when promised, as per the announcement on their web page. After changing the disbursement date numerous times, without ever notifying the students, other than changing the date on the web page, Argosy then took the bulk of the student loans to pay present and future tuition and made the students wait an extra two months for the Pell Grants to come in. I really feel that as a consumer, I am held responsible when I break a financial commitment,and I believe that Argosy should be held responsible as well. In addition they have just raised their tuition by 30.00 per credit for the second time this year. I believe this makes them one of the most expensive online schools out there at 510.00 per credit for a BA in psychology......ridiculous!

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Tough but worth it!

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - July 13, 2009
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I am in the early stages but the support has been great, the classes are very intense and thought provoking. The students are from various places and it is a very good program so far. There is a LOT of work to do weekly with the readings, writing and online classroom participation, but it is worth it. My professors are great, critique every detail of writing and are solid leaders in their field. I am not sure about the degree not holding up since I know quite a few professors that received degrees from Argosy and they are thriving in private practice and well known research institutions.

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DBA - July 10, 2009
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It is hysterical to read all these negative reviews! It sounds like most of these people are taking negative situations very personally and blaming the university. If you don’t pass comps…that’s your problem. Didn’t get your internship during the first round match…you’re the one who interviewed for it. If you have financial aid problems because you drop a class…your problem. Your degree wasn’t “respected” in the community…probably because you didn’t interview well for a job and the rest of your resume or CV doesn’t support your degree. Tuition complaints…you chose this school over a less expensive state school. Why blame the university for something you knowingly chose? A college education is a very personal choice. You may choose a school because it’s less expensive, the admissions requirements are a bit more relaxed and perhaps your undergrad GPA doesn’t reflect your ability, the flexibility allows you to work and go to school. Whatever your reason, this is your choice and nobody is making you stay. If you’re unhappy, you can leave, but ranting and raving is pointless and juvenile. You’re mad because something didn’t turn out the way you had planned. I completed my MBA at the Atlanta campus in 2005 and have been in my DBA program since 2006. My degree has been well-respected and I’ve been offered numerous university adjunct teaching positions in the community and I haven’t even completed my degree.

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I am about to seek a lawyer and report to news

Psych - May 14, 2009
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I can't believe that I got into this school I am not just thinking but in a week or two getting a lawyer to get my money back and then ake this to an ethics commitee and supreme court they get your money and ascrew yoiu into the ground the really sad part is that I was an honor student at my high school a real extra curricular activity girl and planned on becoming a child psychologist or teacher, this woman name starts with an S called and basically talked me into going man swear it on my lips PLEASE DO NOT COME HERE I AM GOING TO SUE THIS SCHOOL. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF GETTING SCREWED OVER. I REMEMBER THE DAYS WHEN EVERY UNIVERSITY WAS WORTH THE DEGREE I SINCERLY HOPE THIS SCHOOL GETS SHUT DOWN AND I WILL BE SO HAPPY.

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Psych - May 7, 2009
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I just started my Doctoral of Business at Argosy and have not had any issues with them. I'm also taking classes online so I can set my schedule as needed as there are other things going on right now in my professional life. Because I am an academic scholar, it was important to find a university that could meet my needs. Ultimately, it took a review of four universities before making the choice to attend Argosy for my Doctorate. I just started my second class for my Doctorate and I have been able to use my prior skills and experience from my executive and technical career. I look forward to starting the next research class and continuing my dissertation writing as I will be continuing my technical research. On a final note, to the student that complained against Argosy, they may want to read their FASFA contract as if they are under federal aid they have take a specific amount of credit hours otherwise their federal aid will be voided. Regards, S. Elvins, MBA BA, BSMIS

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BA Psych Argosy Orange County Campus

Psych - May 5, 2009
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Argosy University is TERRIBLE. The classes are crappy and a total rip off. I was new in my BA for Psychology, and I was workign a lot, so I called the school to find out if I could take less classes without it affecting my financial aid, and they said yes and not to worry about it. Two months later I was billed for the class I did take plus the class I did not take- over $3,000. The staff who had advised me that I could drop an extra class had gotten fired... as everyone does at Argosy. From the year that I went to Argosy, my account went through so many different people. One of my classes even consisted of watching a movie and writing which character I liked best. AS IF WE"RE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! They over charged me for books and tution as well. I even wrote a letter to the school about an issue I was having an never recieved anything back from them. They dont care about the education the student recieve nor the well being of their students. DO NOT ATTEND ARGOSY!

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Clinical Psycology - April 15, 2009
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I am in the fifth year of my doctoral program in clinical psychology at Argosy University. I have finished all of my courses with my lowest grades being 2 B+'s. During the course of my time at Argosy, I have had several referrals to the schools internal "ethics" committee, which placed me 2 years behind schedule for my upcoming practicums. The remediation process, being long and drawn out, as there are 1/3 of the professors that the establishment would require considering the amount of students enrolled, required more remediation than would realistically be expected. After failing 2 of my CCE-D's, I have been dismissed from the program. $150,000.00 in student loans, 5 years of my life, with not even a Master's degree to show for it. How is it possible that I was able to pass all of my classes, pass my comp exams, but fail 2 CCE-D's?? AND it took them 3 semesters to place me onto a practicum, during which I was paying for my seminars "just in case" they were able to find a place for me. Do the math: 40+ students accepted EVERY year....less than 20 go out on Internship every year. What happened to the other 20 people?? Oh. I know. They found some way to dismiss them after they had collected over a hundred thousand dollars from them. Lawyers are afraid to touch the school because the schools legal team has made it nearly impossible to fight given the policies are stated straight up in all of the manuals. However, being a student, one does expect to be treated fairly. have never felt so bullied, intimidated, beat down, and horrible about myself as I do after being in this program. I was suicidal at one point during my time there. Shows how well they foster a healing and accepting environment, right?

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Not worth it. There are better quality schools

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - April 10, 2009
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I am a former student at the Seattle Campus. I found out toward the end of my program that there was a common practice of the recruiters to lie to the students that they are trying to get enrolled. Of course the school (when they find this happening) fires the recruiter but then fails to tell the student that they were lied to. When the student finds out they have invested so much time and money into the program they are typically stuck. The behavior of faculty is horrid. The Director of Training treats students like they are beneath him. He is rude, condascending, and mean. He has on several occasions brought his students to tears. This has been reported to the administration but nothing has been done. There is no support. My faculty advisor changed 5 times during my program and I was never told. I found out when I would try to schedule an appointment. There has been mass staff turnover during my time and from what I hear its continuing. Faculty tends to stay for a few quarters to a year then leave. There is no consistency.

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Don't Do It. Horrible School - Seattle Campus

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - April 9, 2009
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I attended the Seattle Campus and it's horrible. I have filed complaints against one staff member as have many of my fellow students only to have them swept under the carpet. The turnover rate is horrid in their staff. The recruiters have been known to and fired for lying to potential students however the school fails to notify the students that were lied to so by the time they find out its to late to transfer to another school given the time and money they've already invested. You are provided no support by the majority of the faculty and are looked upon and belittled by your professors when you ask for clarification. If you’re not already in therapy you will be by the time you end this program. All I can say is Stay away from the Seattle Campus.

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Truth About Argosy University Orange County C.A.

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - April 4, 2009
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I'm in the Master's in Counseling Marriage and Family Therapy program at the Argosy Orange County California campus, and I recieved my B.A. Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology from Cal State University, Long Beach in California.I'm very happy to say that I've had great experiences at Argosy University Orange County California campus so far. They ARE regionally accredited BY the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and is a member of the North Central Association (NCA), and approved by the BBS BOARD OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES and they DO have several Master's programs and the infamous Clinical Psychology PsyD(Therapy oriented not research oriented programs)that ARE APA AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. IF YOU WANT A RESEARCH DEGREE THEN GET A PH.D BECAUSE A PsyD is for people who WANT to learn the necessary knowledge to help others through therapy. If you need to confirm that they are approved by the BBS BOARD OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES THEN GO TO THEIR WEBSITE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF: Regionally Accredited AT: APA Accredited AT: Argosy University is a NEW University, so shame on some of you for bashing the new university. Its NEW,small,and private, so no wonder not many people have heard of it! Argosy University is owned by Education Management Corporation and was formed in September 2001 from the merger of the American School of Professional Psychology, the University of Sarasota, and the Medical Institute of Minnesota.[2] The American School of Professional Psychology was founded in the early 1970s by a group of psychologists, educators, and other professionals who called for a clinical psychology degree that emphasized teaching and practical training over the research-oriented approach of the traditional PhD degree. Furthermore,I can understand that some of you may have had some bad experiences there, but putting it on some online review site is pathetic. If you TRULY had such an horrendous time at Argosy then go to court, and let me know all the FACTS in writing before whining all over the internet. By the way, I've had much worse experiences at Cal State University, Long Beach in California that don't even compare to anything that I've experienced at Argosy University. YOU ALL SHOULD SEEK OUT THE FACTS THROUGH DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH. If YOU think that by solely reading is the truth then you're only seeing A LOT or misrepresented information. Go to the Board of Behavioral Sciences website, go to the website for where they're regionally accredited BY the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and is a member of the North Central Association (NCA), and go to the APA American Psychological Association website. The APA doesn't joke around, and they would not accredite Argosy University's programs if they weren't rigorous and stellar.

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Perhaps I'm a Positivist

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - April 4, 2009
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I have had a good experience at Argosy. I like that the class sizes are small. You really get a lot of attention - that is, if you want it. Those who sit and do nothing are welcome as well - which brings me to the fact that, yes I agree, admissions standards are incredibly low. Sometimes I am shocked and appauled by those who have made it into the program... I wonder, where did they get their Bachelor's degree and HOW? Bottom line is, it is an "easy" education if you are willing to spend the time. Going for a counseling degree you don't have to be good with numbers or memorize much information. You do, however, have to have a desire to help people and you have to ENJOY being around them. I have learned a great deal about myself while in the program. The discussions we have in class can facillitate transformation amongst students and eye-opening, insight into a bigger world for psychotherapists outside an academic setting. I just transferred to Sarasota from Tampa, so although I am attending Sarasota currently, the majority of this pertains to Tampa.... Sarasota have some communications errors that they deserpately need detangled. No one returns, calls, e-mails, pleas for help, etc. Anyway, I am not here to say bad things about Argosy for they have taken me to the next, necessary level in my academic career and for that I am grateful. I am sorry to those of you who have suffered bad experience. I hope you have found exactly what you were looking for! :) Good luck to all.

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attempting to be unbiased yet informative

Clinical Psycology - March 28, 2009
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I am currently working on a Psy-D and have been thrilled with my program. This has all been as a result of strictly looking at the glass half-full. I have had some excellent professors and experiences. I am in my fourth year. I would not however, recommend this program to anyone who has a sensitive heart and cannot withstand being pruned or ripped apart in the process. I have heard of people being taken advantage of, reports of being lied to by faculty and frankly, bad treatment. I have only had one experience like this personally with a professor who showed up for half of the class and told us about his personal problems- but I know that most of the students are not happy at the school. Frankly, everyone hates it. I never have heard a positive comment from my classmates except from me. The students are livid with their treatment and have an air of being abused. I don't love big universities but I believe there are more rules imposed on the management and perhaps because Argosy is so small, they are allowed to get away with more. I do know that while I have been there we have had more than 3 president leave and I have been there for three years. I chose this school because it was one of two Psy-D programs in the state. I don't know if I would have chose this path if I know what I know now.

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Not satisfied

Clinical Psycology - March 16, 2009
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I have not been impressed with the faculty or the institution as a whole. There is little to no support, if anything there is an "us vs. them" mentality at this school (faculty vs. students). The professor to student ratio is probably about 40 to 1 if not greater.

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Did They Lie to You?

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - March 13, 2009
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I attend Argosy University-Orange County. When I applied I was told very clearly that if I started out in the MACP program and wanted to get my PsyD after I finished, I would be able to transfer 38 units into that program and complete my doctorate in just two more years. Now, after five hellish years trying to get out of this trap of a school, I have come to find out that it was a bold faced lie. Only nine of the units will transfer, if I am lucky, and it will be at least another four years before I would be able to finish. There is now no way financially that I will be able to get my PsyD due to the unethical practices of their admission counselors. I am wondering how many others out there have had any kind of similar experience with this school. Please be vocal about it, because the more of us that are, the more likely it is that they will have to change their practices.

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Academic Dishonesty Running Rampant

Psych - March 3, 2009
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I have been extensively plagiarized by three other students on three separate occasions. I've only been in two classes so far. The students have been allowed to remain in the class and pass the course. The assistant dean and my advisor have made a show of concern but have made it clear they are not responsible for policy. This is a master's program and a few of the students cannot even form a sentence much less make an articulate argument. Most schools have a zero tolerance policy. I guess money is more important than integrity.

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Psych - March 2, 2009
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not impressed with the overall culture at the school. There is little to no support from the administration.

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Feeling Cheated

Psych - February 9, 2009
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I wish I could give a positive review about my overall experience because I did have such a wonderful interaction with the teachers and I also enjoyed the course work. Yet, six months into my program, I have decided to withdraw because of the unethical sales practices that got me here. My admissions advisor confirmed that Argosy would accept my transfer credits because I made it very clear that I would not enroll if they didn't. Over two months later, I found out they wouldn't. In six months I have enjoyed all of my courses - I have a 3.9 GPA, but now I find that I will have to take three years of classes as if I don't have a degree already. What's worse is I now find out that both colleges are owned by the same company. In accounting we call that taking money out of your left pocket and putting it in your right. I won't say that Argosy is worthless for everyone, but I will say that they should probably take a business ethics class before they should be able to teach one. I do however intend to follow the Arbitration process. Argosy outlines in their own handbook that the arbitration clause shall remain even after you leave the school. I think all of the students who have been burned should contact the Dept. of Education.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful


DBA - January 26, 2009
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I am an accounting professor. I found the DBA program to be excellent. You have to ask around and take the right professors. I loved going down to Sarasota and meeting different accounting professors that were enrolled in the program. It is not easy you have to be really self-motivated but I found the professors helpful if you are willing to work yourself.

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DBA Program at Argosy Online

DBA - January 6, 2009
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Doing my DBA and Loving it. I am doing my DBA Program at Argosy University online, and I am enjoying every bit of it. All my Instructors are holders of PhDs and Doctoral degrees. I would certainly recommend this program to those busy professionals out there who want to go back to school to better their life. The program is pretty tough and rigorous; it is certainly not for everybody. It does not matter where one goes to school, tutors can only do so much for you, they can not open your brain and put something in there, you must work hard to get it in there. I understand that people will complain no matter what. I guess it is a human nature to do so. I would definitely recommend Argosy University to family and friends

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Awesome program

DBA - January 4, 2009
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Doing my DBA and Loving it. I am doing my DBA Program at Argosy University online, and I am enjoying every bit of it. All my Instructors are holders of PhDs and Doctoral degrees. I would certainly recommend this program to those busy professionals out there who want to go back to school to better their life. The program is pretty tough and rigorous; it is certainly not for everybody. It does not matter where one goes to school, tutor will open your brain and put something in there, you must work hard to get it in there. I understand that people will complain no matter what. I guess it is a human nature to do so. I would definitely recommend Argosy University to family and friends

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Argosy DBA Program

DBA - December 17, 2008
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I am a current Doctoral student at Argosy Online. The program is rigorous and I am pretty sure is not for everyone. My experience there is super and all my professors are all holders of PhDs and Doctoral degrees. I have nothing but positive results, and would definitely recommend the schools.

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Bangor Hawaii

DBA - December 9, 2008
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Don't Do It - Find another School

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - December 7, 2008
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This program is in no way what it is said to be. The staff and Head of the Department seem to be afraid of the Director of Training, who is severely disliked by the mass majority of the student population. Your skills are compeltely overlooked for the one time review of your abilities in a very confrontational way. I cannot recommend this program. I was lied to, never told I was doing a bad job, have a 3.95 GPA and still failed based on the one time review, who made it obvious that he had very strong feelings about my chosen theoretical orientation.

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Not Bad but has Problems

MBA - November 10, 2008
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There is no BA selection so I had to choose MBA) I am in my first semester but transferring in as a junior, taking two classes. One is Psychology and one is College Algebra. I'd rate my math teach a 10, the Psych teacher... well at leat she is not a one? I am mixed on what I think. I am taking 2 accelerated online classes because of my job I am unable to commit to on-site classes. I can say it is definatly better than my expirience with University of Phoenix (there my 2nd class we sat in a class room and went wroud the table and read out of the book... Bleh) I just hope I can get into a decent MBA program after I finish my BA.

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DBA - October 31, 2008
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I enrolled in the DBA program with a concentration in accounting. The Argosy I attended was located in Sarasota Florida. I found the program to be excellent. I met accounting professors from all over the country and learned how to research. I am trying to have one of my articles published right now. This program allowed me to keep my job as an adjunct professor of accounting and still go to school. I have three children and it was just the program I was looking for. I would highly recommend it!

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Strong Program for the Adult Learner

Educational Leadership - October 16, 2008
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Education is a very personal journey. What the student receives from the university is often dependent on how they engage in THEIR education. Argosy University (AU) provides a strong rigorous programs of learnig that allow flexibility and personalization. I personally found that the "Human side of education" was very apparent at AU that was not consistent at other land grant universities which I have attended for a BS, MA,and Ed.S. Degree. I continue to be impressed with the quality of the Educational Doctorate program and would highly recommend this program to students who are looking for flexible and personal options while engaging in a rigous educational process.

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Argosy Sarasota

Education: Instructional Leadership - October 6, 2008
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Argosy Sarasota is the best online degree programs available for the degree fields offered. Just check out the 2007 Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac where it lists Argosy Sarasota as one of the top 300 research institutions offering a doctorate degree program out of more than 3000 research universities. I had a great experience at the Sarasota campus which requires more than 50% of course work to be completed in residency. The doctorate program is not all online. To all of the naysayers in this review, I have found that they are usually the students who get out learning and education exactly what they put in to it.

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Great Experience

DBA - August 14, 2008
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My experience with Argosy (Atlanta Campus) has been great, I admit that some professor are less desirable, but overall it ranks at the top of my list. I would recommend the DBA program to other seeking a terminal degree.

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Keep your $$$$$$$

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - July 29, 2008
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I attended Argosy University Tampa Campus for two semesters. While attending I decided to change my degree track from Mental Health Counseling to School Counseling. My so called advisor informed me that she “would not let me change.” She provided me no explanation and told me if I try to drop she can “promise me that I will have to pay”. This university is the pits. If you think for yourself or question administration you will not survive. By the way my “advisor” did not lie I got an unexplained bill in the mail last week. However, I have 200 friends and family members prepared to do a protest if Argosy cannot resolve this matter. I will be at every open house warning prospective students about this cult like university.

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Finding Balance

Education: Instructional Leadership - July 11, 2008
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I looked into enrolling into Argosy. It looks like a very bad risk to me. There are soldiers who succeed in crawling through minefields and go on to win the Congressional Medal of Honor, but I don't recommend crawling through one just in hopes of getting one pinned on your chest. Online education is so new, it is caught in the larger tides of economic, social, political, and cultural forces, and it can't yet figure out what it is or which way it's going. The guys I talked with in "Admissions" (a euphemism for sales) tried the hard sell on me, and got their pelvic girdles on their shoulders when I didn't bite. They picked the wrong fish to feed that shoddy bait -- I worked professionally with felons so many years that I find con games entertaining to a point, then boring - especially second-rate con games like these guys were playing. Facts: I copied and pasted Better Business Bureau evaluations of Argosy, two of which were a grade of "D" (for the Santa Ana campus) and "Unsatisfactory" (for the online program). These guys tried every way imaginable to discredit the BBB, their results, and my ability to intellectually grasp the information without getting confused. It was at that point I began losing my patience. I also copied and pasted posts from a different forum, as a way to illustrate my concerns. One fellow tried to make believe he thought those posts were about University of Phoenix - a pariah among online schools. Con games? Nope. Just second-rate *attempts* at con games -- and I speak as an authority on that subject. The tragedy is that these two clowns would not let Argosy's good reputation for it's psych programs speak for themselves. Nope. They had to challenge the BBB and my ability to understand it. Wrong move. If $50 is not posted back to my account by 1:22 pm tomorrow afternoon, two letters are going to be mailed and faxed - one to my bank, and the other to the local prosecuting attorney. Games? I don't have time.

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Not for everyone

Education: Instructional Leadership - June 12, 2008
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It served its purpose. I have lots of experience in education (corporate world) and only wanted the M.Ed. behind my name to add some value. In my environment they care more concerned with your real life experience and knowledge gained from those practical experiences; the credentials just help to add a pretty ribbon to the package. AU served its purpose for my needs. I was in and out in less than 12 months. Truth be told, if I had the time I would have taken my GMAT scores, which were above avg., and simply persevered through a two year program. It is a business and they (the compnay (it's not a school)) are not concerned with you as a student but rather the revenue you bring in. That said all of my professors great. Something I just could not wrap my brain around was this one student I worked with on a group project who signed her name Jane Doe, Ph.D. Two problems with that....her grammar was horrible and she hadn’t yet completed the masters program we were enrolled in. How did she justify having a Ph.D. behind her name? I never asked.

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I'm not alone!

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - May 29, 2008
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I was dissapointed several times by Argosy in Florida. The first time was when APA pursuit was promised for the PsyD program and then a mass e-mail was sent stating that all in the program should jump to plan B. No phone anticipatory notice...nothing-an e-mail. The second time was after transferring into another program, submitting my final paper, and then getting an e-mail stating that I was set to fail the course because it was never recieved. Thank God I had carbon copied it. No communication on behalf of my professor! Unfortunately it is a "them" (the students) and "us" (professors/administration) mentality. I must say, the professors who were good...were outstanding and I LEARNED so much from them. The professors who were lax were lax to a T. You never knew what you were gonna get until you were immersed in the class.

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Go to another universtiy

Master's Degree in Psychology with a Counseling specialty - May 7, 2008
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Please do yourself a favor and find another school. This school is owned by Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm that provides a wide range of services worldwide to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals. ( The first question you should ask is why would a huge investment firm own a university with locations around the U.S.? If you can't guess the answer just wait until you see what you get for your money. I graduated in October, 2007, after transferring from Elmhurst College. Argosy, Schaumburg, IL, was the worst academic experience I have had. The turn over rate for teaching staff and administrators is mind boggling. Support for students is zero for advising, etc. It’s May 7, 2008 and I still don’t have my diploma! Classes are sub par and taught by graduate students from Argosy, many of which don't have teaching experience of knowledge of the subject matter. There are serious problems with placement of graduate psychology students for practicums. You also should check the APA’s accreditation and renewal for this school.

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Positive and negative

Education: Instructional Leadership - April 29, 2008
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Professors, curriculum overall outstanding! Administration and student support terrible. Change after change by staff persons with little tact displayed by some. Too expensive but a high quality curriculum in instructional leadership.

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Poor excuse for online education

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - April 23, 2008
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The only positive thing to say is that the books are great due to the fact that everything is self taught. They are quick to get you enrolled but once your in your pretty much in trouble. I got through my first session where one instructor droped off of the face of the earth and the other one has only graded 3 of my 30 assignments (note: I finished last week). If you are transferring credits from a University out of the U.S, please be careful for they will make you responsable for obtaining the transcript and having it transferred by one of their websites. It will cost a minimum of 130.00 on top of all their other fees. I'm trying to stick with this so that I don't lose any more money or waste any more time however; I'm not sure if this is the best choice. Beware of those friendly bubbly phone calls you get from the shark advisors who just want to get you in so they can make their monthly numbers. I wonder what sacs thinks about them?

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

total Ripoff - School is a Scam

Marketing - April 15, 2008
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First, let me say that I rated materials, teachers, and technology all a 5 because I really have no idea what they were like. Read below for a story about how completely un-awesome Argosy is at customer service, treating their students well, and being a well-run business in general. After all, they are a business, and you're joking yourself if you think that they aren't in the education game to make money. What a rip off. I sign up for information, and immediately start getting calls and mail pressuring me into registering. I figure it's only $50 to apply, and I was wanting to go back to school, so I apply and get accepted. Life was extremely busy at that point, and after applying I get slammed with countless emails and calls from multiple people pressuring me into registering right away. I finally concede to give 2 classes a try online, and am enrolled over the telephone by some lady. After around 3 days, I call back to un-enroll, and leave a message, since my buyers remorse let me know that there was no way I could handle going back at the time. I also call the guy who pressured me into applying, as well as some other lady who was involved in-between trying to get me student aid. When I don't get a call back in 2 days, I write emails to all of them. And then another follow up email a few days later. Again, from all three, I never get a response. I finally write a final letter to all 3, as well as to the school's general email, attach all my previous emails, my synopsis of what is going on, and send it off requesting that someone contact me. I never hear a word untill... Three months later, some guy from their billing calls my phone while I'm at work and leaves a threatening voice mail about how they are going to come after me for the debt owed. I call him back, twice, and never get a call back. Then, three months after that, I get a letter from a collections agency (RMS) that Argosy hired to go after the debt. They are, as they should be, super pushy and very "you owe this money to us and there is nothing you can do about it." I explain that I'd like to at least toalk to someone about the situation, what happened, and to see if there is a reasonable solution. At this point, they say that Argosy made very clear all their policies in their employee handbook when I registered. Then I explain I never got a handbook, it was all done over the phone quickly. Then he says, well, then I should have known to look online for the instructions to withdraw. I explain no one ever got back to me after repeated attempts. Thanks Argosy for not only helping me out when I was trying to figure out how to even log in to view my classes, but with this new debt, not allowing me to attend a real institution until I can figure this out.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

Excellent Program

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - April 13, 2008
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I am almost finished with the coursework portion. I have a lot of admiration for most of my teachers, especially my advisor (Schaumburg Campus). I have been given a lot of attention, recognition, and feedback to help my professional development. With the completion of my coursework I have more knowledge to move up the ladder in the corporate world because of my ability to research and apply critical thinking to real life issues. I would highly recommend this school. As a bonus I have made many high level friends to network with in the corporate world.

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Please be careful

Ed.D Organizational Leadership - April 8, 2008
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I am a student at Argosy University in Atlanta. I have been in the doctoral program for Education Leadership for more than 5 years. I've had more than 4 chairs to leave during the dissertation phase. So, I'm starting over with a new one. I've contacted this chair on a weekly basis since January 23, 2008. I've received one feedback response since that time. Please be careful when choosing an online university. We were told that we would be able to get administrative certification in a "few months" and that has not happened in 5 years either. I honestly believe tha tI could have done better in a state supported school or perhaps another online university. I'm too close to quit, but I really would like for others to research the programs and really check in to the quality that you are going to receive.

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Great school

Education: Instructional Leadership - April 7, 2008
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My experience at Argosy/Sarasota was both positive and typical of all of my other graduate education experiences. I had great professors who were very credible teachers and researchers. My major professor was a national officer with the AERA. My courses were demanding, substantial and useful. I would stack my dissertation/research against anyone's. I took classes on campus and through distance tutorials (i.e., 1 on 1 with a professor)and I never had any online courses. I think I had more interaction with these folks than other professors at any other time during my past education. I found the program demanding and I would say that some folks that I met never earned their degrees (i.e., because they did not complete the requirements--- just like any other program). I've never had anyone question my degree and I've work for a large school district in Texas and routinely teach for traditional univeristies and community colleges in the Houston area. Lastly, while the education was expensive, I think it was no more expensive than most universities. Doctoral level study is not cheap.

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Great program

MBA - March 17, 2008
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I just completed my MBA and I thought the program was fantastic. I am going to continue by DBA through Argosy because of the great experience.

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Clinical psych program

Doctor of Psychology - March 12, 2008
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I am enrolled in the clinical psych program at argosy. I got my MA and am almost done with the psyd. I am do not know if ppl on this site are aware of the history of how argosy was formed. Argosy was originally individual state schools of profesional psychology. ISPP, the illinois school of proffesional psych was the first profesional school of psych that existed period. Ask ppl in the field, psychologists, they will tell you that ISPP has a good reputation. during the 90's the psych schools and the u in sarasota and a medical school in mn, i think, formed together and made "agrosy unuversity" (If I messed up some small detail in describing this dont crucify me.) The PSYCHOLOGY PSYD program is in a different league then the rest of the stuff going on at argosy. The Psyd at argosy is based on a very solid and reputable program that has been around since the APA created the Psyd degree. I know a number (about 5 or 6) graduates of ISPP (argosy) who are very gainfully employed, you can do your own google search, instead of typing in argosy, type in ISPP and you wil find many gainfully employed respected psychologists. That being said, I am in the program now, and I know the ups and downs of it. we just had match day for internship a bit over a month ago, and on my campus the match rate was 96%. We only have one student now without a site and that is bec of her geographic limitation. What are the negatives of the PsyD program here? 1- It is very competitive to get practicum sites, keep in mind you need 2 or 3 of them b4 internship. 2- Argosy does not have their own counseling site. 3- Tuition is out of control I think argosy is trying to piggyback business and education programs off of the Psych programs good record, and that is not fair to us psych students who work off our tails and hear that other students are getting an easy ride from argosy.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

A tough choice, but a smart one

MBA - February 28, 2008
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There are a lot of options today in the "online" education space. Some good and some bad. The questions I struggled with was "Can I get a quality education that is delivered online?" I had started to my graduate studies at another ground school based university and just was not able to handle the workload. Having to attend class and attend group project meetings a long with the hours of studying,etc. made it almost impossible for me; at least not without making a decision to do it full-time vs part-time. So I choose Argosy from an online/convenience persepective. It is built on a quality repetation and has numerous campuses across the country. Online is a different approach to learning...and could be one not right for everyone if you expect the same things out of it as a traditional approach. It was an adjustment for me but I can say I am getting out of it what I am putting into it. I am taking this serious and feel I am learning a lot. Plus, I have had nothing but supportive experiences with the staff (my advisor is great) and faculty.

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I disagree

Education: Instructional Leadership - February 27, 2008
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I recently completed my EdD Online through Argosy University. I found the faculty to be top notch, the modules to be thought provoking and the university as a whole to be VERY supportive. My adviser was available to me when ever I had a question. I highly recommend this school. I'm sorry others have had negative experiences.

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poor choice

Radiologic Technology - February 4, 2008
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This school sucks. The amount of money you pay doesn't afford a quality education. The school doesn't support it's students one bit. I did get my degree from here and now I'm stuck looking for a job and being discounted because my transcript has Argosy on it. The instructors for the most part don't know how to teach and you spent most of you time doing independent study. I paid for a classroom education. When forced to take online cllasses the communication with instructors was next to none. If you had a concern you could never get in touch with the program officials. All I have to say is avoid this school at all cost. They just want your money.

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Very disappointing, waste of money

Radiologic Technology - January 30, 2008
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Overpriced, staffing shortages, high staff turnover, poor staff qualifications. Big problems with clinical training. Many students complete classroom work only to find that Argosy does not have a clinical site for them and therefore it is not possible for the student to complete his/her degree. When I expressed my displeasure with regard to their shortage of clinical sites I actually had a staff member ask me why I wouldn't transfer to another school. Let's see...because it would delay my graduation by at least a year?...because I would have to apply and then wait to get in and not all courses would transfer?...because i already paid Argosy a fortune and I didn't budget for having to attend two schools instead of one to complete my degree? Treat students poorly, does not have fair, impartial processes for handling grievances. The school is shell-shocked due to the large number of upset students and for this reason they immediately react to all grievances by taking the legally defensive protective stance of pointing all blame at students instead of trying to work with students to resolve legitimate concerns.

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My biggest mistake

DBA - January 23, 2008
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AU in DC has NO library to speak of. The "bookstore" is MBS direct- a TOTAL ripoff. My "instructors" were graduates themselves who couldn't find jobs and had NO teaching experience. The facilities where classes were held were run down and gross. Meanwhile, tuition was outrageous! Get ripped off for yourself and see.

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Apathetic Faculty Attitude and Overpriced

Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology - January 20, 2008
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While the Tampa curriculum and lectures are good overall the school's administration and faculty neglect of students makes this a poor choice for a Masters or Doctoral program. Faculty support of students is far below the requirements for a student's success. Many instructors have no time to counsel students seeking assistance. There are far too many student grievances filed against faculty members considering its size. Additionally, the code of ethics engenders false allegations and dismissal of too many students for such a small institution. The school is very overpriced. Advise against seeking admission.

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There are better options

DBA - December 20, 2007
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The experience was terrible, program inflexible, some professors were okay, and student support was terrible as well. It may work for some people. I am out.

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Argosy Shmargosy

Education: Instructional Leadership - December 3, 2007
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Field trips to petting zoos are more educational than any course taught at Argosy. I am transferring because I am too embarrassed to admit that I am a student here. It disgusts me that my transcripts will have Argosy on them at all. The professors are morons and the students have the brain functioning of amoebas. I honestly believe the only acceptance criteria is a pulse and available financial aid funds.

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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful

Argosy University - Instructional Leadership

Education: Instructional Leadership - November 20, 2007
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Thank you for your service. I hope it helps students to decide about their future and prepare for the online college experience.

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Comments: is not affiliated with Argosy University in any way.